

唐莉,复旦大学国际关系与公共事务学院 公共行政系 教授,美国佐治亚理工公共政策博士。研究方向为公共政策分析、科技创新政策。当前关注议题:负责任科研创新与全球科技治理、科研评估、国际合作与人才流动。主持了国家社科重大专项、社科重点、自科、以及教育部人文社科项目;共同主持美国自然科学基金纳米研究中心的中国纳米技术产业化项目以及美国戈尔创新项目。研究成果发表在ScienceNatureScience and Public Policy、《公共行政评论》、《科学学与科学技术管理》等国内外重要期刊。


John Walsh & Li Tang,Identification disambiguation in databases. 美国商标专利局2014年8月5日授权通过,专利号US8,799,237 B2。该专利已经成功技术转让给美国一高科技公司 Search Technology, Inc. ,专利技术转让号 361911-1010. [全文 Full Text]


Tang, Li (2022). A role for funders in fostering China’s research integrity. Science, 375(6584), 979-981. https://www.science.org/doi/10.1126/science.abm7992 [全文 Full Text]

Tang, Li (2019). Five ways China must cultivate research integrity. Nature, 575, 589-591. https://www.nature.com/articles/d41586-019-03613-1  [全文 Full Text]

Tang, Li, Zhaopeng Li, Hongxu Liu, Yijia Jing (2024). Appraising the philosophical influences on modern public administration research. https://doi.org/10.1177/09520767241266774   [全文 Full Text]

Tang, Li (2024). Halt the ongoing decoupling and reboot US-China scientific collaboration. Journal of Informetrics, 18(2), 101521. [全文 Full Text]

李兆鹏、唐莉 (2024). 我国政治学研究的国际贡献与学术影响力.科学学与科学技术管理,45(1), 74-90. [全文 Full Text]

Tang, Li, Defang Yang, Mingxing Wang, Ying Guo (2024). The mediating impact   of citation scope: Evidence from China’s ESI publications. Journal of Informetrics, 18(3), 101541. [全文 Full Text]

Zhang, Xi, Dehu Yin, Li Tang, Hongke Zhao (2024). Does academic engagement with industry come at a cost for eary career scientists? Information Processing and Management, 61(3), article number 10366. [全文 Full Text]

Wang, Zheng, Li Tang, Cong Cao, Zhe Zhou (2023). The impact of US-China tensions on people mobility: Evidence from air traffic Data. The China Review, 23(4),159-195. [全文 Full Text]

Tang, Li, Linan Wang, Guangyuan Hu (2023). Research misconduct investigations in China' s science funding system. Science and Engineering Ethics, 29, article number 39. [全文 Full Text].

Tang, Li, Jennifer Kuzma, Xi Zhang, Xinyu Song, Yin Li, Hongxu Liu, Guangyuan Hu (2023). Synthetic Biology and Governance Research in China: A 40-Year Evolution. Scientometrics, 128(6), 5293–5310. [全文 Full Text]

唐莉 (2022). 中国社会科学国际影响力与学术话语权研究——现状、理论分析框架及展望[J]. 科学学与科学技术管理, 43(5),3-17. [全文 Full Text]

Hu,  Guangyuan, Rong Ni, Li Tang (2022). Do international nonstop flights foster influential research? Evidence from Sino-US scientific collaboration. Journal of Informetrics.16(4), 101348. [全文 Full Text]

唐莉 (2022). 全球科技治理与负责任创新:缘起、挑战与前瞻[J].复旦公共行政评论, 24, 1-10. [全文 Full Text]

Tang, Li, Cong Cao (2022). Prospects and challenges: Introduction to the special issue on “Global governance of emerging technologies”. Global Public Policy and Governance, 2(3), 26[1-266.[全文 Full Text]

李峰、唐莉 (2022). 海外经历能否加速职业发展:以长江学者为例[J]. 科研管理, 43(1), 192-199. [全文 Full Text]

唐莉、潘虹、杨寓涵、李寅 (2022). 我国科技评价制度建设与研究:政策变迁与研究进展[J]. 创新科技. 22(1), 21-29. [全文 Full Text]

Tang, Li, Cong Cao, Zheng Wang, Zhuo Zhou (2021).Decoupling in Science and Education——A Collateral Damage beyond Deteriorating U.S.–China Relations. Science and Public Policy,  48(5), 630-634. [全文 Full Text]

Tang, Li, Liying Yang, Lin Zhang (2021). Understanding Chinese science: New scientometric perspectives. Quantitative Science Studies, 2(1), 288–291. [全文 Full Text]

Tang, Li, Cong Cao, Donald Lien, Xiaoou Liu (2020). The Effects of Anticorruption Campaign on Research Grant Reimbursement: Regression Discontinuity Evidence from China. Science & Engineering Ethics, 26(6), 3415–3436. [全文 Full Text]

Tang, Li, Guangyuan Hu, Yang Sui, Yuhan Yang, & Cong Cao (2020). Retraction: The“Other Face”of Research Collaboration? Science and Engineering Ethics, 26(3), 1681–1708. [全文 Full Text]

Li, Feng, Li Tang (2019). When international mobility meets local connections: Evidence from China. Science and Public Policy, 46(4), 518-529. [全文 Full Text]
研究被Nature的“News in focus”栏目标题为“Chinese academics who work abroad are slower to win major honour”的文章报道 (2020年1月第577卷第6期, P202).

唐莉, 王力男 (2019). 科研基金撤项的实证分析[J]. 科学学与科学技术管理, 40(07): 15-30. [全文 Full Text]

Walsh, John, YouNa Lee, Li Tang (2019). Pathogenic organization in science: Division of labor and retractions. Research Policy, 48, 444-461. [全文 Full Text]
研究被Science的“News at a glance”栏目标题为“Specialization tied to retractions”的文章报道(2019年3月第363卷第6434期, P1370).

Wang, Guoyan, Guangyuan Hu, Chuanfeng Li, Li Tang (2018). Long live the scientists: Tracking the scientific fame of great minds in physics. Journal of Informetrics, 12(4), 1089–1098. [全文 Full Text]

Liu, Weishu, Guangyuan Hu, & Li Tang (2018). Missing author address information in Web of Science-An explorative study. Journal of Informetrics,12(3), 985–997. [全文 Full Text]

唐莉, 胡光元, 刘维树, 杨寓涵, 赵炜 (2017). 创新型城市的基础科研发展评估: 基于深圳的实证分析[J]. 公共行政评论, 10(06): 47-64. [全文 Full Text]

唐莉 (2017). 信息计量在科技创新政策研究中的应用现状、局限与前景[J]. 科学学研究, 35(02): 183-188. [全文 Full Text]

Tang, Li, Guangyuan Hu, Liu, Weishu (2017). Funding acknowledgment analysis: Queries and Caveats. Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology, 68(3), 790-794. [全文 Full Text]

唐莉, Philip Shapira, Jan Youtie (2016). 中国科研成果的引用增长是否存在“俱乐部效应”?[J]. 财经研究, 42(10): 94-107. 译文. [全文 Full Text]

Tang, Li, Michael Murphree, & Dan Breznitz(2016). Structured Uncertainty: A Pilot Study on Innovation in China's Mobile Phone Handset Industry.  Journal of Technology Transfer, 41(5), 1168–1194. [全文 Full Text]

Tang, Li, Philip Shapira, & Jan Youtie(2015). Is there a clubbing effect underlying Chinese research citation increases? Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology, 66(9), 1923–1932. [全文 Full Text]

Liu, Weishu, Guangyuan Hu, Li Tang, & Yuandi Wang(2015). China's global growth in social science research. Journal of Informetrics, 9(3),555-569. [全文 Full Text]

Xue Yang, Xin Gu, Yuandi Wang, Guangyuan Hu, Li Tang (2015).The Matthew effect in China's science: evidence from academicians of Chinese Academy of Sciences. Scientometrics,102(3), 2089-2105. [全文 Full Text]

Tang, Li, Philip Shapira, & Yu Meng (2014). Developing an innovative materials enterprise in China: A nanotechnology small business case study. Chinese Management Studies, 8(2), 201-217. [全文 Full Text]

唐莉 (2014). 国际视野下科技创新政策研究动态及对我国的启示[J]. 复旦公共行政评论, (02): 1-6. [全文 Full Text]

Tang, Li, & Guangyuan Hu (2013). Tracing the footprint of knowledge spillover: Evidence from U.S.-China Collaboration in Nanotechnology. Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, 64(9), 1791-1801. [全文 Full Text]

Tang, Li (2013). Does "Birds of a Feather Flock Together" Matter: Evidence from a Longitudinal Study on the US-China Scientific Collaboration. Journal of Informetrics, 7(2), 330-344. [全文 Full Text]

Hu, Guangyuan, Stephen Carley, & Li Tang (2012). Visualizing Nanotechnology Research in Canada: Evidence from Publication Activities, 1990-2009.  Journal of Technology Transfer, 35(4), 550-562. [全文 Full Text]

Tang, Li, & Philip Shapira (2012). Effects of International Collaboration and Knowledge Moderation on China's Nanotechnology Research Impacts. Journal of Technology Management in China, 7(1), 94-110. [全文 Full Text]

Tang, Li, & Philip Shapira (2011). China-US Scientific Collaboration in Nanotechnology: Patterns and Dynamics.  Scientometrics, 88(1), 1-16. [全文 Full Text]

Tang, Li, Stephen Carley, & Alan Porter (2011). Charting Nano Environmental, Health and Safety Research Trajectories: Does China Converge with the U.S.? Journal of Science Policy and Governance, 1(1), 1-16. [全文 Full Text]

Tang, Li, & Philip Shapira (2011). Regional Development and Interregional Collaboration in the Growth of Nanotechnology Research in China. Scientometrics, 86(2), 299-315. [全文 Full Text]

Tang, Li, & John P. Walsh (2010). Bibliometric Fingerprints: Name Disambiguation Based on Approximate Structure Equivalence of Cognitive Maps. Scientometrics, 84 (3), 763-794. [全文 Full Text]

Policy Analysis and Program Evaluation(国际公共政策硕士) 


Quantitative Science Studies (国际科学计量学与信息计量学学会ISSI会刊),副主编
Global Public Policy & Governance,编委
Journal of Data and Information Science,编委


ORCID: 0000-0003-4971-6192
Scopus Author ID: 35772975000    
ResearcherID: B-6182-2011

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