• English

  • 复旦大学

王城 教授 博士生导师

王城(Cheng Wang),复旦⼤学经济学教授。复旦⼤学数学学⼠,加拿⼤西安⼤略⼤学 (University of Western Ontario) 经济学博⼠。曾任卡内基梅隆⼤学(Carnegie Mellon University)商学院助理教授和副教授,爱荷华州⽴⼤学(Iowa State University)经济学副教授和教授。王城教授长期探索于宏观经济学与动态合约理论 (dynamic contract theory) 两个⽅向。作为动态合约理论较早参与者之⼀,他的⼯作对这⼀经济学⽂献的发展及其在宏观经济学中的应⽤作出了贡献。王城教授最近科研兴趣在动态合约的最优终⽌理论及应⽤、内⽣经济周期、中国⾦融系统、区块链合约及⼈⼯智能经济学。

Cheng Wang is currently a professor of economics at Fudan University. He was trained in math at Fudan and then economics at the University of Western Ontario in Canada. He was a faculty member at Carnegie Mellon’s Tepper School of Business (formerly GSIA) as assistant and associate professor, and as associate and full professor at the department of economics, Iowa State University. Professor Wang’s academic work contributes to macroeconomics and the theory of dynamic contracting. His current research explores ideas related to optimal termination in dynamic contracts, endogenous cycles, China’s financial system, blockchain and smart contracting, and the economics of AI.
