I am a Professor in School of Computer Science@Fudan University. My primary research interest lies in the area of management and analysis for big data. I received my B.A., M.S., and Ph.D. from Harbin Institute of Technology.
A3027, X2 Building, Jiangwan Campus, Fudan University, No. 2005, Road Songhu, Yangpu, Shanghai
<fudan.edu.cn, zhenying>
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Students Work with Me: https://faculty.fudan.edu.cn/hezhenying/zh_CN/zdylm/644181/list/index.htm
Recent Teachings: https://faculty.fudan.edu.cn/hezhenying/zh_CN/zhym/852994/list/index.htm
Recent Publications: https://faculty.fudan.edu.cn/hezhenying/zh_CN/zdylm/644182/list/index.htm
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Recent Events: https://faculty.fudan.edu.cn/hezhenying/zh_CN/zdylm/644180/list/index.htm