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邮箱: zhangcheng@fudan.edu.cn
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主要从事拓扑电子态的量子输运、量子调控和拓扑电子器件研究,代表性工作包括发现基于外尔轨道的三维量子霍尔效应;发现准线性费米弧表面态的低耗散特性并实现二维体系最高面电导率;利用非局域输运方案实现外尔费米子的手性极化操控;利用红外磁光谱首次发现动态手性反常等。以通讯或第一作者在Nature、Nature Materials、Nature Communications等学术期刊共发表论文40余篇,受邀在Nature Reviews Physics和Science Bulletin等期刊撰写综述文章。研究成果多次入选Science、Nature Physics、Nano Today等期刊编辑推荐和研究亮点栏目,被Reviews of Modern Physics及Nature Reviews Materials等权威综述文章正面评述及引用。曾获上海市青少年科技创新市长奖、美国物理学会Iris M. Ovshinsky会议奖等奖项。
1.Topological Lifshitz transition and one-dimensional Weyl mode in HfTe5. Nature Materials 22, 84-91 (2023) (Highlight by Nature Materials 22, 408–409 (2023))
2.Magnetic-field-induced nonlinear transport in HfTe5, National Science Review 9(10), nwab208 (2022)
3.Cycling Fermi arc electrons with Weyl orbits, Nature Reviews Physics 3, 660-670 (2021)
4.The discovery of dynamic chiral anomaly in a Weyl semimetal NbAs, Nature Communications 11, 1259 (2020) (Highlight by Nature Physics 16, 374 (2020))
5.Quantum Hall effect based on Weyl orbits in Cd3As2, Nature 565, 331–336 (2019) (Highlighted by Journal Club for Condensed Matter Physics)
6.Ultrahigh conductivity in Weyl semimetal NbAs nanobelts, Nature Materials 18, 482-488 (2019) (Highlight by Nano Today 26, 6-7 (2019))
7.Towards the manipulation of topological states of matter: A perspective from electron transport, Science Bulletin 63(9), 580 (2018)
8.Evolution of Weyl orbit and quantum Hall effect in Dirac semimetal Cd3As2, Nature Communications 8, 1272 (2017)
9.Room-temperature chiral charge pumping in Dirac semimetals, Nature Communications 8, 13741 (2017) (Highlight by Science 355, 921-922 (2017) and Journal Club for Condensed Matter Physics)