- Experimental evidence for an attractive p-φ interaction.-Physical Review Letters-2021-01-01-127
- Progress of study on the properties of nuclear matter with high baryon density at CSR energy region.-SCIENTIA SINICA-PHYSICA MECHANICA & ASTRONOMICA-2019-01-01-49
- Vorticity in low-energy heavy-ion collisions.-PHYSICAL REVIEW C-2020-01-01-101
- Charge asymmetry dependence of flow and a novel correlator to detect the chiral magnetic wave in a multiphase transport model.-PHYSICAL REVIEW C-2019-01-01-100
- Two-particle angular correlations in heavy ion collisions from a multiphase transport model.-PHYSICAL REVIEW C-2019-01-01-99
- Electromagnetic field from asymmetric to symmetric heavy-ion collisions at 200 GeV/c.-PHYSICAL REVIEW C-2019-01-01-99
- Signatures of alpha-clustering in O-16 by using a multiphase transport model.-PHYSICAL REVIEW C-2020-01-01-102