- Niche product retrieval in Top-N recommendation.-PROCEEDINGS - 2010 IEEE/WIC/ACM INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON WEB INTELLIGENCE, WI 2010-2010-01-01-1
- Novelty and Diversity in Top-N Recommendation - Analysis and Evaluation.-ACM Transactions on Internet Technology-2011-01-01-10
- A Double-Ranking Strategy for Long-Tail Product Recommendation.-2012 IEEE/Wic/Acm International Conference on Web Intelligence and Intelligent Agent Technology (Wi-Iat 2012), Vol 1-2012-01-01
- Addressing Cold Start in Recommender Systems: A Semi-supervised Co-training Algorithm.-SIGIR'14: PROCEEDINGS OF THE 37TH INTERNATIONAL ACM SIGIR CONFERENCE ON RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT IN INFORMATION RETRIEVAL-2014-01-01
- BayDNN: Friend Recommendation with Bayesian Personalized Ranking Deep Neural Network.-CIKM'17: PROCEEDINGS OF THE 2017 ACM CONFERENCE ON INFORMATION AND KNOWLEDGE MANAGEMENT-2017-01-01-Part F131841
- Geographical Feature Extraction for Entities in Location-based Social Networks.-Web Conference 2018: Proceedings of the World Wide Web Conference (Www2018)-2018-01-01
- Modeling extreme events in time series prediction.-Kdd'19: Proceedings of the 25Th Acm Sigkdd International Conferencce on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining-2019-01-01