- 业务流程管理与ERP的关系.-石油石化物资采购-2009-01-01
- Role-activity diagrams modeling based on workflow mining.-2009 Wri World Congress on Computer Science and Information Engineering, Csie 2009-2009-01-01-4
- Research-based Teaching in Artificial Intelligence Course.-Iccsse 2009: Proceedings of 2009 4Th International Conference on Computer Science and Education-2009-01-01
- Integration Middleware for Mobile Supply Chain Management.-Proceedings of International Symposium on Computer Science and Computational Technology (Iscsct 2009)-2009-01-01
- The relationship of business intelligence and knowledge management.-Icime 2010 - 2010 2Nd IEEE International Conference on Information Management and Engineering-2010-01-01-5
- 电子商务还需迈过部门利益的槛.-石油石化物资采购-2010-01-01
- T型人才培养模式在商务智能课程中的应用.-计算机教育-2010-01-01
- 基于离群点挖掘的RFID冷链温控研究.-计算机系统应用-2010-01-01-19
- 流程变革引发的问题.-石油石化物资采购-2010-01-01
- RFID数据挖掘的发展.-石油石化物资采购-2010-01-01