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- [1] Lingyi Zhou, Yixin Dai- Within the shadow of hierarchy: The role of hierarchical interventions in environmental collaborative governance -Governance -2021-11-17
- [2] 周凌一, 纵向干预何以推动地方协作治理?——以长三角区域环境协作治理为例 -公共行政评论 -2020-01-01 -13
- [3] What is the Role of Hierarchical Interventions? Insights from the Evolution of Water Collaborative Governance in China -Environmental Management -2023-01-01 -71
- [4] Shaowei Chen, XInfeng Zhao、 Lingyi Zhou- Which works better? Comparing the environmental outcomes of different forms of intergovernmental collaboration in China's air pollution control -Journal of Environmental Policy & Planning -2021-11-09
- [5] Lingyi Zhou, Yixin Dai- Which is more effective in China? How communication tools in uence public acceptance of nuclear power energy -Energy Policy -2020-09-01
- [6] 领导在路上:地方政府官员异地考察的行为和网络
- [7] 周凌一, 刘铁枫、 信息视角下新冠肺炎疫情的公众风险感知与预防行为 -复旦公共行政评论 -2021-02-28
- [8] 王喆, 周凌一、 京津冀生态环境协同治理研究——基于体制机制视角探讨 -经济与管理研究 -2015-07-07
- [9] 周凌一, 李朔严、 跨体制流动与政策创新:制度环境约束下政策企业家的身份选择——以西南省公益金融创新为例 -公共行政评论 -2016-05-10
- [10] Lingyi Zhou, Yixin Dai- The Influencing Factors of Haze Tolerance in China -International Journal of Environment Research and Public Health -2019-01-21
- [11] Lingyi Zhou, Yixin Dai- How Smog Awareness Influences Public Acceptance of Congestion Charge Policies -Sustainability -2017-07-10
- [12] 周凌一, 李勇、 公益金融:概念、体系及功能 -中国非营利评论 -2015-12-01
- [13] 辛华, 陈敏,周凌一、 志愿共同体:志愿服务的引力、能力与动力——基于美好社会咨询社的案例研究 -中国非营利评论 -2016-06-08
- [14] 周凌一, 赋权:字幕组的兴与衰 -社会建设研究 -2015-12-01