- A neurual dynamic model based on activation diffusion and a micro-explanation for cognitive operations.-Proceedings of the 10Th IEEE International Conference on Cognitive Informatics and Cognitive Computing, Icci*Cc 2011-2011-01-01
- Soaking with uncertainty for problem solving.-Proceedings of the International Conference on Uncertainty Reasoning and Knowledge Engineering, Urke 2011-2011-01-01-1
- A MATHEMATICAL MODEL OF A RETINA GANGLION CELL' RESPONSE TO CONTRAST EDGES.-Ncta 2011: Proceedings of the International Conference on Neural Computation Theory and Applications-2011-01-01
- Main retina information processing pathways modeling.-International Journal of Cognitive Informatics and Natural Intelligence-2011-01-01-5
- A Scale-Changeable Image Analysis Method.-ENGINEERING APPLICATIONS OF NEURAL NETWORKS, PT I-2011-01-01-363 AICT
- A Group-decision Making Model of Orientation Detection.-2012 INTERNATIONAL JOINT CONFERENCE ON NEURAL NETWORKS (IJCNN)-2012-01-01
- An Image Representation Method Based on Retina Mechanism for the Promotion of SIFT and Segmentation.-NEURAL INFORMATION PROCESSING, ICONIP 2012, PT V-2012-01-01-7667 LNCS
- An Orientation Detection Model Based on Fitting from Multiple Local Hypotheses.-NEURAL INFORMATION PROCESSING, ICONIP 2012, PT II-2012-01-01-7664 LNCS
- Compact Image Representation Model Based on Both nCRF and Reverse Control Mechanisms.-IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems-2012-01-01-23
- A neural dynamic model based on activation diffusion and a micro-explanation for cognitive operations.-International Journal of Cognitive Informatics and Natural Intelligence-2012-01-01-6