- Different asymptotic behavior versus same dynamical complexity: Recurrence & (ir)regularity.-Advances in Mathematics-2016-01-01-288
- Nonexistence of Lyapunov exponents for matrix cocycles.-Annales De L Institut Henri Poincare-Probabilites Et Statistiques-2017-01-01-53
- VARIATIONAL EQUALITIES OF ENTROPY IN NONUNIFORMLY HYPERBOLIC SYSTEMS.-Transactions of the American Mathematical Society-2017-01-01-369
- On the irregular points for systems with the shadowing property.-Ergodic Theory and Dynamical Systems-2018-01-01-38
- Transitively-saturated property, Banach recurrence and Lyapunov regularity.-Nonlinearity-2019-01-01-32
- Distributional chaos in multifractal analysis, recurrence and transitivity.-Ergodic Theory and Dynamical Systems-2021-01-01-41