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当前位置 中文主页 >> 科学研究
  • Papers (in English)

    1. The Impact of China’s AIIB on the World Bank (with Jing Qian and James Raymond Vreeland). International Organization, online first

    Working Paper | Data and Code 

    1.  A Replication of "Exploring and Explaining Contracting Out: Patterns among the American States", Public Administration2022, 100(4): 1161-1182. 

    Data and Code 

    1.  Does Venture Capital Reputation Contribute to Pre-IPO Performance of Entrepreneurial Firms in the Chinese Context?. With Hai Long, Xiaochen Lin and Lanyong Lin. SAGE Open, 2022, 12(4).   

    2.  Are Initial Public Offerings Significant To Firm Performance In An Emerging Stock Market? Evidence From China. With Qian Gao and Hai Long. South African Journal of Business Management, 52.1 (2021): 13.

    3.  Does Government Punish Nonprofits for High Administrative Costs in Contracting Decisions? (with Jiahuan Lu). American Review of Public Administration, 2020, 50(3), 286-296. 

    4. The Governance of China’s Foreign Aid System: Evolution and Path Dependence (with Yijia Jing). Public Administration and Development, 2019, Vol. 39(4), 182-192.

    5. Does Government Funding Make Nonprofits Administratively Inefficient? Revisiting the Link (with Jiahuan Lu). Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly, 2019, Vol. 48(6) 1143–1161.

    6. The Crowding-Out Effect within Government Funding: Implications for Within-Source Diversification (with Jiahuan Lu). Nonprofit Management & Leadership. 2019, 29(4), 611–622. 

    7. How Does Government Funding Affect Nonprofits' Program Spending? Evidence from International Development Organizations (with Jiahuan Lu). Public Administration and Development, 2019, 39:69–77.

    8. The Innovation of Multilateral Development Banks: Comparative Evidence between AIIB and ADB (with Yannan Gou and Wanying Li ), Journal of Chinese Political Science, 2018, 3(2).

    9. Chinese State-Owned Companies, Misallocation and the Reform Policy. The Chinese Political Science Review,2019, 4(1), 28-51.

    10. The Overpaid and Underpaid: A Comparison of Labor Costs in Nonprofit and For-Profit Service Organizations (with Jiahuan Lu). Fudan Journal of the Humanities and Social Sciences, 2019, 12(1), 117-136.

    11. To Coerce or to Enable? The Effect of Government Funding on Policy Advocacy in Nonprofit Human Service Organizations (with Jiahuan Lu). The Chinese Political Science Review, 2018, Vol. 3, 411-429.

    中文论文(Papers in Chinese)

    1. 疫情后我国积极财政政策的走向和财税体制改革任务(李明、张璿璿),《管理世界》,2020年第四期。(第三作者)

    2. 新兴援助国对外发展援助的治理结构研究:基于部分金砖国家的比较分析(与敬乂嘉和欧阳喆合作). 《中国行政管理》, 2018年第2期.(第一作者)

    3. 战后日本对外援助的动态演进及其援助战略分析 ——基于欧美的比较视角(与欧阳喆合作),《当代亚太》,2018年第2期。(第一作者,CSSCI)

    4. 关系对中国农村收入差距的贡献:一项基于夏普里值的分解研究(与陆铭合作),《经济学季刊》, 2010年第4期。(第一作者)

    Book or Book Chapters

    1. Zhao, Jianzhi. The Aid Management System of Emerging Donors: Examples from BRICs Countries (with Ouyang Zhe), in New Development Assistance, Palgrave Publisher, 2020.

    2. 赵剑治,《国际发展合作:理论、实践与评估》,中国社会科学出版社,2018年。


    1. 赵剑治,《公司治理方式能否引入公共领域?》,解放日报,2017年5月16日。

    2. 赵剑治,《推进援外预算绩效管理、优化我国国际发展合作》,中国财经报,2019年2月16日。







    美国马里兰大学Ann G. Wylie Dissertation Fellowship博士论文奖学金
    美国马里兰大学博士全额奖学金  2009-2014
    美国马里兰大学院长奖学金   2009-2010
    美国马里兰大学Jacob K. Goldhaber国际会议奖学金  2013

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