《表演与阐释:早期中国诗学研究》,北京三联书店,2023年(作者柯马丁[Martin Kern],45万字)
Xi’an (Annie) Guo received her B.A. (Philosophy, 2002), M.A. (Comparative Literature, 2006) and Ph.D. (Comparative Literature, 2013) from Fudan University. She was a Visiting Professor at Princeton University from 2017-2018 and is currently an Associate Professor of Comparative Literature at Fudan University. Her main field of research is Comparative Poetics. Guo’s publications, including numerous papers and three edited books, revolve around topics of revisiting Chinese canonical tradition from comparative perspectives, historical and theoretical issues of Comparative Literature as a discipline, discursive practices in the fields of Sinology, Philology, Hermeneutics and World Literature, along with interdisciplinary studies of literature.
Recent Publications:
"Mediating in Crisis: Wellek's Reflection on Philology, Conception of Comparative Literature and Idea of Humanism," Literary Review 4 (2023): 133-140.
"Subtexts, References, and Interlocutions: An Approach to Sinology in the Age of Globalization," Fudan Journal 1(2023): 42-53.
"The Challenges of Early China Studies and Comparative Antiquity: A Conversation between Comparative Literature and Sinology," Academic Monthly 53.8 (2021): 149-162. (With Martin Kern)
"Cultural Translocation and Referential Space: Translating ‘Jing’ (经) into English and Negotiating across Discursive Boundaries," Literary Review 4 (2020): 5-15.
"What Philology are We Returning to?——Sinology, Comparative Literature and the Philology-function," Comparative Literature in China 4 (2020): 77-101.
Performance and Interpretation: Studies in Early Chinese Poetics ( [Editor, Author:[Martin Kern], SDX Joint Publishing Company, 2023)
Perspectives and Stances: Anthology of Comparative Literature Studies in China (Editor, Fudan University Press, 2023)
Comparative Canonical Studies: A Dialogue between Chinese Classical Exegesis and the Western Hermeneutic Tradition (Co-editor, Shanghai People’s Publishing House, 2018).