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[50] Dual Skipping Networks -Proceedings of the IEEE Computer Society Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition -2018-01-01
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[52] Low-Rank and Locality Constrained Self-Attention for Sequence Modeling -IEEE-ACM Transactions on Audio Speech and Language Processing -2019-01-01 -27
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[54] Embodied one-shot video recognition: Learning from actions of a virtual embodied agent -MM 2019 - PROCEEDINGS OF THE 27TH ACM INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON MULTIMEDIA -2019-01-01
[55] MEAL: Multi-Model Ensemble via Adversarial Learning -Thirty-Third Aaai Conference on Artificial Intelligence / Thirty-First Innovative Applications of Artificial Intelligence Conference / Ninth Aaai Symposium on Educational Advances in Artificial Intelligence -2019-01-01
[56] SSF-DAN: Separated semantic feature based domain adaptation network for semantic segmentation -PROCEEDINGS OF THE IEEE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON COMPUTER VISION -2019-01-01 -2019-October
[57] A Multi-Task Neural Approach for Emotion Attribution, Classification, and Summarization -IEEE Transactions on Multimedia -2020-01-01 -22
[58] Visual Evaluation for Autonomous Driving -IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics -2022-01-01 -28
[59] Raven’s progressive matrices completion with latent gaussian process priors -35th AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence, AAAI 2021 -2021-01-01 -11A
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