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- Optimum nanoparticles for electrocatalytic oxygen reduction: the size, shape and new design.-Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics-2013-01-01-15
- Efficient softest mode finding in transition states calculations.-Journal of Chemical Physics-2013-01-01-138
- Infrared Photodissociation Spectroscopy of Mass Selected Homoleptic Copper Carbonyl Cluster Cations in the Gas Phase.-第十三届全国化学动力学会议报告摘要集-2013-01-01
- Chiral Gold Nanowires with Boerdijk-Coxeter-Bernal Structure.-Journal of the American Chemical Society-2014-01-01-136
- Tafel Kinetics of Electrocatalytic Reactions: From Experiment to First-Principles.-ACS Catalysis-2014-01-01-4
- Constant-Charge Reaction Theory for Potential-Dependent Reaction Kinetics at the Solid-Liquid Interface.-Journal of Physical Chemistry C-2014-01-01-118
- Quasi-planar aromatic B-36 and B-36(-) clusters: all-boron analogues of coronene.-Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics-2014-01-01-16
- Stochastic surface walking method for crystal structure and phase transition pathway prediction.-Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics-2014-01-01-16
- Searching for new TiO2 crystal phases with better photoactivity.-Journal of Physics-Condensed Matter-2015-01-01-27