97. Kunyu Guo, Dilong Li and Qi Zhou, The first Szego˝ limit theorem on multi-dimensional torus, Adv. Math. 450 (2024), Paper No. 109744. paper[97]
96. Guanlong Bao, Kunyu Guo, Fangmei Sun and Zipeng Wang, Hankel Matrices Acting on the Dirichlet Space, J. Fourier Anal. Appl. 30 (2024), no. 5, Paper No. 53. paper[96]
95. Xiangdi Fu, Kunyu Guo and Fugang Yan, Coanalytic models for Hardy-type operators, Sci. China Math. 67 (2024), no. 12, 2771–2788. paper[95]
94.Yongjiang Duan, Kunyu Guo, Siyu Wang and Zipeng Wang, Toeplitz operators on a class of radially weighted harmonic Bergman spaces,
Potential Anal. 59 (2023), no. 4, 1621–1641. paper[94]
93. Kunyu Guo, Xianfeng Zhao, and Dechao Zheng, The spectral picture of Bergman-Toeplitz operators with harmonic polynomial symbols, Ark. Mat. 61 (2023), no. 2, 343–
92. 郭坤宇,黄寒松, 圆环的Bergman空间上乘法算子的Thomson型定理, 中国科学:数学,2023,53(12): 1653-1666.paper[92]
91. Kunyu Guo, Penghui Wang, and Chong Zhao, Essentially normal quotient weighted Bergman modules over the bidisk and distinguished varieties, Adv. Math. 432 (2023),
Paper No. 109266, 30 pp. paper[91]
90. Xiangdi Fu, Kunyu Guo, and Fugang Yan, Helson operators and coinvariant subspaces, Studia Math. 270 (2023), no. 2, 209–228.paper[90]
89. Hui Dan, Kunyu Guo, and Jiaqi Ni, Invariant subspaces of weighted Bergman spaces in infinitely many variables J. Operator Theory 89 (2023), no. 1, 183–204.paper[89]
88. Xiang fang, Kunyu Guo, and Zipeng Wang, Composition operators on the Bergman space with quasiconformal symbols, J. Geom. Anal. 33 (2023), no. 4, Paper No. 125,
38 pp.paper[88]
87. Hui Dan; Kunyu Guo, Power dilation systems {f(zk)} in Dirichlet-type spaces, St. Petersburg Math. J. 34 (2023), no. 3, 439–451. paper[87]
86. Hui Dan; Kunyu Guo, Dilation theory and analytic model theory for doubly commuting sequences of C.0 –contractions, Sci. China Math. 66
(2023), no. 2, 303–340. paper[86]
85. Yongjiang Duan; Kunyu Guo; Siyu Wang; Zipeng Wang, Toeplitz Operators on Weighted Bergman Spaces Induced by a Class of Radial Weights, The Journal of Geometric Analysis, 2022, 32(2): 29pp. paper[85]
84. Kunyu Guo; Qi Zhou,Szegö’s Theorem on Hardy Spaces Induced by Rotation-Invariant Borel Measures,Complex Analysis and Operator Theory, 2022, 16(3): 24pp. paper[84]
83. Kunyu Guo; Fugang Yan,Toeplitz operators on the Hardy space over the infinite-dimensional polydisc,Acta Scientiarum Mathematicarum, 2022, 88(1-2): 223-262. paper[83]
82. Ronald G. Douglas; Kunyu Guo; Yi Wang,On the p -essential normality of principal submodules of the Bergman module on strongly pseudoconvex domains,Adv. Math., 2022, 407: 41pp. paper[82], http://arxiv.org/abs/1708.04949v1
81. Guozheng Cheng; Xiang Fang; Kunyu Guo; Chao Liu,A Gaussian version of Littlewood's theorem for random power series,Proc. Amer. Math. Soc., 2022, 150(8): 3525-3536. paper[81]
80. Kunyu Guo; Qi Zhou,Cyclic Vectors, Outer Functions and Mahler Measure in Two Variables,Integral Equations and Operator Theory, 2021, 93(5): 14pp. paper[80]
79. Hui Dan Kunyu Guo, The Periodic Dilation Completeness Problem: Cyclic vectors in the Hardy space over the infinite-dimensional polydisk, J. London Math. Soc. 103(2021), 1-34. paper[79]
78. Kunyu Guo and Yi Wang, A survey on the Arveson-Douglas Conjecture, (Chapter 13, Operator Theory, Operator Algebras and Their Interactions with Geometry and Topology, Ronald G. Douglas Memorial Volume), Operator Theory Advances and Applications, Birkhauser, 278(2020) paper[78]
77. Kunyu Guo, Hansong Huang, Commutants, Reducing Subspaces and von Neumann Algebras Associated with Multiplication Operators, Chapter 3,pp. 65-85,Handbook of Analytic Operator Theory,CRC Press, 2019. paper[77]
76. Hui Dan, Kunyu Guo and Hansong Huang, Analytic Toeplitz Operators, Distinguished varieties and Boundary Behavior of Symbols, Integr. Equ. Oper. Theory (2019) 91:48, https://doi.org/10.1007/s00020-019-2546-y paper[76]
75. Hui Dan, Kunyu Guo and Hansong Huang, Submodules of the Hardy modules in infinitely many variables, J. OPERATOR THEORY, 80(2018), 375–397. paper[75]
74. Kunyu Guo,Xudi Wang, The graded structure induced by operators
on a Hilbert space, Journal of the Mathematical Society of Japan,
70(2018),853-875. paper[74]
73. Hui Dan,Kunyu Guo,Hansong Huang, Totally Abelian Toeplitz
operators and geometric invariants associated with their symbol curves,
Journal of Functional Analysis,273(2017), 559-597. paper[73]
72. Kunyu Guo,Xudi Wang, Reducing subspaces of tensor products of
weighted shifts, SCIENCE CHINA,Mathematics,59(2016), 715-
730. paper[72]
71. Kunyu Guo, Hansong Huang, Multiplication Operators on the Bergman space, Lecture Notes in Mathematics 2145, (2015).
70. Kunyu Guo, Youqing Ji and Sen Zhu, A C∗-algebra approach to complex symmetric operators, Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 367(2015), 6903-6942. paper[70]
69. Kunyu Guo and Zipeng Wang, The one weight inequality of integral operator induced by Hardy kernel, SCIENCE CHINA,Mathematics, 45(2015), 1867-1876, [In Chinese]. paper[69]
68. Kunyu Guo and Sen Zhu, A canonical decomposition of complex symmetric operators,J. Operator Theory,72:2(2014), 529–547. paper[68]
67. Kunyu Guo and Hansong Huang, Geometric constructions of thin Blaschke products and reducing subspace problem,Proc. London Math. Soc. 109( 2014) 1050-1091. paper[67]
66. Kunyu Guo,Jiayang Yu, Operator analogue of Mahler’s measure, Illinois Journal of Mathematics, 57(2013), 477–498. paper[66]
65. Kunyu Guo, Chong Zhao, p -essential normality of quasi-homogeneous Drury–Arveson’s submodules , J. London Mathematical Society , 87 (2013) 899–916.paper[65]
64. Kunyu Guo, Hansong Huang, Reducing subspaces of multiplication operators on function spaces, Appl. Math. J. Chinese Univ. 28(2013),395-404; (Dedieated to the Memory of Chen Kien-Kwong on the 120th Anniversary of his Birth). paper[64]
63. Kunyu Guo, Kai Wang and Genkai Zhang, Trace formulas and p-essentially normal properties of quotient modules on the bidisk. J. Operator Theory, 67(2012),511-535. paper[63]
62. Kunyu Guo, Penghui Wang, Essentially normal Hilbert modules and K -homology IV: quasi-homogenous quotient modules of Hardy module on the polydisks. Sci. China Math. 55(2012), 1613–1626. paper[62]
61. Kunyu Guo, Dechao Zheng, Rudin orthogonality problem on the Bergman space, J. Funct. Anal. 261(2011), 51-68. paper[61]
60. Kunyu Guo, Hansong Huang, Multiplication operators defined by covering maps on the Bergman space: The connection between operator theory and von Neumann algebras, J. Funct. Anal. 260 (2011), 1219–1255 paper[60]
59. Kunyu Guo, Hansong Huang, On multiplication operators on the Bergman space: Similarity, unitary equivalence and reducing subspaces, J.Operator Theory, 65(2011), 355-378. paper[59]
58. Li Chen, R. Douglas and Kunyu Guo, On the double commutant of Cowen-Douglas operators, J. Funct.Anal.260(2011),1925-1943. paper[58]
57. Guozheng Cheng, Kunyu Guo, Kai Wang, Transitive algebras and reductive algebras on reproducing analytic Hilbert spaces,J. Funct. Anal. 258 (2010) 4229–4250 paper[57]
56. Kunyu Guo, Wei He and Shengzhao Hou, Maximal invariant subspaces for a class of operators, Arkiv for Matematik, 48 (2010), 323–333 paper[56]
55. Kunyu Guo, Liankuo Zhao, On unitary equivalence of invariant subspaces of the Dirichlet space, Studia Math.196(2)(2010),143-150 paper[55]
54. Kunyu Guo and Kai Wang, Beurling type quotient modules over the bidisk and boundary representations, J. Funct. Anal. 257(2009), 3218-3238 paper[54]
53. Kunyu Guo, S.Sun, D.Zheng and C.Zhong, Multiplication operators on the Bergman space via the Hardy space of the bidisk, J. fur Reine und Angew. Math. 628(2009),129-168 paper[53]
52. M.Englis, Kunyu Guo and Genkai Zhang, Toeplitz and Hankel operators and Dixmier trace on the unit ball of C^n, Proc.AMS,137(2009),3669-3678 paper[52]
51.Yongjiang Duan, Kunyu Guo, Dimension formula for localization of Hilbert Modules, J. Operator Theory, 62(2009), 439-452 paper[51]
50. Kunyu Guo and Kai Wang, Essentially normal Hilbert modules and K-homology, Math. Ann. 340(2008),907-934 paper[50]
49. Kunyu Guo, Hansong Huang and Kai Wang, Retracts in polydisks and analytic varities with the H∞extension property, J. Geometric Analysis, 18(2008),148-171 paper[49]
48. Kunyu Guo and K.Izuchi, Composition operators on Fock type spaces, Acta Sci. Math. (Szeged), 74(2008), 805-826 paper[48]
47. Kunyu Guo, Recent progress in essentially normal Hilbert modules, Proceedings of The 4th International Congress of Chinese Mathematics, Vol (I), 629-641. (Hangzhou 2007, Dec.17-22.) paper[47]
46. Kunyu Guo and P.Wang, Defect operators and Fredholmness for Toeplitz pairs with inner symbols, J. Operator Theory,58(2007), 251-268. paper[46]
45. Kunyu Guo and K.Wang, Essentially normal Hilbert modules and K-homology{II: Quasi-homogeneous Hilbert modules over the two dimensional unit ball}, J. Ramanujan Math. Soc. 22 (2007), 259-281 paper[45]
44. Kunyu Guo, S. Sun and D. Zheng, Finite Rank Commutators and Semicommutators of Toeplitz Operators with Harmonic Symbols, Illinois Journal of Mathematics,51(2007),583–596 paper[44]
43. Kunyu Guo and P.Wang, Essentially normal Hilbert modules and K-homology {III: Homogenous Quotient Modules of Hardy modules on the bidisk}, Science in China,50(2007),387-411. paper[43]
42.Kunyu Guo and K.Wang, On operators which commute with analytic Toeplitz operators modulo the finite rank operators, Proc. AMS, 134 (2006), 2571-2576. paper[42]
41. Kunyu Guo and Yongjiang Duan, Spectral properties of quotients of Beurling-type submodules of the Hardy module over the unit ball, Studia Math. 177(2006), 141-152 paper[41]
40.Kunyu Guo and Dechao Zheng, The distribution function inequality for a finite sum of finite products of Toeplitz operators, J. Funct. Anal. 218(2005), 1-53 paper[40]
39. Xiaoman Chen, Kunyu Guo, Keiji Izuchi and Dechao Zheng, Compact perturbations of Hankel operators, J. fur Reine und Angew. Math.578 (2005), 1-48 paper[39]
38.Kunyu Guo, Defect operators for submodules of H_d^2, J. fur Reine und Angew. Math, 573(2004), 181-209 paper[38]
37.Kunyu Guo, Defect operators, defect functions and defect indices for analytic submodules, J. Funct. Anal. 213(2004), 380-411 paper[37]
36. Kunyu Guo, Junyun Hu and Xianmin Xu, Toeplitz algebras,subnormal tuples and rigidity on reproducing C(z_1,…,z_d)-modules, J. Funct. Anal. 210(2004), 214-247 paper[36]
35. Kunyu Guo and Rongwei Yang, The core operators and core functions of submodules over the bidisk, Indiana Univ. Math. J. 53 (2004), 205-222 paper[35]
34. Kunyu Guo and Shengzhao Hou, Quasi-invariant subspaces generated by polynomials with nonzero leading terms, Studia Math. 164(2004),231-241 paper[34]
33.Kunyu Guo and Dechao Zheng, Essentially commuting Hankel and Toeplitz operators, J. Funct. Anal. 201(2003), 121-147 paper[33]
32.Kunyu Guo, Classification of Hardy submodules and characteristic space theory (a brief and selective survey), Acta Math. Sinica, 19(2003), 513-522 paper[32]
31.Kunyu Guo, Homogeneous quasi-invariant subspaces of the Fock space, J. Austral. Math. Soc. (Ser A), 75(2003), 399-407 paper[31]
30.Xiaoman Chen,Kunyu Guo, Analytic Hilbert Modules,π-Chapman&Hall/CRC Research Notes in Math. 433,2003. [book]
29.Kunyu Guo, The extension theory of Hilbert modules over semigroups, Math. Nachr. 246-247(2002), 83-105 paper[29]
28.Kunyu Guo and Dechao Zheng, Toeplitz operators and Toeplitz algebras on the harmonic Bergman space, J. Math. Anal. Appl. 276(2002), 213-230 paper[28]
27.Kunyu Guo, Podal subspaces of the Hardy space over the polydisk, Studia Math. 149(2002), 109-120 PDF
26.Kunyu Guo, The codimension formula of AF-cosubmodules, Chin. Ann. of Math. 23B(2002), 419-424 paper[26]
25.Xiaoman Chen, Kunyu Guo and Shengzhao Hou, Analytic Hilbert spaces over the complex plane, J. Math. Anal. App.268(2002),684-700 paper[25]
24. Kunyu Guo and Dechao Zheng, Invariant subspaces, quasi-invariant subspaces and Hankel operators, J. Funct. Anal. 187(2001), 308-342 paper[24]
23. Kunyu Guo, The essential commutative C*-algebras with essential spectrum homomorphic to S^{2n-1}, J. Aust. Math.Soc. (Ser. A), 70(2001), 199-210 paper[23]
22. Kunyu Guo, Equivalence of Hardy submodules generated by polynomials, J. Funct. Anal. 178(2000) 343-371 paper[22]
21. Kunyu Guo, Indices, characteristic numbers and essential commutants of Toeplitz operators, Arkiv for Matematik, 38(2000) 97-110 paper[21]
20. Kunyu Guo, Indices of Toeplitz tuples on pseudoconvex domains, Science in China (Ser. A), 43(2000), 1258-1268 paper[20]
19.Kunyu Guo, Extension of Hilbert modules and Hankel operators, Chin. Ann of Math. 21B:(2000) 17-24 paper[19]
18.Xiaoman Chen and Kunyu Guo, Cohomology and extensions of hyposilov modules, J. Operator Theory,43(2000), 69-81 paper[18]
17.Xiaoman Chen, Guangfu Cao and Kunyu Guo, Inner functions and cyclic composition operators on H^2 , J. Math. Anal. App. 250(2000), 660-669 paper[17]
16.Kunyu Guo, Characteristic spaces and rigidity of analytic Hilbert modules, J. Funct. Anal. 163 (1999)133-151 paper[16]
15.Kunyu Guo, Algebraic reduction for Hardy submodules over polydisks, J. Operator Theory,41 (1999) 127-138 paper[15]
14.Kunyu Guo, Normal Hilbert modules over the ball algebra, Studia Math. 135(1999) 1-12 paper[14]
13. Kunyu Guo and Xiaoman Chen, Extensions of Hardy modules over the polydisk algebra, Chin. Ann. of Math. 20B (1999), 103-110 paper[13]
12. C.Jiang and Kunyu Guo, The strong irreducibility of hypernomal operators and Berezin perturbation, Acta Sci. Math (Szeged), 64 (1998),231-248.
11. S.Yan,X.Chen and Kunyu Guo, Hankel operators and Hankel algebras, Chin. Ann. of Math. 19B(1998) 65-76 paper[11]
10. J.Liu,Y. Zhang and Kunyu Guo, A new C*–algebra and its essential commutant, Chin. Sci. Bull. {43}(1998) 474-478.
9. Kunyu Guo and X.Hong, Polynomial principal submodules on the strongly pseudoconvex domains, J. of Fudan univ. Nat. Sci.Edition,(1998)669-673 [In Chinese].
8. Kunyu Guo, A problem on products of Toeplitz operators, Proc.AMS,124 (1996), 869- 872 paper[8]
7. Kunyu Guo, Fredholm indices of Toeplitz operators on strongly pseudoconvex domains, Chin. Ann.of Math. 17A(1996)347-352 [In Chinese].
6. Kunyu Guo and S.Sun, The essential commutant of analytic Toeplitz algebra and some related problems, Acta Math. Sinica 39(1996) 300-313, [In Chinese].
5. Kunyu Guo, Inner functions and Corona problem, Northeastern Math. J. 12(1996)34-40.
4. Kunyu Guo, The Eeral theorem on the maximal ideal space of H^\infty, J. of Fudan univ. Nat. Sci. Edition,35(1996)393-396.
3. Kunyu Guo and S.Sun,The essential commutant of Toeplitz operator algebra on Hardy space of ball, Chin. J. Cont. Math. 16(1995),383-390.
2. Kunyu Guo, The interpolation problem on the maximal ideal space of H∞, Northeastern Math. J. 10(1994),208-214.
1. Kunyu Guo, The compact characterization of the operator H_f*H_g on the Bergman space, Northeastern Math. J. 10(1994)18-24.