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Appeared and Accepted Journal Papers:

Global Well-posedness of Incompressible Elastodynamics in 2DTo Appear in CPAM.

Local Well-posedness of the three dimensional compressible Euler–Poisson equations with physical vacuum. (With Xumin Gu). To Appear in JMPA.

Uniform Bound of the Highest Energy for the 3D Incompressible Elastodynamics. (With F. Wang). To Appear in ARMA.

A priori bound on the velocity in axially symmetric Navier-Stokes equations. (With E. Navas and Q. Zhang). To Appear in CMP.

On axially symmetric incompressible magnetohydrodynamics in three dimensionsTo Appear in JDE.

Structure of Helicity and Global Solutions of Incompressible Navier–Stokes Equation. (with Fanghua Lin and Yi Zhou) To Appear in ARMA.

On almost global existence of solutions to the incompressible elasticity in 2D. (with Thomas C. Sideris and Yi Zhou) To appear in Transactions of the AMS.

Rotation-Strain Decomposition for the Incompressible Viscoelasticity in Two DimensionsTo appear in DCDS – A.

On finite time singularity and global regularity of an axisymmetric model for 3D Euler equations. (with Thomas Y. Hou, G. Luo, Shu Wang and Chen Zou). To appear in ARMA.

Remarks of Gobal Wellposedness of Liquid Crystal Flows and Heat Flows of Harmonic Maps in Two Dimensions(with Dong Li and Xiaoyi Zhang). To appear in Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society

Singularities of solutions to compressible Euler equations with vacuum (with Yi Du and Qingtian Zhang). To appear in Mathematical Research Letters.

Well-posedness of 1-D compressible Euler-Poisson equations with physical vacuum (with Xumin Gu). Journal of Differential Equations, 252 (2012), no. 3, 2160-2188.