
1. Kunyu Guo, Hansong Huang,  Multiplication Operators on the Bergman Space,   Lecture  Notes in Mathematics 2145, (2015).

About this book: This book deals with various aspects of commutants and reducing subspaces of multiplication operators on the Bergman space, along with relevant von Neumann algebras generated by these operators, which have been the focus of considerable attention from the authors and other experts in recent years. The book reviews past developments and offers insights into cutting-edge developments in the study of multiplication operators. It also provides commentary and comparisons to stimulate research in this area.

2. Xiaoman Chen, Kunyu Guo,  Analytic Hilbert Modules, π-Chapman&Hall/CRC Research Notes in Mathematics 433, (2003).

About this book: The seminal 1989 work of Douglas and Paulsen on the theory of analytic Hilbert modules precipitated a number of major research efforts. This in turn led to some intriguing and valuable results, particularly in the areas of operator theory and functional analysis. With the field now beginning to blossom, the time has come to collect those results under one cover. Written by two of the most active and often-cited researchers in the field, Analytic Hilbert Modules reports on the progress made by the authors and others, including the characteristic space theory, rigidity, the equivalence problem, the Arveson modules, extension theory, and reproducing Hilbert spaces on n-dimensional complex space.

3. 郭坤宇,《算子理论基础》(第二版)复旦大学数学研究生教学用书,复旦大学出版社 (2022年9月)


简介:《算子理论基础》(第二版) 前3章概述了线性泛函分析的基本内容。第四、第五章建立在前3章的基础上,重点讲述算子理论与算子代数的一些基本概念、理论和方法。在第六章,我们综合运用前5章的知识研究了3类具体的算子——Toeplitz算子、Hankel 算子和复合算子,这3 类算子具有广泛的应用价值。第七章重点介绍Hilbert空间中无界线性算子的基础理论。 书中列举了大量的应用实例,并配备了大量的习题。 本书内容系统全面,叙述简明扼要,可作为数学院系高年级学生和研究生的“泛函分析”教学用书或教学参考书,特别可用于算子理论与算子代数方向研究生的入门学习。

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