Graduate and Undergraduate Students
If you have a passion for semiconductor optoelectronic devices, photonic chips, device physics, and research at the intersection of engineering and physics, consider joining our group!
Due to the challenging nature of the projects related to B5G6G systems and other exciting topics, our research is suited to the most highly motivated students with exceptional abilities.
We have openings for graduate students in both M.S., M.E. and Ph.D. levels.
We welcome 3rd and 4th year undergraduate students (part-time during the term, summer, thesis research etc.).
Please send your CV to Prof. Chao Shen (chaoshen(AT) if you are interested.
Postdoctoral Researchers
We seek outstanding postdoc researchers with a combined theoretical and experimental background in optoelectronics devices and optical communications, with a Ph.D. in the physical sciences or engineering. The candidate should have the following skills:
Optoelectronic modeling and device physics (e.g. FDTD, TCAD)
Device fabrication(e.g. 2 year+ cleanroom experience, familiar with optoelectronic devices, layout complex masks)
Device and system measurement (e.g. SEM, Micro-PL, probe station, free-space, high-speed optoelectronic)
Experience in nanofabrication and microelectronic design is also helpful. The candidate should also have excellent communication and leadership skills.
Please send your CV to Prof. Chao Shen (chaoshen(AT) if you are interested.