徐凡,复旦大学教授、博导,国家杰出青年科学基金获得者,复旦大学智能机器人与先进制造创新学院人才培养中心副主任,复旦大学力学与工程仿真研究所主任,复旦大学基础研究发展中心委员。主要从事薄膜力学、表界面力学、软物质与柔性结构力学、智能材料力学研究。发表学术论文70余篇,其中第一/通讯作者SCI论文60余篇,包括Nature Computational Science (封面文章)、PRL (封面文章, Editors' Suggestion)、Nature Biomedical Engineering、JMPS、Nano Lett. (封面文章)、PRSA (封面文章)、CMAME、AFM、Angew、Science Bulletin等。研究成果2次被Nature、4次被Nature子刊、2次被美国物理学会以“研究亮点”、“Focus”等专题评述,被央视《新闻联播》、《焦点访谈》、《朝闻天下》、《人民日报》等媒体报道。获首届钱学森杰出青年奖、上海市自然科学二等奖(第一完成人,1/2)、国家自然科学基金优秀青年基金、上海市“曙光学者”、“青年科技启明星”。任中国力学学会青年工作委员会委员、中国力学学会软物质力学、微纳米力学工作组组员、中国振动工程学会理事、上海市力学学会常务理事、《力学进展》、《力学与实践》青年编委、《力学季刊》副主编等。
- 所在单位:航空航天系
- 学位:博士学位
- 职称:教授
- 在职信息:在职
- 毕业院校:法国洛林大学
- 暂无内容
- 固体力学
- 流体力学
- [1] Wrinkling of twisted thin films -International Journal of Solids and Structures -2023-01-01 -262-263
- [2] Competition between Sliding and Peeling of Graphene Nanoribbons under Horizontal Drag -Materials -2022-01-01 -15
- [3] Competition between Mullins and curvature effects in the wrinkling of stretched soft shells -International Journal of Solids and Structures -2022-01-01 -241
- [4] An asymptotic modeling and resolution framework for morphology evolutions of multiple-period post-buckling modes in bilayers -Mathematics and Mechanics of Solids -2022-01-01 -27
- [5] A consistent finite-strain plate model for wrinkling of stretched anisotropic hyperelastic films -Thin-Walled Structures -2022-01-01 -179
- [6] 基于共旋坐标的三维硬磁杆模型 -ACTA MECHANICA SINICA -2022-01-01 -38
- [7] Polarization-Dependent Ultrasensitive Dynamic Wrinkling on Floating Films Induced by Photo-Orientation of Azopolymer -Angewandte Chemie-International Edition -2022-01-01 -61
- [8] Stretchable and ultrasensitive strain sensor based on a bilayer wrinkle-microcracking mechanism -Chemical Engineering Journal -2022-01-01 -437
- [9] Ultrafast dynamic response of waterproof stretchable strain sensors based on wrinkle-templated microcracking -Journal of Materials Chemistry A -2022-01-01 -10
- [10] 徐凡, 硬磁软曲梁大变形力学模型 -科学通报 -2022-01-01
- [11] CELLULAR INSTABILITIES ANALYZED BY MULTI-SCALE FOURIER SERIES: A REVIEW -Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems-Series S -2016-01-01 -9
- [12] Functionalized helical fibre bundles of carbon nanotubes as electrochemical sensors for long-term in vivo monitoring of multiple disease biomarkers -Nature Biomedical Engineering -2020-01-01 -4
- [13] Buckling of an elastic layer based on implicit constitution: Incremental theory and numerical framework -International Journal of Engineering Science -2021-01-01 -169
- [14] Intricate evolutions of multiple-period post-buckling patterns in bilayers -Science China: Physics, Mechanics and Astronomy -2021-01-01 -64
- [15] 徐凡, 曲面薄膜结构褶皱失稳力学 -力学进展 -2021-01-01 -51
- [16] Foreword to the Special Issue on instability and bifurcation in materials and structures -International Journal of Non-Linear Mechanics -2021-01-01 -129
- [17] Oblique wrinkling patterns on liquid crystal polymer core-shell cylinders under thermal load -International Journal of Solids and Structures -2021-01-01 -208;208-209
- [18] A multi-scale modeling framework for instabilities of film/substrate systems -Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids -2016-01-01 -86
- [19] On the buckling and post-buckling of core-shell cylinders under thermal loading -International Journal of Solids and Structures -2017-01-01 -126-127
- [20] Snap-through instabilities of pressurized balloons: Pear-shaped bifurcation and localized bulging -International Journal of Non-Linear Mechanics -2018-01-01 -98
- [21] Orientable wrinkles in stretched orthotropic films -Extreme Mechanics Letters -2019-01-01 -33
- [22] Wrinkling and smoothing of a soft shell -Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids -2020-01-01 -134
- [23] On axisymmetric/diamond-like mode transitions in axially compressed core-shell cylinders -Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids -2016-01-01 -94
- [24] Post-buckling evolution of wavy patterns in trapezoidal film/substrate bilayers -International Journal of Non-Linear Mechanics -2017-01-01 -96
- [25] A modeling and resolution framework for wrinkling in hyperelastic sheets at finite membrane strain -Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids -2019-01-01 -124
- [26] Controllable wrinkling patterns on liquid crystal polymer film/substrate systems by laser illumination -Extreme Mechanics Letters -2019-01-01 -30
- [27] Thermal wrinkling of liquid crystal polymer shell/core spheres -Extreme Mechanics Letters -2020-01-01 -40
- [28] A perovskite solar cell textile that works at-40 to 160 degrees C -Journal of Materials Chemistry A -2020-01-01 -8
- [29] Effect of surface topography on anisotropic friction of graphene layers -Extreme Mechanics Letters -2020-01-01 -40
- [30] Light-Induced Bending and Buckling of Large-Deflected Liquid Crystalline Polymer Plates -International Journal of Applied Mechanics -2016-01-01 -8
- [31] 徐凡, 力-电-初始取向对液晶凝胶薄膜均匀变形行为影响分析 -力学季刊 -2017-01-01 -38
- [32] Quantitative predictions of diverse wrinkling patterns in film/substrate systems -Scientific Reports -2017-01-01 -7
- [33] Pattern Transitions in a Soft Cylindrical Shell -Physical Review Letters -2018-01-01 -120
- [34] 徐凡, 曲率与褶皱 -2018年全国固体力学学术会议摘要集(上) -2018-01-01
- [35] 徐凡, 超弹性薄膜拉伸起皱与再稳定 -2018年全国固体力学学术会议摘要集(上) -2018-01-01
- [36] All-Optical Reversible Azo-Based Wrinkling Patterns with High Aspect Ratio and Polarization-Independent Orientation for Light Responsive Soft Photonics -ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces -2019-01-01 -11
- [37] Piezoluminescent devices by designing array structures -Science Bulletin -2019-01-01 -64
- [38] 徐凡, 薄膜拉伸褶皱失稳力学进展 -力学季刊 -2020-01-01 -41
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