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教师拼音名称:Zhang Shicheng
2020 曾获荣誉当选: 教育部高等学校科学研究优秀成果自然科学奖,二等奖,排名第1/4
2020 曾获荣誉当选: 复旦大学校级本科生教学成果奖,二等奖,排名第1/6
当前位置 Chinese homepage >> 论文成果- [21] Lignin valorization for the production of renewable chemicals: State-of-theart review and future prospects -Bioresource Technology -2018-01-01 -269
- [22] Petrochemical wastewater and produced water -Water Environment Research -2018-01-01 -90
- [23] Production of 5-hydroxymethylfurfural from starch-rich food waste catalyzed by sulfonated biochar -Bioresource Technology -2018-01-01 -252
- [24] Microwave-assisted low-temperature hydrothermal treatment of red seaweed (Gracilaria lemaneiformis) for production of levulinic acid and algae hydrochar -Bioresource Technology -2019-01-01 -273
- [25] Molecular composition of hydrothermal liquefaction wastewater from sewage sludge and its transformation during anaerobic digestion -Journal of Hazardous Materials -2020-01-01 -383
- [26] Effects of biochar on methane emission from paddy soil: Focusing on DOM and microbial communities -Science of the Total Environment -2020-01-01 -743
- [27] N-rich hydrochar derived from organic solvent as reaction medium generates toxic N-containing mineral in its pyrochar -The Science of the total environment -2020-01-01 -729
- [28] CO as electron donor for efficient medium chain carboxylate production by chain elongation: Microbial and thermodynamic insights -Chemical Engineering Journal -2020-01-01 -390
- [29] Mine drainage: Remediation technology and resource recovery -Water Environment Research -2020-01-01 -92
- [30] Chemicals from lignocellulosic biomass: A critical comparison between biochemical, microwave and thermochemical conversion methods -Critical Reviews in Environmental Science and Technology -2021-01-01 -51
- [31] Odor and odorous chemical emissions from animal buildings: Part 3. Chemical emissions -Transactions of the ASABE -2015-01-01 -58
- [32] 张士成, 发光二极管(LED)光催化降解气相甲硫醚 -第六届全国环境催化与环境材料学术会议论文集 -2009-01-01
- [33] Micro-tunnel method of flux measurement on sample repeatability and flux predictive model -Asabe - International Symposium on Air Quality and Waste Management For Agriculture 2010 -2010-01-01
- [34] Bio-oil production from eight selected green landscaping wastes through hydrothermal liquefaction -RSC Advances -2016-01-01 -6
- [35] Thermophilic Alkaline Fermentation Followed by Mesophilic Anaerobic Digestion for Efficient Hydrogen and Methane Production from Waste-Activated Sludge: Dynamics of Bacterial Pathogens as Revealed by the Combination of Metagenomic and Quantitative PCR Analyses -Applied and Environmental Microbiology -2018-01-01 -84
- [36] Graphite oxide- and graphene oxide-supported catalysts for microwave-assisted glucose isomerisation in water -Green Chemistry -2019-01-01 -21
- [37] Photoinduced Formation of Fe(III)-Sulfato Complexes on the Surface of alpha-Fe2O3 and Their Photochemical Performance -Journal of Physical Chemistry C -2009-01-01 -113
- [38] Synthesis of small crystal zeolite beta in a biphasic H2O-CTAB-alcohol system -Materials Letters -2009-01-01 -63
- [39] 张士成, GC-O技术在气味检测领域中的应用 -恶臭污染管理与防治技术进展 -2009-01-01
- [40] Preparation of nanosized Bi2WO6 using different content of starting materials and their photoactivities -Journal of Applied Spectroscopy -2009-01-01 -76