- 基于产学结合的商务智能精品课程建设.-计算机教育-2013-01-01
- 面向企业需求的商务智能课程实验设计.-计算机教育-2013-01-01
- Outlier Detection in Cold-chain Logistics Temperature Monitoring.-Elektronika Ir Elektrotechnika-2013-01-01-19
- Role identification based on the information dependency complexity.-Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics)-2013-01-01-8347 LNAI
- Process Mining from the Organizational Perspective.-FOUNDATIONS OF INTELLIGENT SYSTEMS (ISKE 2013)-2014-01-01-277
- 流程挖掘在流程优化中的应用.-计算机集成制造系统-2014-01-01-20
- Application of process mining in process optimization.-Jisuanji Jicheng Zhizao Xitong/Computer Integrated Manufacturing Systems, CIMS-2014-01-01-20
- Simplified Process Model Discovery Based on Role-Oriented Genetic Mining.-Scientific World Journal-2014-01-01-2014
- 设计思维在商务智能实验教学中的应用.-计算机教育-2014-01-01
- The Optimization of Resource Allocation Based on Process Mining.-ADVANCED INTELLIGENT COMPUTING THEORIES AND APPLICATIONS, ICIC 2015, PT III-2015-01-01-9227