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当前位置 中文主页 >> 学术论著(近年)

  1. 周义凯、刘海涛. 2025. 汉语句长的特征基因--以二三零句优势和四字对言格为例. 《中国语文》(待刊)

  2. Yonghui Xie, Ruochen Niu and Haitao Liu. 2025. Cognitive motivations behind absent objects in passive sentences across Chinese and English. Review of Cognitive Linguistics. (Accepted)

  3. 郝瑜鑫、金子涵、刘海涛. 2025. 基于语言特征的词汇复杂度与汉语二语写作水平关系研究,《世界汉语教学》(待刊)

  4. 陆前、刘海涛. 2025. 人类真实语言为什么不会无限中心递归?《当代语言学》(待刊)

  5. Xinpei Hong & Haitao Liu. 2024. The Relationship between the Structural Complexity of Words and Polysemy in Chinese and Its Application. 25th Workshop on Chinese Lexical Semantics (CLSW 2024). Springer. (Accepted)

  6. Siqi Liu, Jianwei Yan & Haitao Liu. 2024. The Complexity Trade-off Between Morphological Richness and Word Order Freedom in Romance Languages: A Quantitative Perspective. Zeitschrift für romanische Philologie, (Accepted) 

  7. 杨牧、刘海涛. 2024. 汉语作为第二语言习得中的动名词类效应研究. 《现代外语》(待刊)

  8. Ruochen Niu, Yaqin Wang and Haitao Liu. 2023. The Cross-linguistic Variations in Dependency Distance Minimization and its Potential Explanations. PACLIC 2023. Hong Kong, December 2–5, 2023. (Accepted)

  9. Yonghui Xie, Ruochen Niu and Haitao Liu. 2023. Contrasting the Chinese bei-passive and the English be-passive through dependency distance. PACLIC 2023. Hong Kong, December 2–5, 2023. (Accepted)

  10. Chunshan Xu and Haitao Liu. 2025. Long English objects and short Chinese objects: language diversity shaped by cognitive universalityLinguistics Vanguard. (Online)

  11. Mu Yang and Haitao Liu. 2025. QuanSyn: A Package for Quantitative Syntax AnalysisJournal of Quantitative Linguistics. (Online)

  12. Tsy Yih & Haitao Liu. 2025. Decomposing dependency analysis: Revisiting the relation between annotation scheme and structure-based textual measures. Digital Scholarship in the Humanities. (online)

  13. Ruina Chen, Zhuojun Zhong, Xinyu Yuan and Haitao Liu*. 2024. Two Sides of the Same Coin? Cross-Linguistic Sentiment Comparison and Thematic Discovery of Reader’s Reception of Wolf TotemDigital Scholarship in the Humanities. (Online)

  14. Jianwei Yan, Qidi Li and Haitao Liu*. 2024. Defining Digital Humanities and Examining its Relationship with Linguistics through the Lens of Digital Scholarship in the HumanitiesDigital Scholarship in the Humanities. (Online)

  15. Yonghui Xie, Ruochen Niu and Haitao Liu. 2024. A corpus-based study on semantic and cognitive features of bei sentences in Mandarin ChineseCorpus Linguistics and Linguistic Theory. (Online)

  16. Wenchao Li, Zhentao Zhong & Haitao Liu. 2024. A computer-assisted tool for automatically measuring non-native Japanese oral proficiencyComputer Assisted Language Learning. (Online)

  17. Zheyuan Dai, Chenliang Zhou and Haitao Liu. 2022. Information Compression via Eliding Verb Phrase: A Dependency-Based Study.  PACLIC 36. (Accepted)

  18. Junyi Xu, Chenliang Zhou and Haitao Liu. 2024. Cultural Heritage as a Key Motivation for Sustainable Language Protection: A Case Study of the Suzhou Dialect Protection ProjectJournal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development. (Online)

  19. Qianqian Jiang, Jingyang Jiang* & Haitao Liu. 2023. Distance-invoked Difficulty as a Trigger for Errors in Chinese and Japanese EFL Learners' English WritingsInternational Review of Applied Linguistics in Language Teaching(IRAL). (Online)

  20. 刘海涛,  2025, 语言是一个人驱概率系统,社科院语言所“今日语言学”微信公众号, 2025年01月13日。《实验语言学》,2025年第1期,第8-9页。

  21. 刘海涛,2025,语言规划须因时而变和因地制宜,《语言战略研究》,(1):9-10。

  22. Jinlu Liu, Nan Yang and Haitao Liu*. 2024. Distribution of sentence length of English complex sentencesModerna Språk. 118(3): 51–69.

  23. Kun Sun & Haitao Liu. 2025. Attention-aware semantic relevance predicting Chinese sentence readingCognition. vol. 255, 105991.

  24. 周义凯、刘海涛. 2024. 中国式现代化进程中方言与共同语的关系。《浙江大学学报(人文社会科学版)》54(8): 124-137. 人大《语言文字学》2025年第1期第135-147页转载。

  25. 原伟、刘海涛. 2024. 俄语虚假新闻文体计量研究《外语学刊》,6: 1-8.

  26. Zhang Huiyu, Shi Yayu and Liu Haitao*. 2024. Evolving Means of Formal Language Policy on Putonghua and Minority Languages on the Chinese Mainland (1986–2021)International Journal of Multilingualism. 21(4): 1821-1840.

  27. 刘海涛. 2024. 从语言数据到语言智能:数智时代对语言研究者的挑战.《中国外语》,(5): 60-66.

  28. 刘海涛.2024.数智时代语言规划须顺势而为.《语言战略研究》,9(5):1. 卷首语。《中国社会科学文摘》2024年12期第160页,论点摘要。

  29. 刘金路、刘海涛. 2024. 基于句法标注语料库的英语书面语复句使用频数研究. 《中国外语》,(4): 38-49. 

  30. 周义凯、刘海涛. 2024. ChatGPT掌握现代汉语书面语的句长规律了吗? 《语言文字应用》, (2): 124-134. 

  31. Zheyuan Dai & Haitao Liu. 2024. Part-of-speech Features in Bob Dylan’s Songs Lyrics: A Stylometric Analysis. International Journal of Humanities and Arts Computing (IJHAC): A Journal of Digital Humanities. 18(2):  249–264.

  32. 原伟、刘海涛. 2024. 英俄语虚假新闻共性计量特征挖掘与跨语言聚类研究. 《数据分析与知识发现》.  8(7): 1-13.

  33. Wei Yuan & Haitao Liu*. 2024. Finding common features in multilingual fake news: A quantitative clustering approach.   Digital Scholarship in the Humanities

  34. Wenchao Li & Haitao Liu. 2024. Complexity trade-off in morphosyntactic module: suggestions from Japanese dialectsPoznan Studies in Contemporary Linguistics. 60(2):  159-187.

  35. Ruochen Niu & Haitao Liu*. 2024. Factors Influencing Dependency Distance: An Account of the MDD Variation between Chinese and English. In: Word Grammar, Cognition and Dependency. Cambridge Unversity Press. 276-296. 

  36. Jianwei Yan and Haitao Liu. 2024. Investigating the hierarchical order of function words in SUD and UD treebanks. Linguistic Analysis.43(3-4): 629-665. 

  37. Wenchao Li & Haitao Liu. 2024.  Applying large language models for automated essay scoring for non-native JapaneseHumanities and Social Sciences Communications.  11, Article number: 723

  38. Yikai Zhou, Jingyang Jiang & Haitao Liu*. 2024. Modifying Language for a Higher Goal: Investigating Quantitative Features of Apple’s Launch Event Speech from 2016 to 2022Journal of Quantitative Linguistics. 31(2): 139-160. 

  39. 刘海涛、亓达. 2024. 大语言模型的语用能力探索:从整体评估到反语分析.《现代外语》47(4): 439-451.

  40. Jianpeng Liu, Xinzhuo Shen, Haitao Liu & Huifang Du. 2024. Dependency network approach to the oral production of English- and Chinese-speaking healthy older adultsSpeech, Language and Hearing, 27(2): 130-147. DOI: 10.1080/2050571X.2023.2241759. 

  41. 练斐、李媛、刘海涛. 2024. 德语词长的跨语体历时演化研究《外语教学》,第3期,第20-25页。

  42. 刘海涛、隆蝉忆. 2024. 从细读到远观:数智时代人文研究的新路向. 《当代修辞学》,第3期,第37-50页。《高等学校文科学术文摘》2024年第11期第8-10页摘录。

  43. Yuxin HaoXuelin Wang, Shuai Bin, Qihao Yang & Haitao Liu*. 2024. How Syntactic Complexity Indices Predict Chinese L2 Writing Quality: An Analysis of Unified Dependency Syntactically-annotated CorpusAssessing WritingVolume 61, July 2024, 100847

  44. 李文平、劉海濤. 2024.「日本語学習者の文構造の複雑さに関する数量的研究: I-JAS スト--ライティングの場合」『日本語教育』(Nihongo Kyōiku) , 187: 166-181. 

  45. Shuiyuan Yu, Zihao Zhang and Haitao Liu*. 2024. What should be encoded by position embedding for neural network language modelsNatural Language Engineering. 30(2): 294-318. 

  46. 张晓瑾、刘海涛. 2024. 中华民族共同体视域下黄河流域民歌语言特征计量研究, 《北方民族大学学报》 2111-119.

  47. Yijing Chen & Haitao Liu*. 2024. Hong Kong Cantonese-English Code-Switching Analysis. in: The Proceedings of 2023 Youth Academic Forum on Linguistic, Literature, Translation and Culture. pp. 23-31. Marietta, Georgia: American Scholars Press, USA.

  48. 娄开阳、刘海涛. 2024. 论爪字形套叠结构: 兼论新闻语篇结构的复杂性。《当代修辞学》,1: 76-83.

  49. Xinpei Hong, Wei Huang* & Haitao Liu*. 2023. The Structural Complexity of Chinese Words and Its Relationship with Word FrequencyJournal of Quantitative Linguistics. 30(3-4): 231-256.

  50. Jianwei Yan & Haitao Liu*. 2023. Basic word order typology revisitedLinguistics Vanguard. 73-85.

  51. Zheyuan Dai, Haitao Liu, Jianwei Yan. 2023. Revisiting English Written VP-Ellipsis and VP-Substitution: A Dependency-Based Analysis.  Linguistics Vanguard. 13-23.

  52. 刘海涛,2023,语言规划讲义,北京:商务印书馆。20235月商务印书馆十大好书

  53. 刘子琦 、刘海涛.  2023. “无产者,还是劳动者——基于语料库的《共产党宣言》结束语翻译研究. 《复旦外国语言文学论丛》, 3期,第77-87页。 

  54. Yijun Long & Haitao Liu. 2023. The History and Current Situation of the Hmong Writing SystemJournal of Chinese Writing Systems. 7(4): 263-271. 

  55. 张子豪、刘海涛. 2023. 从线性位置看神经网络模型中语言规律的获得与表征. 《当代语言学》, 25(6): 791-809. 人大复印报刊资料《语言文字学》202404期全文转载。

  56. Jingyang Jiang, Peng Bi, Nana Xie, Haitao Liu*. 2023. Phraseological Complexity and Low- and Intermediate-level L2 Learners' Writing QualityInternational Review of Applied Linguistics in Language Teaching (IRAL). 61(3): 765–790.

  57. 邵斌、刘海涛. 2023. 数据驱动的文学传播研究. 浙江社会科学. 9期,第136-142页。

  58. Haitao Liu. 2023. Komunikakazio naturalakak egiten ditu giza hizkuntzakak. Euskara Orain: Eraginkortasuna Helburu. Mikel Mendizabal (koord.) Irun: Alberdania. pp. 19-48.

  59. 周义凯、刘海涛. 2023. 现代汉语句长分布的普遍性和特殊性,《外语教学与研究》,555):666-677. 

  60. Yuxin Hao, Zihan Jin, Qihao Yang, Xuelin Wang & Haitao Liu*. 2023. To Predict L2 Writing Quality Using Lexical Richness Indices: An Investigation of Chinese as a foreign language learnersSystem. Volume 118, 103123. 

  61. Tsy Yih & Haitao Liu. 2023.  The meaning distributions on different levels of granularity. Glottometrics, 54: 13 – 38. 

  62. 陈衡、刘海涛. 2023. 语言复杂网络研究:现状与前瞻. 《中国外语》,20(4): 54-60. 

  63. Chenliang Zhou & Liu Haitao. 2023. Lexical Diversity as a Lens into the Classification of Slavic Languages: a Quantitative Typology PerspectiveDigital Scholarship in the Humanities. 38(3): 1359–1371. 

  64. Jin Huiyuan & Liu Haitao. 2023. An Investigation on Ellipsis from Network Science Approach.  Digital Scholarship in the Humanities. 38(3): 1115–1129. 

  65. 阎建玮、刘海涛. 2023. 基于高频句法关系依存方向的语序类型计量研究. 《语言文字应用》, 2: 79-90.

  66. Yuxin Hao, Xuelin Wang, Shuai Bin, Haitao Liu. 2023.  A Probability Distribution of Dependencies in InterlanguagePoznań Studies in Contemporary Linguistics. 59(1): 65-93.  

  67. 王雅琴、刘海涛,2023. 数据驱动的语体研究进展与前瞻,《现代外语》, 5:700-710.

  68. Fang Yu & Liu Haitao. 2023. Seeing various adventures through a mirror: Detecting translator’s stylistic visibility in Chinese translations of Alice’s Adventure in WonderlandDigital Scholarship in the Humanities. 38(1): 50-65.

  69. 李文平、劉海濤、夏旖昕. 2023.「依存距離に基づく日本語学習者言語の統語的複雑度の研究」『日本語教育』(Nihongo Kyōiku) , 184p. 112-126.

  70. Tsy Yih and Haitao Liu. 2023. A Preliminary Quantitative Investigation of Chinese Monosyndetic CoordinatorsChinese Lexical Semantic Workshop (CLSW 2022), Fuzhou, China. in: Q. Su et al. (Eds.): CLSW 2022, LNAI 13496, pp. 67–82.

  71. Zheyuan Dai & Haitao Liu. 2023. A review for Chapters of Dependency GrammarLanguage & History, 66(1): 83-85. 

  72. Jing Dong & Haitao Liu*. 2023. Hong Kong Cantonese-English Code-Switching Analysis. in: The Proceedings of 2022 Youth Academic Forum on Linguistic, Literature, Translation and Culture. pp. 11-18. Marietta, Georgia: American Scholars Press, USA. 

  73. Xiaolu Zhong & Haitao Liu*. 2023. A bibliometric analysis of the IRAL over the past six decadesInternational Review of Applied Linguistics in Language Teaching (IRAL). 61(1): 155–200.

  74. 郝瑜鑫、段洵、刘海涛. 2023. 汉语中介语形容词配价发展. 华侨大学学报(哲学社会科学版). 21(01): 146-156. 

  75. Guan Wei & Liu Haitao. 2023. Speech Representation Used by Mandarin Chinese-Speaking Children Aged Three to Six YearsJournal of Child Language. 50(2): 338-364. 

  76. 叶子、刘海涛. 2023. 配价研究前沿进展,《外语学刊》. 1: 19-26.

  77. Yuxin Hao, Xuan Xu, Xuelin Wang, Yanni Lin and Haitao Liu*. 2023. Typological Characteristics of Interlanguage: Across L2 Modalities and Proficiency Levels. Front. Psychol. - Language Sciences, 1071906.

  78. Yuan Li, Hanxiao Huang & Haitao Liu*. 2022. Die historische Entwicklung des Nachfeldes im geschriebenen Deutsch und ihre kognitive Begründung: Eine korpusbasierte Studie. Sprachwissenschaft. 47(3): 233-256. 

  79. 王雅琴,2022,学高为师,身正为范——刘海涛,载王靖岱、徐洁主编,《我心中的求是大先生》,杭州:浙江大学出版社,第213-220页。

  80. 李文平、劉海濤、呉長紅, 2022,  芥川龍之介の児童文学の文体に関する計量的分析, 計量国語学。33(7): 526-540. 

  81. Da Qi and Haitao Liu. 2022. Towards Measuring the Cognitive Loads of Different Dialog Acts through Dependency Distance. In 2022 6th International Conference on Natural Language Processing and Information Retrieval (NLPIR 2022), December 16–18, 2022, Bangkok, Thailand. ACM, New York, NY, USA, 7 pages. https://doi.org/10.1145/3582768.3582775

  82. 刘海涛,2022,依存语法和机器翻译,《〈语言文字应用〉三十周年纪念文集》,北京:语文出版社。第555-562页。

  83. 刘海涛,2022,关于语言规划学科的几点思考, 《外语与外语教学》. 6: 1-8.

  84. Tsy Yih, Jianwei Yan, and Haitao Liu. 2022. How syntactic analysis influences the calculation of mean dependency distance: Evidence from the enhanced dependency representation. In Proceedings of the 36th Pacific Asia Conference on Language, Information and Computation, pages 83–92, Manila, Philippines. De La Salle University. 

  85. 刘海涛,2022依存关系与语言网络,北京:科学出版社。

  86. Ruochen Niu and Haitao Liu*. 2022. Effects of syntactic distance and word order on language processing: An investigation based on a psycholinguistic treebank of EnglishJournal of Psycholinguistic Research. 51(5): 1043-1062. 

  87. Heng Chen & Haitao Liu. 2022. Approaching Language levels and registers in written Chinese with the Menzerath-Altmann LawDigital Scholarship in the Humanities. 37(4): 934-948. 

  88. Ruina Chen, Sirui Deng, Haitao Liu*. 2022. Syntactic complexity of different text types: From the perspective of dependency distance both linearly and hierarchicallyJournal of Quantitative Linguistics. 29(4): 510-540.

  89. Yawen Wang & Haitao Liu. 2022. Revisiting Zipf’s Law: A New Indicator of Lexical Diversity. In: Quantitative Approaches to Universality and Individuality in Language.  Berlin/Boston: DE GRUYTER MOUTON. pp. 193-202.

  90. Da Qi, Chenliang Zhou and Haitao Liu*. 2022. Discourse Markers as the Classificatory Factors of Speech Acts. in: M. Sun et al. (Eds.): CCL 2022, LNAI 13603, pp. 3–16, 2022.

  91. 李文平、劉海濤、小森早江子. 2022.「統語依存関係に基づく位相研究ー文章ジャンルの位相差を対象にー」『言語研究』(Gengo Kenkyu) , 162: 47-62.

  92. 刘海涛,2022,国家安全视域下的语言问题(代序),载沈骑《语言安全与语言规划研究》,上海:复旦大学出版社。第1-7页。

  93. Yang Mu & Liu Haitao*. 2022. The role of syntax in the formation of scale-free language networks.  EPL. 13961002.

  94. 郝瑜鑫、王燕子、刘海涛. 2022. 基于依存树库的汉语中介语名词配价发展研究. 云南师范大学学报(对外汉语教学与研究版). 20(04): 84-92. 

  95. Xinpei Hong & Haitao Liu, 2022. Book review  Research Genres Across Languages: Multilingual Communication OnlineSystem, 102852.   

  96. 刘海涛,2022,浙大10年,载《词汇与句法计量研究》,浙江大学出版社。第347-354页。

  97. 刘海涛,2022,我的世界语研究之路,载《词汇与句法计量研究》,浙江大学出版社。第355-361页。

  98. 刘海涛教授语言研究论著要目,载《词汇与句法计量研究》,浙江大学出版社。第362-383页。

  99. Yikai Zhou, Rui Li, Guangfeng Chen, Haitao Liu*. 2022.  Dynamics of language in social emergency: investigating COVID-19 hot words on WeiboGlottometrics. 52: 1-20.  

  100. Chunshan Xu & Haitao Liu*. 2022. The role of working memory in shaping syntactic dependency structures. John Schwieter & Edward Wen. (eds.) The Cambridge Handbook of Working Memory and Language. Cambridge University Press. p. 343-367.

  101. 李文平、劉海濤、熊子涵, 2022,  日本語における語順の自由度と格標識の豊富さに関する計量的研究, 計量国語学, 33(5)325-340.

  102. 刘海涛,2022,商务印书馆与我的语言学之路。载《商务印书馆一百二十五年(1897-2022):我与商务印书馆》,北京:商务印书馆。第733-739页。

  103. Jianwei Yan and Haitao Liu*. 2022. Quantitative Analysis of Chinese and English Verb Valencies Based on the Probabilistic Valency Pattern Theory.   In: Dong, M., Gu, Y., Hong, JF. (eds) Chinese Lexical Semantics. CLSW 2021. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 13250, pp. 152-162. Springer, Cham. 

  104. 刘海涛,2022数智时代语言研究的机遇与挑战,《中国社会科学报》,517A08版。

  105. Tsy Yih & Haitao Liu. 2021. A quantitative study investigation of English adnominal modifiers. Proceedings of The 35th Pacific Asia Conference on Language, Information and Computation (PACLIC 35). Shanghai, November 5 - 7, 2021. 476-482. 

  106. Zhang Huiyu, Ke Yao & Liu Haitao. 2022. Organizational Features and Language Policies of International Organizations Language Problems and Language Planning. 46(1): 26-54. (第二十二届浙江省哲学社会科学优秀成果奖青年奖)

  107. Jianwei Yan and Haitao Liu*. 2022. Semantic roles or syntactic functions: The effects of annotation scheme on the results of dependency measuresStudia Linguistica. 76(2): 406-428.

  108. Ruochen Niu, Yaqin Wang and Haitao Liu. 2022. The properties of rare and complex syntactic constructions in English: A corpus-based comparative study. Proceedings of the Second Workshop on Quantitative Syntax (Quasy, SyntaxFest 2021) pp. 74-83. 

  109. Wang Yaqin & Liu Haitao*. 2022. Creativity complicates tweets: a quantitative lens on syntactic characteristics of twitterDigital Scholarship in the Humanities. 37(1): 264-279.

  110. 潘夏星、刘海涛. 2022. 汉语诗歌写作的演化轨迹:系统、词类与信息. 《浙江大学学报(人文社会科学版)》, 52(1): 104-115.

  111. Fang Yu & Liu Haitao*. 2022. Locality effects and predictability in sentence construction: an investigation of ba sentences and SVO sentences in Mandarin ChineseJournal of Chinese Linguistics. 50(1): 103-139. 

  112. Ouyang Jinghui, Jingyang Jiang* and Haitao Liu. 2022. Dependency Distance Measures in Assessing Syntactic ComplexityAssessing Writing.  51: 100603.

  113. Jinlu Liu & Haitao Liu*. 2021. Quantitative investigation on the ellipsis of English relativizersLinguistics Vanguard. 7(1): 20210020.

  114. Zhang Lili & Liu Haitao. 2021. Genre Effect on L2 Syntactic Complexity and Holistic Rating for Writing Quality of Intermediate EFL LearnersChinese Journal of Applied Linguistics. 44(4): 451-469.

  115. 刘海涛,2021,国家安全视域下的语言问题,《中国外语》,18(6): 1+10-16.

  116. 昱、刘海涛,2021,句法结构认知难度的计算指标分析,《南京师大学报》(社会科学版),6: 126-137.

  117. 刘金路、刘海涛*2021,句法与语义界面的建构。《江西师范大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》,54(5): 46-53.

  118. Cong Jin & Liu Haitao. 2021. Linguistic emergence from a networks approach: The case of modern Chinese two-character wordsPLoS ONEhttps://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0259818

  119. Xiaxing Pan and Haitao Liu. 2021. “Uniformity” or “Dispersion”? -- The evolution of Chinese poetic word categories’ distribution patterns. Digital Scholarship in the Humanities. 36(3): 662-681. https://doi.org/10.1093/llc/fqaa062

  120. Yuan Li, Si Shi & Haitao Liu*. 2021. Syntaktische Merkmale des Substantivs. Eine dependenzbaumbasierte quantitative Untersuchung. Muttersprache.131(3)201-224.

  121. Rafaël Poiret, Simon Mille, Haitao Liu. 2021. Paraphrase and parallel treebank for the comparison of French and Chinese syntaxLanguages in Contrast.   21(2): 298-322. 

  122. Yuxin Hao, Xuelin Wang, Meng Wu and Haitao Liu*. 2021. Syntactic Networks of Interlanguage Across L2 Modalities and Proficiency LevelsFront. Psychol. - Language Sciences.  https://doi.org/10.3389/fpsyg.2021.643120 

  123. Xiaojin ZhangHaitao Liu*. 2020. Red or White? Color in Chinese Folksongs. Digital Scholarship in the Humanities.  36(1): 225-241.  https://doi.org/10.1093/llc/fqz094

  124. Aiyun Wei, Qian Lu and Haitao Liu*  2020. Word Length Distribution in Zhuang Language.  Journal of Quantitative Linguistics. 28(3): 195-222. https://doi.org/10.1080/09296174.2019.1678225

  125. 刘海涛. 2021. 数据驱动的应用语言学研究.《现代外语》, 44(4): 462-469. 《中国社会科学文摘》2021年第12期第23-24页摘转,《中国学派》公众号202217日推送人大复印报刊资料《语言文字学》202204期全文转载。

  126. Kun Sun, Haitao Liu*, Wenxin Xiong. 2021. The Evolutionary Pattern of Language in Scientific Writings: A Case Study of Philosophical Transactions of Royal Society (1665-1869).  Scientometrics. 126, 1695–1724. 

  127. 刘海涛、王亚蓝.  2021. 国际语基本特征的衡量指标探索. 《语言文字应用》, (2): 28-42.

  128. Jianwei Yan and Haitao Liu*. 2021. Morphology and word order in Slavic languages: Insights from annotated corpora.  Вопросы языкознания (Topics in the Study of Language). 4: 131-159.

  129. 王亚蓝、刘海涛.  2021. 国际通用语演变的特点与模式以拉丁语、法语和英语为例. 云南师范大学学报(哲学社会科学版)53(3): 74-84.

  130. 刘海涛、郑国锋. 2021. 大数据时代语言学理论研究的路径与意义. 《当代外语研究》, 2: 5-18. 

  131. Fang Yu & Liu Haitao. 2021. Predicting syntactic choice in Mandarin Chinese: a corpus-based analysis of ba sentences and SVO sentencesCognitive Linguistics. 32(2): 219-250.  https://doi.org/10.1515/cog-2020-0005

  132. 郝瑜鑫、王雪琳、刘海涛* 2021. 基于句法标注语料库的汉语中介语动词配价发展计量研究. 《语言文字应用》(1): 23-35. 人大复印报刊资料《语言文字学》202107期全文转载。

  133. 刘海涛. 2021. 数据驱动的语言应用研究(栏目导读),《语言文字应用》(1): 22-23.

  134. Shuiyuan Yu, Chunshan Xu, Haitao Liu. 2021. Statistical patterns of word frequency suggesting the probabilistic nature of human languageshttp://arxiv.org/abs/2012.00187

  135. 叶子、刘海涛. 2021. 《语法网络:语言使用如何塑造语言结构》评介《外语教学与研究》. 53(2): 308-312. 

  136. 李媛、黄含笑、刘海涛*. 2021. 德语书面语破框现象是特例吗?《现代外语》, 44(3): 333-345. 

  137. Yanni Lin & Haitao Liu*. 2021. Rice and Rhyme: Seeing the Zhuang Rice-related Folklore through Their FolksongsFolklore. 132(1): 34-58.

  138. Gao Jun & Liu Haitao*. 2020. Valency Dictionaries and Chinese Vocabulary Acquisition for Foreign LearnersLeixkos 30: 111-142. https://doi.org/10.5788/30-1-1548

  139. Heng Chen, Haitao Liu* and Gabriel Altmann. 2020. Evolution of Chinese word length motifs. in: Emmerich Kelih and Reinhard Köhler (eds.) Words and Numbers. In Memory of Peter Grzybek (1957-2019). RAM-Verlag. pp. 27-43. )

  140. 好奇是做研究的原动力,载《科学的浪花:灿若星辰浙大人之科学篇》 浙江大学出版社,2000,第115-117页。

  141. Liu Haitao & Lin Yanni. 2020. Methodology and Trends of Linguistic Research in the Era of Big Data. CONTEMPORARY SOCIAL SCIENCES (当代社会科学), 4: 87-106.

  142. 刘金路、刘海涛*2020. 基于句法树库的英语关系从句挂靠偏向研究。《外语教学》,4: 25-29.

  143. Rafaël Poiret & Haitao Liu*. 2020. Some quantitative aspects of written and spoken French based on syntactically annotated corpora. Journal of French Language Studies.2020, 30, 355–380. https://doi.org/10.1017/S0959269519000334

  144. Junyan Lu & Haitao Liu*. 2020. Do English Noun Phrases Tend to Minimize Dependency Distance? Australian Journal of Linguistics. 40(2): 246-262. doi.org/10.1080/07268602.2020.1789552

  145. Ziqi Liu & Haitao Liu*.  2020. Quantitative Analysis of Academic Writing as to Informality and Vocabulary Features. Glottometrics 49: 32-51. 

  146. 刘海涛. 2020.  依存语法的理论与实践,北京:科学出版社. (典藏版)

  147. 许余龙、刘海涛、刘正光. (2020). 关于语言研究的理论与方法. 《外语教学与研究》,52(1): 3-11. 

  148. Xiaojin ZhangHaitao Liu*. 2020. Function Words in Male and Female Authors: A Diachronic Investigation of Modern Chinese Prose. Glottometrics 48: 67-87.