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《社会保险经济学》,2019.7, 北京大学出版社




一、财政学 (ECON)








一、 社会保障制度及其起源


Feldstein, 2005, Rethinking Social Security, NBER working paper

*Culter, D.M., and R. Johnson, 2004, The birth and growth of the social insurance state: explaining old age and medical insurance across countries, Public Choice, vol. 120, issue 1_2, pages 87-121.

Lindert, Peter, H., 2008, Aging Gracefully? Twentieth-Century Pensions in the Twenty-First. Background paper for National Population Secretariat and the Strategic Policy Office, Singapore, 5, May, 2008.

二、 养老保险分析框架:叠代模型


Feldstein, M. and J. Liberman, 2002, Social Security, Handbook of Public Economics, Volume 4.

*Feldstein, M.,1985, “The Optimal Level of Social Security Benefits” Quarterly Journal of Economics, May.

三、 养老保险的再分配功能


Feldstein, M. and J. Liberman, 2002, Social Security, Handbook of Public Economics, Volume 4.

*Feildstein, 1976, Social security and the distribution of wealth

Bosworth, B., G. Burtless and C. Sahm, 2004, Distributional impact of social security reform. In: The economics of aging population. Edward Elgar press.

四、 养老保险规模的政治经济学分析


*Browning, Edgar, 1975, Why the social insurance budget is too large in a democracy. Economic Inquiry, 13:3 (1975: Sept) 373-388.

*Guido Tabellini, 2000. A Positive Theory of Social Security. Scandinavian Journal of Economics. Vol.102, No.3

Conesa, Juan and Krueger, Dirk, 1999, Social Security Reform with Heterogeneous Agents. Review of Economic Dynamics 2, 757-795.

五、 养老保险对储蓄的影响

这是宏观经济学中的一个经典问题。储蓄的目的重要有三种,养老、预防性储蓄和遗产动机 。生命周期理论很容易推导出养老保险规模对私人储蓄有一对一的挤出效应,但由于其他方面的原因,如其他动机的储蓄、流动性约束和不确定性等,这个效应有待实证检验。本部分从理论和实证两方面讨论这一问题。

*Feldstein, M., 1974, Social Security, induced retirement and aggregate capital accumulation, Journal of Political Economy 82: 905-926.

Feldstein, M., 1996, Social Security and Saving: new time series evidence, National Tax Journal.

*Attanasio, O.P. and A. Brugiavini, 2003, “Social Security and Households’ Saving”, Quarterly Journal of Economics, 1089-1119.

Gale, W.G., 1998, “The effect of pension on household wealth: A reevaluation of theory and evidence”, Journal of Political Economy, 706-723.

六、 养老保险对劳动力供给的影响


Gruber, J. and D. Wise, 1998, Social security and retirement: an international comparison. American Economic Review 88, 158-163.

*Krueger, Alan B. and Pischke, Jorn-Steffen., “The Effect of Social Security on Labor Supply: A Cohort Analysis of the Notch Generation.” Journal of Labor Economics 10 (4) 1992: 412-37.

Blundell, Richard; Meghir, Costas; Smith, Sarah. “Pension Incentives and the Pattern of Early Retirement,” Economic Journal, March 2002: C153-70.

Gruber, J., Milligan, K., Wise, D., 2009, Social Security Programs and Retirement Around the World: The relationship to youth employment Introduction and Summary. NBER Working paper No. 14647.

七、 信息不对称,医疗保险中的逆选择和道德风险


Akerlof, George, 1970, The market for Lemons, Quality Uncertainty and the Market Mechanism. Quarterly Journal of Economics. (August,1970).

*Michael Rothschild and Joseph Stiglitz, 1976, Equilibrium in Competitive Insurance Markets: An Essay on the Economics of Imperfect Information”, Quarterly Journal of Economics, 90(4), 629-650.

*Cardon, J. and Hendel, I., 2001, Asymmetric information in health insurance: evidence from the National Medical Expenditure Survey. Rand Journal of Economics 32(3): 408-427.:

八、 医疗保险对医疗需求和供给的影响


Martin Feldstein, 1973, The welfare loss of excess health insurance. Journal of Political Economy, 81(2). 251-280

*Manning, M., et al., 1987, Health Insurance and the Demand for Medical Care: Evidence from a Randomized Experiment. American Economic Review, 77(3), 251-277.

David Culter, 1995, The incidence of Adverse Medical Outcomes Under Prospective Payment. Econometrica, 63 (1), 29-50.

九、 医疗保险与医疗领域的竞争


Robinson J., Luft H. The impact of hospital market structure on patient volume, average length of stay, and the cost of care [J]. Journal of Health Economics, 1985,4(4):333-56.

*Shleifer, A., 1985, “A theory of Yardstick Competition”, The Rand Journal of Economics, Vol.16,No.3:319-327.

Kessler D.P., McClellan M.B. Is hospital competition socially wasteful? The Quarterly Journal of Economics, 2000,Vol. 115, No.2, 577-615.

Rogowski J., Arvind K.J., Escarce J. J. Hospital competition, managed care, and mortality after hospitalization for medical conditions in California [J]. Health Services Research, 2007,42(2): 682-705.

十、 医疗保险与医疗公平性


Wagstaff, A. & E. Van Doorslaer, 2000, Equity in Health Care Finance and Delivery, Handbook of Health Economics, Volume 1.

* Wagstaff, A., E. van Doorslaer, H. van N. Watanabe, 2003, On decomposing the cause of health sector inequalities, with an application to malnutrition inequalities in Vietnam”. Journal of Econometrics 112(1): 219-227.

*Van Doorslaer, E. and Owen O’Donnell, 2008, Measurement and Explanation of Inequality in Health and Health Care in Low-Income Settings. UNU-WIDER, Discussion Paper No. 2008/04.

十一、 失业保险


*Meyer, Bruce, 1995, Lessons from the U.S. Unemployment Insurance Experiments, Journal of Economic Literature, 33, 91-131.

Meyer, Bruce, 1990, Unemployment Insurance and Unemployment Spells, Econometrica 58, 757-782.

*Gruber, Jonathan, 1997, The Consumption Smoothing Benefits of Unemployment Insurance. American Economic Review, 87(1) 192-205.

Baily, Martin, 1978, Some Aspects of Optimal Unemployment Insurance,Journal of public Economics, 10, 379-402.

十二、 生育保险与工伤保险


Gruber, J., 1994, The Incidence of Mandated Maternity Benefits. The American Economic Review, 84(3): 622-641.

十三、 中国的社会保障制度
