Invited talks in 2025
Seminar talk "On the Noether type inequality for algebraic threefolds", Feb 19th, 2025, National University of Singapore
Lectures: Explicit birational geometry of algebraic threefolds. KAIST, South Korea. Oct 1, 2014.
Algebraic Geometry Seminar: On projective varieties with very large canonical volume. The University of Tokyo, Japan. Oct. 27, 2014.
Hong Kong Geometry Colloquium: Projective 4-folds with large canonical volume. Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Hong Kong. Feb. 14, 2015.
AG Workshop: On projective 4-folds with very large canonical volume. AMSS, CAS. Mar. 28, 2015.
Complex Geometry Workshop: On projective varieties with large birational invariants. Hong Kong University, July 20-July 22, 2015.
AG Workshop: Canonical stability index of projective varieties with large invariants, Jilin University, Aug 10-Aug 12, 2015.
Workshop: On effective method in calculating birational invariants of smooth projective 3-folds of general type. 清华三亚数学论坛,2015年9月1日
Workshop: On nonsingular projective 3-folds of general type whose geometric genus is 4. USTC, Hefei. Sept 6, 2015.
Seminar: On minimal 3-folds of general type with maximal pluricanonical section index. Beijing Algebraic Geometry Colloquium. June 11th, 2016.
Workshop: On minimal 3-folds of general type with maximal pluricanonical section index. Workshop in Jeju Island(济州岛), Dec. 13, 2016.
Workshop: A Noether inequality for algebraic threefolds. Sanya, Dec. 20, 2016.
Conference: On minimal 3-folds of general type with the geometric genus 1,2 or 3. Singapore, Janu 13, 2017.
Seminar: On minimal 3-folds of general type which are fibred by (1,2)-surfaces. Nagoya University, Nov 8th, 2017.
Workshop: The explicit aspect of pluricanonical maps of projective varieties (1)-(3). Xiamen University, Jan 19th–21th, 2018.
Seminar: An introduction to the geography of algebraic 3-folds. BICMR, Peking U, April 13th, 2018.
Seminar: Explicit birational geometry inspired by pluricanonical maps on projective varieties. YSMC, Tsinghua University, May 18, 2018.
Seminar: Explicit birational geometry of algebraic 3-folds of general type. Genova University, Sept 4, 2018.
Cetraro Conference: The Noether inequality for algebraic threefolds. Sept 8, 2018.
Seminar: The Noether inequality for 3-folds with the geometric genus less than 21, KAIST, Jan 25, 2019.
2022.02.24, On explicit birational geometry of higher dimensional varieties, AG Seminar, Tsinghua University
2022.04.15, On explicit birational geometry of higher dimensional varieties, AG Seminar, Taiwan University
2022.06.04, 高维代数簇的精细分类问题:现状及展望, 华北理工大学
2022.08.02, On explicit birational geometry for varieties of general type, ICCM2022, Plenary
2022.09.15,Minimal varieties growing from quasismooth weighted hypersurfaces, Imperil College London, conference talk
2022.10.15, Minimal varieties growing from quasismooth weighted hypersurfaces, 东南大学,代数学会议报告
2022.11.23,The volume function and the canonical stability function for high dimensional varieties, 南方科技大学
2022.11.24,The volume function and the canonical stability function for high dimensional varieties, 浙江工业大学
2022.11.26,Varieties of general type with many global k-forms, 苏州大学代数几何会议报告
2023.05.28, The minimal volume conjecture for algebraic threefolds and related classifications, Conference of Algebraic Geometry in Tongji University
2023.07.10, The minimal volume conjecture for algebraic threefolds and related classifications, 大连理工大学代数几何会议报告
2023.07.12, The minimal volume conjecture for algebraic threefolds and related classifications, ICBS Satellite Conference on Algebraic and Arithmetic Geometry
2023.08.23, Varieties of general type with many global k-forms, National University of Singapore, International Conference on Algebraic Geometry
2023.09.20, The minimal volume conjecture for algebraic threefolds and related classifications, Cetraro, Italy, International Conference on Algebraic Geometry
2023.10.14, A lifting principle for canonical stability indices of varieties of general type, 湖南师范大学表示论及相关领域学术会议报告
2023.10.27, A lifting principle for canonical stability indices of varieties of general type, Conference talk at Simons Foundation in New York City, USA
2023.10.31, The minimal volume conjecture for algebraic threefolds and related classifications, Seminar talk at Princeton University, USA
2023.11.02, The minimal volume conjecture for algebraic threefolds and related advance, Seminar talk at Boston College, USA
2024.01.02, Some new advance on birational geometry of higher dimensional varieties, Plenary talk at 2023 ICCM.
2024.03.22-03.23,一般型代数簇的体积与模空间分布,天元东南中心(厦门大学)Colloquium & 集美大学数理学院学术报告