- A Two-Stage Neural Network for Sleep Stage Classification Based on Feature Learning, Sequence Learning and Data Augmentation.-IEEE Access-2019-01-01-7
- Towards a Hybrid Expert System Based on Sleep Event's Threshold Dependencies for Automated Personalized Sleep Staging by Combining Symbolic Fusion and Differential Evolution Algorithm.-IEEE Access-2019-01-01-7
- An Unobtrusive and Non-Contact Method for Respiratory Measurement With Respiratory Region Detecting Algorithm Based on Depth Images.-IEEE Access-2019-01-01-7
- A Novel Cardiac Auscultation Monitoring System Based on Wireless Sensing for Healthcare.-IEEE Journal of Translational Engineering in Health and Medicine-JTEHM-2018-01-01-6
- Stroke Patients' Acceptance of a Smart Garment for Supporting Upper Extremity Rehabilitation.-IEEE Journal of Translational Engineering in Health and Medicine-JTEHM-2018-01-01-6
- Evaluation of the effects of mozart music on cerebral hemodynamics in preterm infants.-Biocas 2019 - Biomedical Circuits and Systems Conference, Proceedings-2019-01-01
- Transfer Component Analysis to Reduce Individual Difference of EEG Characteristics for Automated Seizure Detection.-Biocas 2019 - Biomedical Circuits and Systems Conference, Proceedings-2019-01-01
- A multichannel reconfigurable EEG acquisition system design with felt-based soft material electrodes.-I2Mtc 2018 - 2018 IEEE International Instrumentation and Measurement Technology Conference: Discovering New Horizons in Instrumentation and Measurement, Proceedings-2018-01-01
- Markerless gait analysis based on a single RGB camera.-2018 IEEE 15TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON WEARABLE AND IMPLANTABLE BODY SENSOR NETWORKS, BSN 2018-2018-01-01-2018-January
- Characterization of a novel carbonized foam electrode for wearable bio-potential recording.-2018 IEEE 15TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON WEARABLE AND IMPLANTABLE BODY SENSOR NETWORKS, BSN 2018-2018-01-01-2018-January