Research Projects
国家自然科学基金 Grant No.62274039:二维光控介电润湿器件与智能系统研究 (2023-2026)。NSF (Grant No.62274039):Study of 2D Optical Electrowetting on Dielectric Device & Intelligent System.
国家自然科学基金 Grant No.61874033:基于EWOD的单片集成多体积数字PCR研究 (2019-2022)。NSF (Grant No.61874033):Study on EWOD-based Monolithic MV-dPCR.
上海市自然科学基金 Grant No. 18ZR1402600: 基于EWOD的单芯片数字PCR (2018-2020)。Science Foundation of Shanghai Municipal Government (Grant NO.18ZR1402600): EWOD-based Monolithic dPCR
国家自然科学基金 Grant No. 61176110: 单片集成的数字微流控电化学传感器研究 (2012-2015)。NSF (Grant No. 61176110): Study on Monolithic biosensor with electrochemical sensing and digital microfluidics (2012-2015).
国家自然科学基金(60876085): 基于微悬臂梁的集成微电极电化学免疫传感器研究(2009-2011)。NSF (Grant No. 61176110): Study on Electrochemical Immunosensors Based on Integrated Microcantilever Electrodes.
十一五重大专项(2008ZX100 03 003):结核病药敏及快速诊断技术的研究(2008-2010)。China’s Mega-projects of Science Research for the 11th Five-Year Plan(Grant No.2008ZX100 03 003): Research on Technology of Antimicrobial susceptibility and Rapid diagnosis for tuberculosis (2008-2010).
上海市自然科学基金(05ZR14015):集成电极的MEMS电化学免疫传感器研究(2006-2007)。Science Foundation of Shanghai Municipal Government (Grant NO.05ZR14015): Study on Electrochemical Immunosensors Based on Integrated MEMS Electrodes.
国家863项目(2004AA404253): 肝纤维化标志物检测微系统研究(2004-2005)。National High Technology Research and Development Program of China (863 Program) (Grant No. 2004AA404253): Microsystem for detection of biomarkers of liver fibrosis (2004-2005).
国家自然科学基金(60476032): 超高灵敏度光致应变微梁——纳米膜气敏传感器研究(2005-2007)。NSF (Grant No. 60476032): Study on gas sensors with extra high sensitivity based on microbeams with photoinduced-bending and nano membranes(2005-2007).
Selected Publication
Qing Wang, Shuhan Chen, Jia Zhou* and Antoine Riaud. Field-hybridization acoustic tweezers. PHYS. REV. APPLIED 23, 014049 (2025).
Gao, Shang; Zheng, Hanyun; Liu, Enqing; Tian, Junyan; Zhou, Jia*; Controllable DropletSplitting with Parallel-Plate Optoelectrowetting Chips, Langmuir, 2025, 41(1): 1-5.
gao-et-al-2025-controllable-droplet-splitting-with-parallel-plate-optoelectrowetting-chips (1)
Enqing Liu, Cui Wang, Lin Du, Siyuan Li, Antoine Riaud, Jia Zhou*. AI-powered modular and general-purpose droplet processing system based on single-sided continuous optoelectrowetting chip. Sensors & Actuators: B. Chemical 420 (2024 ) 136445.
Siying Lin, Antoine Riaud,* and Jia Zhou*. Selective Sparse Sampling of Water Droplets in Oil with AcousticTweezers. ACS Sens. 2024, 9, 2066−2074.
Shang Gao , Xichuan Rui, Xiangyu Zeng and Jia Zhou* . EWOD Chip with Micro-Barrier Electrode for Simultaneous Enhanced Mixing during Transportation.
Youcao Ma , Jian Song, Yuyao Zhao, Kiyotaka Tanaka, Shijunbo Wu, Chao Dong, Xubo Wang, Isaku Kanno, Jun Ouyang, Jia Zhou * and Yue Liu. Excellent Uniformity and Properties of Micro-Meter Thick Lead Zirconate Titanate Coatings with Rapid Thermal Annealing. Materials 2023, 16, 3185.
Mayoucao materials-16-03185
Shuhan Chen , Qing Wang, Qi Wang, Jia Zhou * and Antoine Riaud. Numerical Simulation of the Radiation Force from Transient Acoustic FieldsApplication to Laser-Guided Acoustic Tweezers. PHYS. REV. APPLIED 19, 054057 (2023).
Chenshuhan PhysRevApplied.19.054057
Qi Wang, Zhe Ding, Gary Wong, Jia Zhou * and Antoine Riaud. Skipping the Boundary Layer: High-Speed Droplet-Based Immunoassay Using Rayleigh Acoustic Streaming. Anal. Chem. 2023, 95, 6253−6260.
wang qi-skipping-the-boundary-layer-high-speed-droplet-based-immunoassay-using-rayleigh-acoustic-streaming
Qing Wang, Jia Zhou *, Xiaohan Wu and Antoine Riaud *. Optimization of the synthesis conditions of gold nanoparticle–polydimethylsiloxane composites for ultrasound generation. Mater. Adv., 2022, 3, 2850.
Materials Advances_Optimization of the synthesis conditions of gold nanoparticle–polydimethylsiloxane composites for ultrasound generation
Siying Lin, Lingjing Mao, Jiaxu Ying, Nicolas Berthet, Jia Zhou* , Antoine Riaud. Generation of double emulsions from commercial single‑emulsion microfluidic chips: a quality-control study. Microfluidics and Nanofluidics (2022) 26: 71.
LSY-Generation of double emulsions from commercial single‑emulsion
Enqing Liu, Cui Wang, Hanyun Zheng, Shuren Song, Antoine Riaud*, Jia Zhou*. Two-dimensional manipulation of droplets on a single-sided continuous optoelectrowetting digital microfluidic chip. Sensors & Actuators: B. Chemical 368 (2022) 132231.
enqing SNB
Shuren Song, Jia Zhou*, Antonino Marcianó, and Antoine Riaud. Contactless generation and trapping of hydrodynamic knots in sessile droplets by acoustic screw dislocations. Phys. Fluids 34, 064101 (2022).
Contactless generation and trapping
Shuren Song, Jia Zhou*, and Antoine Riaud. Effect of viscosity on surface acoustic wave driven collective particle dynamics in sessile droplets: Cloud, cavities, and aggregates. Phys. Fluids 34, 083604 (2022).
Effect of viscosity on surface acoustic wave
Qi Wang, Shuren Song, Wei Wang, Jia Zhou*, and Antoine Riaud. On the Dynamic Stability of Gold Electrodes Exposed to Alternative Voltages in Microfluidic Systems. J. Electrochem. Soc. 169 031504.
Qing Wang, Antoine Riaud, Jia Zhou, Zhixiong Gong, and Michael Baudoin. Acoustic Radiation Force on Small Spheres Due to Transient Acoustic Fields. PHYSICAL REVIEW APPLIED 15, 044034 (2021).
acoustic radiation force on small spheres due to transient acoustic fields
Youcao Ma, Jian Song, Xubo Wang, Yue Liu,* and Jia Zhou*. Synthesis, Microstructure and Properties of Magnetron Sputtered Lead Zirconate Titanate (PZT) Thin Film Coatings. Coatings 2021, 11, 944.
Wei Wang, Qi Wang, Jia Zhou*, & Antoine Riaud*. Observation of contact angle hysteresis due to inhomogeneous electric fields. Communications Physics (2021) 4:197.
Xu-Bo Wang , Le-Ming He , You-Cao Ma, Wen-Juan Liu, Wei-Jiang Xu , Jun-Yan Ren, Antoine Riaud and Jia Zhou*. Development of Broadband High-Frequency Piezoelectric Micromachined Ultrasonic Transducer Array. Sensors 2021, 21, 1823.
Xichuan Rui, Shuren Song, Wei Wang, andJia Zhou*. Applications of electrowetting-on-dielectric (EWOD) technology for droplet digital PCR. Biomicrofluidics 14, 061503 (2020); doi: 10.1063/5.0021177.
Wei Wang , Xichuan Rui , Wenjie Sheng , Qing Wang , Qi Wang , Kaidi Zhang , Antoine Riaud *, and Jia Zhou*. An asymmetric electrode for directional droplet motion on digital microfluidic platforms. Sensors and Actuators: B. Chemical. 324 (2020) 128763.
assymetric electrode
Kaidi Zhang, Wei Wang, Chunqiao Li, Antoine Riaud and Jia Zhou*. 2D large-scale EWOD devices with honeycomb electrodes for multiplexed multidirectional driving of micro-droplets.AIP ADVANCES. Vol. 10, No. 5: 055227. DOI: 10.1063/5.0008071.
AIP advances
Lin Du, Huan Liu, and Jia Zhou*. Picoliter droplet array based on bioinspired microholes for in situ single-cell analysis. MICROSYSTEMS & NANOENGINEERING. Vol: 6, No: 1: 33. DOI: 10.1038/s41378-020-0138-2.
Lin Du, Antoine Riaud, and Jia Zhou*. Smearing Observation of Picoliter Droplets Pinning on Bio-Inspired Negative Lotus Leaf Replicas. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON NANOTECHNOLOGY, Volume 19, 2020:102-106.
Wei Wang, Qi Wang, Kaidi Zhang, Xubo Wang, Antoine Riaud, and Jia Zhou*. On-demand contact line pinning during droplet evaporation. SENSORS AND ACTUATORS B-CHEMICAL. Vol. 312: 127983. DOI: 10.1016/j.snb.2020.127983.
On-demand contact line pinning during droplet evaporation
Wei Wang, Xiumin Ji, Zhi Zeng, Kaidi Zhang and Jia Zhou*. Printed Circuit Board-Based Electrolyte Regulator for Laminar Microfluidics. ANALYTICAL LETTERS. Vol. 52, No. 9: 1500-1508. DOI: 10.1080/00032719.2018.1548623.
Printed Circuit Board-Based Electrolyte Regulator
Hong Liu, Qi Wang, Wenjie Sheng, Xubo Wang, Kaidi Zhang, Lin Du and Jia Zhou*. Humidity Sensors with Shielding Electrode Under Interdigitated Electrode. Sensors 2019, 19, 659; doi:10.3390/s19030659.
Wei Wang, Zhi Zeng, Wei Xu, Wenming Wu*, Wenfeng Liang and Jia Zhou*. A Diffusion-Based pH Regulator in Laminar Flows with Smartphone-Based Colorimetric Analysis. Micromachines 2018, 9, 616; doi:10.3390/mi9120616.
micromachines-09-00616 new
Yangyang Jiang, Lin Du, Yuanming Li, Quanquan Mu, Zhongxu Cui, Jia Zhou and Wenming Wu*. A novel mechanism for user-friendly and self-activated microdroplet generation capable of programmable control. Analyst 2018: DOI: 10.1039/c8an00035b.
Kaidi Zhang, Lei Chao and Jia Zhou*. Biocompatible/Biodegradable Electrowetting on Dielectric Microfluidic Chips with Fluorinated CTA/PLGA. Materials 2018, 11, 1332; doi:10.3390/ma11081332.
Chunqiao Li, Kaidi Zhang, Xubo Wang, Jian Zhang, Hong Liu, Jia Zhou*. Feedback control system for large scale 2D digital microfluidic platforms. Sensors and Actuators B 255 (2018) 3616–3622.
Feedback control system for large scale 2D digital microfluidic
Chunqiao Li , Wei Wang, Lei Chao, Xiumin Ji, and Jia Zhou*. Detection of Faults and Barriers on Automated Large-Scale 2-D EWOD Digital Microfluidics. JOURNAL OF MICROELECTROMECHANICAL SYSTEMS. DOI: 10.1109/JMEMS.2017.2764139.
Detection of Faults and Barriers on Automated Large-Scale 2-D EWOD Digital Microfluidics
Lei Chao, Zhi Zeng, Kaidi Zhang, Jia Zhou*. Application of CTA Mixed with PLGA as Biocompatible/Biodegradable Dielectrics in EWOD Devices. IEEE Transactions on Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation, Vol. 24, Issue 5, pp. 3132-3137.
Application of CTA Mixed with PLGA as
Wei Wang, Jianfeng Chen, and Jia Zhou*. An electrode design for droplet dispensing with accurate volume in electro-wetting based microfluidics. Applied Physics Letters 108, 243701 (2016); doi: 10.1063/1.4954195.
APL-An electrode design for droplet dispensing with accurate volume in electro-wetting based microfluidics
Zhi Zeng, Kaidi Zhang, Wei Wang, Weijiang Xu, and Jia Zhou*. Portable Electrowetting Digital Microfluidics Analysis Platform for Chemiluminescence Sensing. IEEE SENSORS JOURNAL, VOL. 16, NO. 11, (2016): 4531-4536.
IEEE Sensor-Portable Electrowetting Digital Microfluidics
Yuhua Yu, Jianfeng Chen and Jia Zhou*. Parallel-plate lab-on-a-chip based on digital microfluidics for on-chip electrochemical analysis. J. Micromech. Microeng. 24 (2014) 015020 doi:10.1088/0960-1317/24/1/015020.
JMM-Parallel-plate lab-on-a-chip
Jianfeng Chen, Yuhua Yu, Kaidi Zhang, Chuanyong Wu, Ai Qun Liu, Jia Zhou*. Study of cyanoethyl pullulan as insulator for electrowetting. Sensors and Actuators B 199 (2014) 183–189.
SNB-Study of cyanoethyl pullulan
Xiangyu Zeng, Kaidi Zhang, Guowei Tao, Zhi Zeng, Shih-Kang Fan, and Jia Zhou*. Recoverable electrowetting-on-dielectric device in chemiluminescence enzymatic detector. Japanese Journal of Applied Physics 53, 060304 (2014).
Yuhua Yu, Jianfeng Chen, Jian Li, Sheng Yang, Shih-Kang Fan and Jia Zhou*. Microfabrication of a digital microfluidic platform integrated with an on-chip electrochemical cell. J. Micromech. Microeng. 23 (2013) 095025.
JMM-Microfabrication of a digital microfluidic
Xiangyu Zeng, Kaidi Zhang, Jian Pan, Guoping Chen, Ai-Qun Liu , Shih-Kang Fan and Jia Zhou*. CHEMILUMINESCENCE DETECTOR BASED ON SINGLE PLANAR TRANSPARENT DIGITAL MICROFLUIDIC DEVICE. Lab Chip, 2013, 13 (14), 2714 – 2720.
LOC-Chemiluminescence detector
Jianfeng Chen, Yuhua Yu, Jia Li, Yongjun Lai, and Jia Zhou*. Size-variable droplet actuation by interdigitated electrowetting electrode. Appl. Phys. Lett. 101, 234102 (2012).
APL-Size-variable droplet actuation
Haifen Xie, Changhao Sheng, Xin Chen, Xingyan Wang, Zhi Li , Jia Zhou*. Multi-wall carbon nanotube gas sensors modified with amino-group to detect low concentration of formaldehyde. Sensors and Actuators B 168 (2012) 34– 38.
Multi-wall carbon nanotube gas sensors modified with amino-group to detect
Jia Zhou*, S. Yang, X.Y. Zeng, J.H. Wu, G.P. Chen, Y.P. Huang. Superhydrophobic ZnO for EWOD Digital Microfluidic Device for Application in Micro Total Analysis System (μ-TAS). J. Adhesion Sci. Tech. (2011) DOI:10.1163/156856111X600451.
Hong, H-H, Jia Zhou, Huang Y-P, Kong, J-L. Impedimetric immunosensor with on-chip integrated electrodes for high-throughput screening of liver fibrosis markers. JOURNAL OF ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY 63 (2008) 492-498.
GuoYulin, Jia Zhou*, Huang Yiping. Modeling of photoinduced deformation in silicon microcantilevers. SENSORS 7 (2007) 1713-1719.
Hong, H-H, Zhou J*, Huang Y-P, Kong, J-L. A novel multichannel immunosensor for determination of serum hepatic fibrosis markers. SENSORS AND MATERIALS 18 (2006) 445-456.
Lei Zeng, Chu-tian Zhang, Wei-ning Huang, Jia Zhou, Quan Liu, Yi-ping Huang. A novel fiber optic biosensorfor on-line monitoring of cell cultivation. Sensors and Materials, Vol. 17, No. 4 (2005), 211-217.
Junjun Wang, Jia Zhou, Yiping Huang, Thomas Gessner. The Effect of DC Bias on the Resonant Frequency of PZT Micro-sensor. INTEGRATED FERROELECTRICS 76 (2005) 39-46.
Jia Zhou, Mario Baum, Ralf Schmiedel, Yiping Huang, Gang Ruan, Thomas Gessner. Harmonic Analysis of Microbeams with PZT On-Chip Actuating and Sensing. INTEGRATED FERROELECTRICS 2004, Vol.63: 521-525.
Honghu Huang, Jia Zhou, Shengyu Chen, Lei Zeng, Yiping Huang. A highly sensitive QCM sensor coated with Ag+-ZSM-5 film for medical diagnosis. Sensors and Actuators B 101 (2004) 316–321.
Jia Zhou, Po Li, Song Zhang,Feng Zhou, Yiping Huang, Pengyuan Yang, Minhang Bao. Zeolite-modified Microcantilever Gas Sensor for Indoor Air Quality Control. Sensors and Actuators B 94 (2003) 337-342.
Jia Zhou, Po Li, Song Zhang, Yingcai Long, Yiping Huang, Pengyuan Yang, Minhang Bao, Gang Ruan. Self-Excited Piezoelectric Microcantilever for Gas Detection. Microelectronic Engineering 69 (2003) 37-46.