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- Fractional iron solubility of aerosol particles enhanced by biomass burning and ship emission in Shanghai, East China.-Science of the Total Environment-2014-01-01-481
- Observations of linear dependence between sulfate and nitrate in atmospheric particles.-Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmospheres-2014-01-01-119
- Individual particle analysis of aerosols collected at Lhasa City in the Tibetan Plateau.-环境科学学报:英文版-2015-01-01-29
- Identification of the typical metal particles among haze, fog, and clear episodes in the Beijing atmosphere.-Science of the Total Environment-2015-01-01-511
- Effect of Formaldehyde on the Heterogeneous Reaction of Nitrogen Dioxide on gamma-Alumina.-Journal of Physical Chemistry A-2015-01-01-119
- The effects of acetaldehyde, glyoxal and acetic acid on the heterogeneous reaction of nitrogen dioxide on gamma-alumina.-Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics-2016-01-01-18
- The variation of characteristics of individual particles during the haze evolution in the urban Shanghai atmosphere.-Atmospheric Research-2016-01-01-181
- Long-range and regional transported size-resolved atmospheric aerosols during summertime in urban Shanghai.-Science of the Total Environment-2017-01-01-583
- Physiochemical characteristics of aerosol particles in the typical microenvironment of hospital in Shanghai, China.-Science of the Total Environment-2017-01-01-580