
当前位置: Morphomechanics Group - 科学研究 - 学术成果- Wrinkling of twisted thin films -International Journal of Solids and Structures -2023-01-01 -262-263
- Competition between Sliding and Peeling of Graphene Nanoribbons under Horizontal Drag -Materials -2022-01-01 -15
- Competition between Mullins and curvature effects in the wrinkling of stretched soft shells -International Journal of Solids and Structures -2022-01-01 -241
- An asymptotic modeling and resolution framework for morphology evolutions of multiple-period post... -Mathematics and Mechanics of Solids -2022-01-01 -27
- A consistent finite-strain plate model for wrinkling of stretched anisotropic hyperelastic films -Thin-Walled Structures -2022-01-01 -179
- 基于共旋坐标的三维硬磁杆模型 -ACTA MECHANICA SINICA -2022-01-01 -38
- Polarization-Dependent Ultrasensitive Dynamic Wrinkling on Floating Films Induced by Photo-Orient... -Angewandte Chemie-International Edition -2022-01-01 -61
- Stretchable and ultrasensitive strain sensor based on a bilayer wrinkle-microcracking mechanism -Chemical Engineering Journal -2022-01-01 -437
- Ultrafast dynamic response of waterproof stretchable strain sensors based on wrinkle-templated mi... -Journal of Materials Chemistry A -2022-01-01 -10
- 徐凡, 硬磁软曲梁大变形力学模型 -科学通报 -2022-01-01