


97. Kunyu Guo, Dilong Li and Qi Zhou, The first Szego˝ limit theorem on multi-dimensional torus, Adv. Math. 450 (2024), Paper No. 109744.  paper[97]

96. Guanlong Bao, Kunyu Guo, Fangmei Sun and Zipeng Wang,  Hankel Matrices Acting on the Dirichlet Space, J. Fourier Anal. Appl. 30 (2024), no. 5, Paper No. 53.  paper[96]

95.  Xiangdi  Fu, Kunyu Guo and Fugang Yan, Coanalytic models for Hardy-type operators,  Sci. China Math. 67 (2024), no. 12, 2771–2788. paper[95]



94.Yongjiang Duan, Kunyu Guo, Siyu Wang and Zipeng Wang,    Toeplitz operators on a class of radially weighted harmonic Bergman spaces,

  Potential Anal. 59 (2023), no. 4, 1621–1641. paper[94]

93. Kunyu Guo, Xianfeng Zhao, and Dechao Zheng,  The spectral picture of Bergman-Toeplitz operators with harmonic polynomial symbols,  Ark. Mat. 61 (2023), no. 2, 343–  


92.    郭坤宇,黄寒松, 圆环的Bergman空间上乘法算子的Thomson型定理, 中国科学:数学,2023,5312: 1653-1666.paper[92]

91. Kunyu Guo,  Penghui Wang, and  Chong Zhao,  Essentially normal quotient weighted Bergman modules over the bidisk and distinguished varieties, Adv. Math. 432 (2023), 

 Paper No. 109266, 30 pp. paper[91]

90. Xiangdi Fu, Kunyu Guo, and  Fugang Yan,  Helson operators and coinvariant subspaces, Studia Math. 270 (2023), no. 2, 209–228.paper[90]

89. Hui Dan, Kunyu Guo, and  Jiaqi Ni,  Invariant subspaces of weighted Bergman spaces in infinitely many variables J. Operator Theory 89 (2023), no. 1, 183–204.paper[89]

88. Xiang fang, Kunyu Guo, and   Zipeng Wang, Composition operators on the Bergman space with quasiconformal symbols, J. Geom. Anal. 33 (2023), no. 4, Paper No. 125, 

      38 pp.paper[88]

87. Hui Dan;  Kunyu Guo,  Power dilation systems {f(zk)} in Dirichlet-type spaces, St. Petersburg Math. J. 34 (2023), no. 3, 439–451. paper[87]

86. Hui Dan;  Kunyu Guo,  Dilation theory and analytic model theory for doubly commuting sequences of C.0 –contractions,  Sci. China Math. 66 

     (2023), no. 2, 303–340. paper[86]



85. Yongjiang Duan; Kunyu Guo; Siyu Wang; Zipeng Wang, Toeplitz Operators on Weighted Bergman Spaces Induced by a Class of Radial Weights, The Journal of Geometric Analysis, 2022, 32(2): 29pp. paper[85]

84. Kunyu Guo; Qi Zhou,Szegö’s Theorem on Hardy Spaces Induced by Rotation-Invariant Borel Measures,Complex Analysis and Operator Theory, 2022, 16(3): 24pp. paper[84]

83. Kunyu Guo; Fugang YanToeplitz operators on the Hardy space over the infinite-dimensional polydiscActa Scientiarum Mathematicarum, 2022, 88(1-2): 223-262.   paper[83]

82. Ronald G. Douglas; Kunyu Guo; Yi WangOn the p -essential normality of principal submodules of the Bergman module on strongly pseudoconvex domainsAdv. Math., 2022, 407: 41pp.  paper[82],

81.  Guozheng Cheng; Xiang Fang; Kunyu Guo; Chao LiuA Gaussian version of Littlewood's theorem for random power seriesProc. Amer. Math. Soc., 2022, 150(8): 3525-3536. paper[81]



80. Kunyu Guo; Qi Zhou,Cyclic Vectors, Outer Functions and Mahler Measure in Two Variables,Integral Equations and Operator Theory, 2021, 93(5): 14pp.   paper[80]

79. Hui Dan Kunyu Guo, The Periodic Dilation Completeness Problem: Cyclic vectors in the Hardy space over the infinite-dimensional polydisk, J. London Math. Soc. 103(2021), 1-34. paper[79]



78. Kunyu Guo and Yi Wang,  A survey on the Arveson-Douglas Conjecture, (Chapter 13, Operator Theory, Operator Algebras and Their Interactions with Geometry and Topology, Ronald G. Douglas Memorial Volume), Operator Theory Advances and Applications,  Birkhauser,  278(2020) paper[78]



77.  Kunyu Guo,  Hansong Huang,  Commutants, Reducing Subspaces and von Neumann Algebras Associated with Multiplication Operators,  Chapter 3,pp. 65-85,Handbook of Analytic Operator Theory,CRC Press, 2019.  paper[77]

76. Hui Dan, Kunyu Guo and Hansong Huang,  Analytic Toeplitz Operators, Distinguished varieties and Boundary Behavior of Symbols, Integr. Equ. Oper. Theory (2019) 91:48,    paper[76]



75.  Hui Dan, Kunyu Guo and Hansong Huang,  Submodules of the  Hardy modules in infinitely many variables, J. OPERATOR THEORY, 80(2018), 375–397. paper[75]

74.  Kunyu Guo,Xudi Wang, The graded structure induced by operators
on a Hilbert space, Journal of the Mathematical Society of Japan,



73. Hui Dan,Kunyu Guo,Hansong Huang,  Totally Abelian Toeplitz
operators and geometric invariants associated with their symbol curves,
Journal of Functional Analysis,273(2017), 559-597. 



72. Kunyu Guo,Xudi Wang, Reducing subspaces of tensor products of
weighted shifts, SCIENCE CHINA,Mathematics,59(2016), 715-



71. Kunyu Guo, Hansong Huang,  Multiplication Operators on the Bergman    space,   Lecture  Notes in Mathematics 2145, (2015).

70. Kunyu Guo, Youqing Ji and  Sen Zhu,  A C∗-algebra approach to complex symmetric operators,  Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 367(2015), 6903-6942.  paper[70]

69.  Kunyu Guo and Zipeng Wang, The one weight inequality of integral operator induced by Hardy kernel,  SCIENCE CHINA,Mathematics,  45(2015), 1867-1876,  [In Chinese]. paper[69]



68.  Kunyu Guo and Sen Zhu,  A canonical decomposition of complex symmetric operators,J. Operator Theory,72:2(2014), 529–547. paper[68]

67.  Kunyu Guo and Hansong Huang, Geometric constructions of thin Blaschke products and reducing subspace problem,Proc. London Math. Soc.  109( 2014) 1050-1091. paper[67]



66. Kunyu Guo,Jiayang Yu,  Operator analogue of Mahler’s measure, Illinois Journal of Mathematics,  57(2013),  477–498.   paper[66]

65.  Kunyu Guo, Chong Zhao, p -essential normality of quasi-homogeneous Drury–Arveson’s submodules , J. London Mathematical Society , 87 (2013) 899–916.paper[65]

64.  Kunyu Guo, Hansong Huang, Reducing subspaces of multiplication operators on function spaces, Appl. Math. J. Chinese Univ. 28(2013),395-404; (Dedieated to the Memory of Chen Kien-Kwong on the 120th Anniversary of his Birth).  paper[64]



63.  Kunyu Guo, Kai Wang and Genkai Zhang,  Trace formulas and p-essentially normal properties of quotient modules on the bidisk.  J. Operator Theory, 67(2012),511-535. paper[63]

62.  Kunyu Guo, Penghui Wang,  Essentially normal Hilbert modules and K  -homology IV: quasi-homogenous quotient modules of Hardy module on the polydisks.  Sci. China Math. 55(2012),  1613–1626.   paper[62]



 61. Kunyu Guo, Dechao Zheng, Rudin orthogonality problem on the Bergman space, J. Funct. Anal. 261(2011), 51-68.   paper[61] 

60. Kunyu Guo, Hansong Huang, Multiplication operators defined by covering maps on the Bergman space: The connection between operator theory and von Neumann algebras,   J. Funct. Anal. 260 (2011),  1219–1255    paper[60]

59. Kunyu Guo, Hansong Huang, On multiplication operators on the Bergman space: Similarity, unitary equivalence and reducing subspaces, J.Operator Theory, 65(2011), 355-378. paper[59]

58. Li Chen, R. Douglas and Kunyu Guo, On the double commutant of Cowen-Douglas operators, J. Funct.Anal.260(2011),1925-1943.  paper[58]




57. Guozheng Cheng, Kunyu Guo, Kai Wang, Transitive algebras and reductive algebras on reproducing analytic Hilbert spaces,J. Funct. Anal. 258 (2010) 4229–4250  paper[57]

56. Kunyu Guo, Wei He and Shengzhao Hou, Maximal invariant subspaces for a class of operators, Arkiv for Matematik, 48 (2010), 323–333  paper[56]

55. Kunyu Guo, Liankuo Zhao, On unitary  equivalence  of invariant subspaces of the Dirichlet space,   Studia Math.196(2)(2010),143-150  paper[55]




54. Kunyu Guo and Kai Wang, Beurling type quotient  modules over the bidisk and boundary representations,  J. Funct. Anal.  257(2009),  3218-3238   paper[54]

53. Kunyu Guo, S.Sun, D.Zheng and C.Zhong, Multiplication operators on the Bergman space via the Hardy space of the bidisk, J. fur Reine und Angew. Math. 628(2009),129-168 paper[53]

52. M.Englis, Kunyu Guo and Genkai Zhang,  Toeplitz and Hankel operators and Dixmier trace on the unit ball of C^n,  Proc.AMS,137(2009),3669-3678 paper[52]  

51.Yongjiang Duan, Kunyu Guo, Dimension formula for localization of Hilbert Modules, J. Operator Theory,  62(2009), 439-452 paper[51]



50. Kunyu Guo and Kai Wang, Essentially normal Hilbert modules and K-homology, Math. Ann. 340(2008),907-934  paper[50]

49. Kunyu Guo, Hansong Huang and Kai Wang,  Retracts in polydisks and analytic varities with the H∞extension property, J. Geometric Analysis, 18(2008),148-171 paper[49]

48. Kunyu Guo and K.Izuchi, Composition operators on Fock type spaces,  Acta Sci. Math. (Szeged), 74(2008), 805-826 paper[48]



47. Kunyu Guo, Recent progress in essentially normal Hilbert modules,   Proceedings of The 4th International Congress of Chinese Mathematics, Vol (I), 629-641. (Hangzhou 2007, Dec.17-22.) paper[47]

46. Kunyu Guo and P.Wang, Defect operators and Fredholmness for Toeplitz pairs with inner symbols, J. Operator Theory,58(2007), 251-268. paper[46]

45. Kunyu Guo and K.Wang, Essentially normal Hilbert modules and K-homology{II: Quasi-homogeneous Hilbert modules over the two dimensional unit ball},   J. Ramanujan Math. Soc. 22 (2007), 259-281 paper[45]

44. Kunyu Guo, S. Sun  and  D. Zheng, Finite Rank Commutators and Semicommutators of Toeplitz Operators with Harmonic Symbols, Illinois Journal of Mathematics,51(2007),583–596  paper[44]   

43. Kunyu Guo and P.Wang, Essentially normal Hilbert modules and K-homology {III: Homogenous Quotient Modules of  Hardy modules on the bidisk}, Science in China,50(2007),387-411. paper[43] 



42.Kunyu Guo and K.Wang,  On operators  which commute with analytic Toeplitz operators modulo the finite rank operators, Proc. AMS, 134 (2006), 2571-2576.   paper[42]

41.  Kunyu Guo and Yongjiang Duan, Spectral properties of quotients of Beurling-type submodules of the Hardy module over the unit ball,  Studia Math. 177(2006), 141-152  paper[41] 




40.Kunyu Guo and Dechao Zheng, The distribution function inequality for a finite sum of finite products of Toeplitz  operators,   J. Funct. Anal.  218(2005), 1-53 paper[40]  

39.  Xiaoman Chen,  Kunyu Guo,  Keiji Izuchi and Dechao Zheng,  Compact perturbations of Hankel operators,  J. fur Reine und  Angew.  Math.578 (2005), 1-48 paper[39] 




38.Kunyu Guo,  Defect operators for submodules of H_d^2,  J. fur Reine und Angew. Math,   573(2004), 181-209 paper[38]

37.Kunyu Guo,  Defect operators, defect functions and defect  indices for analytic submodules,      J. Funct. Anal. 213(2004), 380-411  paper[37]

36.  Kunyu Guo, Junyun Hu and Xianmin Xu, Toeplitz algebras,subnormal tuples and rigidity on reproducing C(z_1,…,z_d)-modules,  J. Funct. Anal.   210(2004), 214-247 paper[36]

35.  Kunyu Guo and Rongwei Yang,  The core operators and core functions of submodules over the bidisk,  Indiana Univ. Math. J.   53 (2004), 205-222 paper[35]

34.  Kunyu Guo and Shengzhao Hou, Quasi-invariant subspaces generated by polynomials with nonzero leading terms,  Studia Math. 164(2004),231-241 paper[34]



33.Kunyu Guo and Dechao Zheng, Essentially commuting Hankel and Toeplitz operators, J. Funct. Anal. 201(2003), 121-147 paper[33]

32.Kunyu Guo, Classification of Hardy submodules and characteristic space theory (a brief and selective survey), Acta Math. Sinica, 19(2003), 513-522 paper[32]

31.Kunyu Guo,  Homogeneous quasi-invariant subspaces of the Fock space,  J. Austral. Math. Soc. (Ser A), 75(2003), 399-407 paper[31]

30.Xiaoman Chen,Kunyu Guo, Analytic Hilbert Modules,π-Chapman&Hall/CRC Research Notes in Math. 433,2003. [book] 




29.Kunyu Guo, The extension theory of Hilbert modules over semigroups, Math. Nachr. 246-247(2002), 83-105 paper[29]

28.Kunyu Guo and Dechao Zheng,  Toeplitz operators and Toeplitz algebras on the harmonic Bergman space,   J. Math. Anal. Appl. 276(2002), 213-230  paper[28]

27.Kunyu Guo, Podal subspaces of  the Hardy space over the polydisk,  Studia Math. 149(2002), 109-120      PDF

26.Kunyu Guo, The codimension formula of AF-cosubmodules, Chin. Ann. of Math. 23B(2002), 419-424 paper[26] 

25.Xiaoman Chen, Kunyu Guo and Shengzhao Hou, Analytic Hilbert spaces over the complex plane, J. Math. Anal. App.268(2002),684-700  paper[25]



24. Kunyu Guo and Dechao Zheng, Invariant subspaces, quasi-invariant subspaces and Hankel operators,  J. Funct. Anal. 187(2001), 308-342  paper[24]  

23. Kunyu Guo, The essential commutative C*-algebras with essential spectrum homomorphic to  S^{2n-1},  J. Aust. Math.Soc. (Ser. A), 70(2001), 199-210  paper[23]




22. Kunyu Guo, Equivalence of Hardy submodules generated by polynomials, J. Funct. Anal. 178(2000) 343-371  paper[22]

21. Kunyu Guo, Indices, characteristic numbers and essential commutants of Toeplitz operators, Arkiv for  Matematik,  38(2000) 97-110 paper[21]

20. Kunyu Guo, Indices of  Toeplitz tuples on pseudoconvex domains,  Science in China (Ser. A), 43(2000), 1258-1268 paper[20]

19.Kunyu Guo, Extension of Hilbert modules and Hankel operators, Chin. Ann  of  Math.  21B:(2000) 17-24  paper[19]

18.Xiaoman Chen and Kunyu Guo,  Cohomology and extensions of hyposilov modules,    J. Operator Theory,43(2000), 69-81 paper[18]

17.Xiaoman Chen, Guangfu Cao and Kunyu Guo,  Inner functions and cyclic composition operators on  H^2 ,  J. Math. Anal. App. 250(2000), 660-669 paper[17]



16.Kunyu Guo, Characteristic spaces and rigidity of analytic Hilbert modules,  J. Funct. Anal. 163 (1999)133-151 paper[16]

15.Kunyu Guo, Algebraic reduction for Hardy submodules over polydisks, J. Operator Theory,41 (1999) 127-138 paper[15]

14.Kunyu Guo, Normal Hilbert modules over the ball algebra, Studia Math. 135(1999) 1-12 paper[14]  

13.  Kunyu Guo and Xiaoman Chen, Extensions of Hardy modules over the polydisk algebra, Chin. Ann. of Math. 20B (1999), 103-110 paper[13]



12. C.Jiang and Kunyu Guo, The strong irreducibility of hypernomal operators and Berezin perturbation,  Acta Sci. Math (Szeged),  64 (1998),231-248.

11. S.Yan,X.Chen and Kunyu Guo, Hankel operators and Hankel algebras, Chin. Ann. of Math. 19B(1998) 65-76  paper[11]

10. J.Liu,Y. Zhang and Kunyu Guo,  A new C*–algebra and its essential commutant, Chin. Sci. Bull. {43}(1998) 474-478.

9.  Kunyu Guo and X.Hong, Polynomial principal submodules on the strongly pseudoconvex domains,   J. of Fudan univ. Nat. Sci.Edition,(1998)669-673  [In Chinese].



8.  Kunyu Guo, A problem on products of Toeplitz operators, Proc.AMS,124 (1996), 869- 872 paper[8]

7. Kunyu Guo, Fredholm indices  of Toeplitz operators on strongly pseudoconvex domains, Chin. Ann.of Math. 17A(1996)347-352  [In Chinese].

6. Kunyu Guo and S.Sun, The essential commutant of analytic Toeplitz algebra and some related problems,  Acta Math. Sinica 39(1996) 300-313, [In Chinese].

5. Kunyu Guo,  Inner functions and Corona problem,  Northeastern Math. J. 12(1996)34-40.

4. Kunyu Guo, The Eeral theorem on the maximal ideal space of H^\infty,  J. of Fudan univ. Nat. Sci. Edition,35(1996)393-396.



3. Kunyu Guo and S.Sun,The essential commutant of Toeplitz operator algebra on Hardy space of ball, Chin. J. Cont. Math. 16(1995),383-390.



2. Kunyu Guo, The interpolation problem on the maximal ideal space of H∞, Northeastern Math. J. 10(1994),208-214.

1. Kunyu Guo, The compact characterization of the operator H_f*H_g on the Bergman space, Northeastern Math. J. 10(1994)18-24.

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