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Google site: https://sites.google.com/view/chunheli2021/home

Professional Appointments:

2020 – present, Associate Professor (Tenured), Shanghai Center for Mathematical Sciences (SCMS), School of Mathematical Sciences, Fudan University

2016 – present, Principle Investigator, Institute of Science and Technology for Brain-Inspired Intelligence (ISTBI), Fudan University

2016 – 2020, Associate Professor (Tenure-track), Shanghai Center for Mathematical Sciences (SCMS), Fudan University

2015 – 2016, Postdoctoral Scholar, Department of Mathematics, University of California at Irvine, USA

2012 – 2015, Postdoctoral Scholar, Department of Chemistry, Stony Brook University, USA

2005 – 2008, Changchun Institute of Applied Chemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Assistant Investigator


Changchun Institute of Applied Chemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences
Ph.D., Analytical Chemistry, 2008 – 2011

Tianjin University
M.E., Applied Chemistry, 2002 – 2005

Tianjin University
B.E., Computer Science/Materials Science, 1998 – 2002

Research Funding:

  • NSFC  General Program (国家自然科学基金面上项目,NSFC 12171102):基于单细胞数据的基因网络动力学建模方法及应用, 2022-2025,主持

  • National Key Research and Development Program of China (科技部重点研发计划变革性技术,2019YFA0709500):大脑计算同化平台与新一代类脑智能算法理论, 2020.6-2025.5,主持

  • NSFC  General Program (国家自然科学基金面上项目,NSFC 11771098):集成建模和数据挖掘方法的乳腺癌网络随机动力学研究, 2018.1-2021.12,主持 (已结题)

  • National Key Research and Development Program of China (科技部重点研发计划,2018YFC0910500):精准医学大数据的有效挖掘与关键信息技术研发,2018.7-2021.4,参与(已结题)

  • NSFS (上海市自然科学基金,17ZR1444500):癌症和免疫系统相互作用网络的动力学研究, 2017.5-2020.4,主持(已结题)

Awards and Scholarships:

  • ICCM best paper award, “Distinguished Paper Award 若琳獎” in mathematics, 2020

  • CCBS “Opportunity Award” from University of California at Irvine, USA. 2015

  • Excellent Poster Award from Gordon Research Conference on Stochastic Physics in Biology. 2015

  • Academic Newcomer Award for PhD student (博士研究生学术新人奖), China. 2011

Conferences Abstracts/Posters:

* The 8th q-bio Conference, August, 13-16, 2014, Santa Fe, New Mexico, USA. “Quantifying Waddington landscapes and paths of non-adiabatic cell fate decisions”.

* Stochastic Physics in Biology Gordon Research Conference, January 11-16, 2015, Ventura, California, USA. ”Quantifying the underlying landscape and paths of cancer”.

* Winter Q-Bio conference, February, 15-18, 2016, Hawaiian, USA. ”A self-enhanced transport feedback model reveals a mechanism for the fate decision of X chromosome inactivation”.

Conference Organization:

The 8th International Symposium on Nonlinear Sciences and Applications. Chair, Organizing Committee, Qingdao, China, 08/2018

* The 6th International Conference on Mathematical Biology (ICMB). Co-organizer, Special Session on Computational Disease Modeling. Beijing, China, 06/2018

Invited Talks:

* 2022年软物质及生物物理理论国际研讨会, Guilin, China, 11/22

* Tipping Points in Complex Systems (HYBRID), Bengaluru, Indian, 09/22

* 第 14届计算系统生物学国际会议 (ISB 2022), Virtual, China, 08/22

* 吉林大, Changchun, China, 07/2022

* 北京计算科学中心, Beijing (Virtual), China, 12/2021

* 上海理工大学复杂系统理论及其应用研讨会, Shanghai, China, 11/2021

2021 “定量生物学-数学建模和统计推断” 研讨会, Xiamen (Virtual), China, 11/2021

第六届全国统计物理与复杂系统学术会议暨海峡两岸统计物理会议, Changchun, China, 07/2021

* 第九届计算系统生物学研讨会, Tianjin, China, 06/2021

* SMB (Society of Mathematical Biology) 2021 Annual Meeting, Virtual, 06/2021

* 类脑智能与复杂网络交流会, 复旦大学, China, 5/2021

* 复旦理论物理报告会, 复旦大学, China, 4/2021

* 生物数学研讨会, 中国人民大学, China, 11/2020

* 天津中医药大学, 天津, China, 11/2020

* Nankai University, Tianjin, China, 11/2020

* 中国工业与应用数学学会第十八届年会(CSIAM 2020), Changsha, China, 11/2020

* Peking University, Beijing, China, 10/2019

* 中国工业与应用数学学会第十七届年会(CSIAM 2019), Foshan, China, 09/2019

* International Workshop on Applications of Probability and Statistics to Biology, Shanghai, China, 07/2019

* 2019年生物数学与复杂系统论坛, Shanghai, China, 05/2019

* 第八届计算系统生物学研讨会, Shanghai, China, 04/2019

* 生物医学的建模与计算学术研讨会, Wuhan, China, 04/2019

* University of California at Riverside, Riverside, USA, 01/2019

* The 10th Dynamics Days Asia Pacific (DDAP), Xiamen, China, 11/2018

* Plenary speaker, 随机动力学与大数据分析专题研讨会, Xian, China, 08/2018

* Plenary speaker, The 8th International Symposium on Nonlinear Sciences and Applications, Qingdao, China, 08/2018

* The 6th International Conference on Mathematical Biology, Beijing, China, 06/2018

* 全国第七届计算系统生物学研讨会, 武汉, China, 04/2018

* 第五届国际华中-华东地区生物信息学研讨会, 景德镇, China, 03/2018

* 11th International Conference on Systems Biology, Shenzhen, China, 08/2017

* 第四届全国统计物理与复杂系统学术会议暨海峡两岸统计物理会议, Xian, China, 07/2017

* Shanghai Normal University, Shanghai, China, 06/2017

* A3-NIMS Mathematical Biology Workshop, Daejeon, Korea, 05/2017

* The 6th Computational System Biology Workshop, Suzhou, China, 04/2017

* 复杂网络群体动力学研讨会, Fudan University. “Landscape and path of gene networks.” 03/2017

* Annual Retreat of Center for Complex Biological Systems, March, 18-20, 2016. Los Angeles, CA, USA. ”Dynamic regulation and noise attenuation in lncRNA network for X-chromosome inactivation”.

* Gordon Research Conference on Stochastic Physics in Biology, January 08-13, 2017, Ventura, CA, USA. “A self-enhanced transport mechanism through long noncoding RNAs for X chromosome inactivation”.


Guest Associate editor (2019-2021): Frontiers in Genetics, Frontiers in Neuroscience

Editorial Board member: IET Systems Biology (2021-)

Journal referee:

Nature Chemical Biology, Nature Communications, PLOS Biology, PLOS Computational Biology, J Chemical Physics, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, J Royal Society Interface, Journal of Molecular Cell Biology, Science Bulletin, Chemical Physics Letters, Frontiers in Immunology, Scientific Reports, PLOS one, International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos, Chaos Solitons and Fractals, Physical Biology, Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems Series B, Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering