陈 云:浙江绍兴人,复旦大学国际关系与公共事务学院教授。1992年和1995年于复旦大学国际政治系分别获学士、硕士学位;1998年和2001年于日本广岛大学国际合作研究科分别获硕士、博士学位。2002-2004年,在复旦大学经济学院“应用经济学博士后流动站”从事研究。
代表作:(1)Yun Chen(2009), Transition and Development in China: towards Shared Growth ,Farnham(UK): Ashgate Publishing;(2)Ken Morita and Yun Chen(2010), Transition, Regional Development and Globalization: China and Central Europe, World Scientific Publishing,New Jersey, USA;(3)陳雲・森田憲(2010)『中国の体制移行と発展の政治経済学:現代国家への挑戦』(中国的体制转型和发展:现代国家的挑战),東京:多賀出版社;(4)陳雲・森田憲(2015)『中国モデルと格差』(中国模式和收入差距),東京:多賀出版社。(5)森田憲、陳雲(2009)『中国の経済改革と資本市場』(中国的经济改革和资本市场)、東京:多賀出版社。
About Professor Chen Yun:
Born in shaoxing, zhejiang province, professor of International Relations and Public Affairs at Fudan University. She has a multidisciplinary education background. In 1992 and 1995, she obtained bachelor's and master's degrees from Department of International Politics of Fudan University. In 1998 and 2001, she obtained master's and doctor's degrees from Hiroshima University, Japan. 2002-2004, postdoctoral research station (applied Economics, School of Economics, Fudan University).
Professor Chen's research interests can be described as: comparative modernization research and transformational justice research from the perspectives of comparative politics and political economy. Her research focuses on the public policy issues in China's urbanization process and its international comparison. Such as income disparity, environmental governance, housing policy, nationalism and social trends. She is interested in China, East Asia, The United States, Germany and other countries and regions.
Representative works: (1) Yun Chen(2009), Transition and Development in China: towards Shared Growth ,Farnham(UK): Ashgate Publishing;(2) Ken Morita and Yun Chen(2010), Transition, Regional Development and Globalization: China and Central Europe, World Scientific Publishing,New Jersey, USA; (3) 陳雲・森田憲(2010)『中国の体制移行と発展の政治経済学:現代国家への挑戦』,東京:多賀出版社(Chen, Yun and Ken Morita, Political Economics of China’s Transition and Development: Challenges toward Modern Country. Taga Publishing, Tokyo, Japan);(4) 陳雲・森田憲(2015)『中国モデルと格差』,東京:多賀出社(Chen, Yun and Ken Morita, Chinese Model and Income Gap,Taga Publishing, Tokyo, Japan). (5) 森田憲、陳雲(2009)『中国の経済改革と資本市場』、東京:多賀出版社(Morita, Ken and Yun Chen, China’s Economic Reform and Capital Market, Taga Publishing, Tokyo, Japan)