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教师拼音名称:Chen Xiangzhong
1. 铁性纳米材料的可控合成与制备
Controlled Synthesis of Ferroic Nanomaterials
We are dedicated to developing the reliable chemical synthesis methods (such as sol-gel, hydrothermal, thermal decompositions, etc.) and physical preparation methods (such as sputtering, pulsed laser deposition, atomic layer deposition, etc.) for ferroelectric and ferromagnetic nanomaterials. By controlling the reaction conditions to adjust the kinetics and thermodynamics of crystal growth, we can regulate the composition, morphology, defect type and density of the materials, which can further influence the optical, electrical, magnetic, and thermal properties.
Representative publications:
[1] Kim, D.; Rossell, M. D.; Campanini, M.; Erni, R.; Puigmartí-Luis, J.; Chen, X. Z.*; Pané, S.; Magnetoelectric coupling in micropatterned BaTiO3/CoFe2O4 epitaxial thin film structures: augmentation and site-dependency. Applied Physics Letters 2021,119, 012901. LINK
[2] Terzopoulou, A.; Hoop, M.; Chen, X. Z.*; Hirt, A. M.; Charilaou, M.; Shen, Y.; Mushtaq, F.; Pérez del Pino, A.; Logofatu, C.; Simonelli, L.; deMello, A. J.; Doonan, C. J.; Sort. J., Nelson, B. J.; Pané, S.*; Puigmartí-Luis, J.*, Mineralization-inspired synthesis of magnetic zeolitic imidazole frameworks. Angewandte Chemie International Edition, 2019, 58, 13550-13555. LINK
[3] Mushtaq, F.; Asani, A.; Hoop, M.; Chen, X. Z.*; Ahmed D., Nelson, B. J.; Pané, S.*, Highly efficient coaxial TiO2-PtPd tubular nanomachines for photocatalytic water purification with multiple locomotion strategies. Advanced Functional Materials, 2016, 26 (38), 6995-7002. LINK
[4] Chen, X. Z.; Chen, X.; Guo, X.; Cui, Y. S.; Shen, Q. D.; Ge, H. X., Ordered arrays of defect-modified ferroelectric polymer for non-volatile memory with minimized energy consumption. Nanoscale 2014, 6 (22), 13945-13951. LINK
2. 铁性纳米材料中的新物性探究
Exploring Novel Physical Properties of Ferroic Nanomaterials
Size effects appear when materials turn to nano. Examples include superparamagnetic effect, dissappearance of ferroelectricity in nanoparticles, and so on. We are also interested in those emerging phenomena as the size decreases. On one hand, we explore the sources of these novel physical properties, and investigate the methods how to effectively regulate these novel properties. On the other hand, we also explore the potential applications of these materials with novel physical properties.
Representative publications:
[1] Kim, D.; Kim, M.; Reidt, S.; Han, H.; Baghizadeh, A.; Zeng, P.; Choi, H.; Puigmartí-Luis, J.; Trassin, M.; Nelson, B. J.; Chen, X. Z.*; Pané, S.*, Shape-memory effect in twisted ferroic nanocomposites. Nature Communications 2023, 14, 750. LINK
形状记忆合金的形状恢复能力通常会在临界尺寸(~50 nm)以下消失,这阻碍了其在纳米尺度上的应用。本文制备了基于铁电氧化物薄膜的扭曲结构,在这些结构中可以实现大于8%的可恢复形变,原因在于这种扭曲的几何结构设计放大了畴反转带来的应变。这种结构突破了传统的形状记忆合金的尺寸限制,为设计用于纳米机器人和人造肌肉纤维等小型执行装置的大行程形状记忆材料开辟了新的途径。
[2] Kim, M.; Kim, D.; Aktas, B.; Choi, H.; Puigmartí‐Luis, J.; Nelson, B. J.; Pané, S.*; Chen, X. Z.*, Strain‐Sensitive Flexible Magnetoelectric Ceramic Nanocomposites. Advanced Materials Technologies 2023, 2202097. LINK
磁电氧化物材料可以实现磁能与电能间的相互转换,可应用于先进传感、数据存储和通信,但其脆性使其应用很大程度局限于刚性器件。本文报道了柔性磁电氧化物复合材料(BaTiO3/CoFe2O4) 纳米薄膜结构,其磁电耦合系数可以通过机械拉伸的程度来调制,并且该调制是可逆的。该工作为功能氧化物薄膜在柔性器件中的集成提供了新的思路。
[3] Llacer-Wintle, J.; Renz, J.; Hertle, L.; Veciana, A.; Arx, D. v.; Wu, J.; Vukomanovic, M.; Puigmartí-Luis, J.; Nelson, B. J.; Chen, X. Z.*; Pané, S.*, The magnetopyroelectric effect: Heat-mediated magnetoelectricity in magnetic nanoparticle-ferroelectric polymer composites. Materials Horizons 2023, 10, 2627-2637. LINK
3. 磁-力-电-化学的多场耦合效应
Magneto-Mechano-Electro-Chemistry Coupling
Under external forces or magnetic fields, the polarization states of the piezoelectric or magneto-electric coupling materials will change respectively, leading to an asymmetric distribution of surface charges. The generated electric fields or surface charges can be used to initiate or enhance certain chemical reactions. Compared to the wired electroded electrochemical reactions, magneto-electro-chemical and piezo-electro-chemical coupling effects can wirelessly trigger chemical reactions through magnetic fields or acoustic vibrations. Such effects makes those materials useful in certain scenarios, such as cleaning the contaminants in confined spaces or remotely controlling the drug delivery within the human body.
Representative publications:
[1] Kim, D.; Efe, I.; Torlakcik, H.; Terzopoulou, A.; Picazo, A. V.; Siringil, E.; Mushtaq, F.; Franco, C.; von Arx, D.; Sevim, S.; Puigmartí-Luis, J.; Nelson, B.; Spaldin, N. A.; Gattinoni, C.*; Chen, X. Z.*; Pané, S.*, Magnetoelectric effect in hydrogen harvesting: magnetic field as a trigger of catalytic reactions. Advanced Materials, 2022, 2110612. LINK
[2] Mushtaq, F.*; Chen, X. Z.*; Torlakcik, H.; Steuer, C.; Hoop, M.; Siringil, E. C.; Marti, X.; Limburg, G.; Stipp, P.; Nelson, B. J.; Pané, S.*, Magnetoelectrically driven catalytic degradation of organics. Advanced Materials, 2019, 31, 1901378. LINK
[3] Mushtaq, F.*; Chen, X. Z.*; Hoop, M.; Torlakcik, H.; Pellicer, E.; Sort, J.; Gattinoni, C.; Nelson, B. J.; Pané, S., Piezoelectrically Enhanced Photocatalysis with BiFeO3 Nanostructures for Efficient Water Remediation. iScience (cell press) 2018, 4, 236-246. LINK
[4] Mushtaq, F.*; Torlakcik, H.; Hoop, M.; Jang, B.; Carlson, F.; Grunow, T.; Läubli, N.; Ferreira, A.; Chen, X. Z.*; Nelson, B. J.; Pané, S., Motile Piezoelectric Nanoeels for Targeted Drug Delivery. Advanced Functional Materials, 2019, 29, 1808135. LINK
[5] Chen, X. Z.; Hoop, M.; Shamsudhin, N.; Huang, T.; Özkale, B.; Li, Q.; Siringil, E.; Mushtaq, F.; Tizio, L. D.; Nelson, B. J.; Pané, S., Hybrid magnetoelectric nanowires for nanorobotic applications: fabrication, magnetoelectric coupling and magnetically-assisted targeted drug delivery. Advanced Materials 2017, 29, 1605458. (This work has been reported in Advanced Science News, etc..) LINK
4. 铁性材料的生物学效应与应用
Biological Effects and Applications of Ferroic Materials
Magnetic nanomaterials have been broadly used in the diagnostics and therapeutics, such as magnetic resonance imaging, magnetic nanoparticle imaging, and magnetic hyperthermia treatment. Piezoelectric materials are increasingly emerging in the fields of cell stimulation, tissue regeneration, sonodynamic therapy, and human-machine interaction. We have made preliminary attempts in these fields, and will continue to explore the interactions between the magnetism, electricity, and biological entities. And we will continue to investigate the potential of these materials in novel therapeutic solutions.
Representative publications:
[1] Dong, M.†; Wang, X. †; Chen, X. Z. †*; Mushtaq, F.; Deng, S.; Zhu, C.; Torlakcik, H.; Terzopoulou, A.; Qin, X.-H.; Xiao, X.; Puigmarti-Luis, J.; Choi, H.; Pêgo A. P.; Shen, Q.-D.*; Nelson, B. J.; Pané, S.*, 3D-printed Biodegradable Soft Magnetoelectric Microswimmers for Delivery and Differentiation of Neuron-like Cells. Advanced Functional Materials, 2020, 1910323. LINK
[2] Chen, X. Z.; Liu, J.-H.; Dong, M.; Müller, L.; Chatzipirpiridis, G.; Hu, C.; Terzopoulou, A.; Torlakcik, H.; Wang, X.; Mushtaq, F.; Puigmartí-Luis, J.; Shen, Q.-D.; Nelson, B. J.; Pané, S., Magnetically Driven Piezoelectric Soft Microswimmers for Neuron-like Cell Delivery and Neuronal Differentiation. Materials Horizons, 2019, 6, 1512-1516. LINK
[3] Mushtaq, F.; Torlakcik, H.; Vallmajo-Martin, Q.; Siringil, E.; Zhang, J.; Röhrig, C.; Shen, Y.; Yu, Y.; Chen, X. Z.*; Müller, R.; Nelson, B. J.; Pané, S., Magnetoelectric 3D Scaffolds for Enhanced Bone Cell Proliferation. Applied Materials Today, 2019, 16, 290-300. LINK
[4] Hoop, M.; Chen, X. Z.*; Ferrari, A.*; Mushtaq, F.; Ghazaryan, G.; Tervoort, T. A.; Poulikakos, D.; Nelson, B. J.; Pané, S.*, Ultrasound-mediated piezoelectric differentiation of neuron-like PC12 cells on PVDF membranes. Scientific Reports, 2017, 7, 4028. LINK
5. 基于铁性纳米材料的新器件
New Devices Based on Ferroic Nanomaterials
As smart materials, the ferromagnetic, ferroelectric, piezoelectric, and magneto-electric materials possess unique properties and are widely used in various fields. Our early work mainly focuses on the magnetically controlled microrobots. With the special demand in sensors, actuators, human-machine interfaces, and robotics, we will continue to develop the new devices based on these ferroic nanomaterials in the future.
Representative publications:
[1] Sanchis‐Gual, R.; Ye, H.; Ueno, T.; Landers, F. C.; Hertle, L.; Deng, S.; Veciana, A.; Xia, Y.; Franco, C.; Choi, H.; Puigmartí‐Luis, J.; Nelson, B. J.; Chen, X. Z.*; Pané, S.*, 3D Printed Template‐Assisted Casting of Biocompatible Polyvinyl Alcohol‐Based Soft Microswimmers with Tunable Stability. Advanced Functional Materials 2023, 2212952. LINK
[2] Llacer Wintle, J.; Rivas-Dapena, A.; Chen, X. Z.*; Pellicer, E.; Nelson, B.; Puigmartí-Luis, J.; Pané, S.; Biodegradable Small-Scale Swimmers for Biomedical Applications. Advanced Materials 2021, 2102049. LINK
[3] Gervasoni, S.; Terzopoulou, A.; Franco, C.; Veciana, A.; Pedrini, N.; Burri, J.; de Marco, C.; Siringil, E. C.; Chen, X. Z.*; Nelson, B. J.; Puigmartí-Luis, J.; S. Pané., CANDYBOTS: A New Generation of 3D-Printed Sugar-based Transient Small-Scale Robots. Advanced Materials, 2020, 32 (52), e2005652. LINK
[4] Chen, X. Z.; Jang, B.; Ahmed, D.; Hu, C.; De Marco, C.; Hoop, M.; Mushtaq, F.; Nelson, B. J.; Pane, S., Small-Scale Machines Driven by External Power Sources. Advanced Materials. 2018, 30 (15), 1705061. LINK
[5] Chen, X. Z.; Hoop, M.; Mushtaq, F.; Siringil, E.; Hu C. Z.; Nelson, B. J.; Pané, S., Recent developments in magnetically driven micro- and nanorobots. Applied Materials Today, 2017, 9, 37-48. (Invited Review) LINK
[6] Chen, X. Z.; Shamsudhin, N.; Hoop, M.; Pieters, R.; Siringil, E.; Sakar, M. S.; Nelson, B. J.; Pané, S., Magnetoelectric micromachines with wirelessly controlled navigation and functionality. Materials Horizons, 2016, 3 (2), 113-118. (This work has been showcased in renowned channels such as The Times, Mirror Online, ETH News, Phys.org, etc..) LINK
[7] Hoop, M.; Shen, Y.; Chen, X. Z.*; Mushtaq, F.; Sakar, M. S.; Petruska, A.; Loessner, M. J.; Nelson, B. J.; Pané, S.*, Magnetically driven silver-coated helical nanorobots for efficient bacterial contact killing. Advanced Functional Materials, 2016, 26 (7), 1063-1069. LINK
[1] Zhang, Z.; Wu, B.; Wang, Y.; Cai, T.; Ma, M.; You, C.; Liu, C.; Jiang, G.; Hu, Y.; Li, X.; Chen, X. Z.; Song, E.; Cui, J.; Huang, G.; Kiravittaya, S.; Mei, Y., Multilevel design and construction in nanomembrane rolling for three-dimensional angle-sensitive photodetection. Nature Communications 2024, 15 (1), 3066. LINK
[2] Llauradó-Capdevila, G.; Veciana, A.; Guarducci, M. A.; Mayoral, A.; Pons, R.; Hertle, L.; Ye, H.; Mao, M.; Sevim, S.; Rodríguez-San-Miguel, D.; Sorrenti, A.; Jang, B.; Wang, Z.; Chen, X. Z.; Nelson, B. J.; Matheu, R.; Franco, C.; Pané, S.; Puigmartí-Luis, J., Tailored Design of a Water-Based Nanoreactor Technology for Producing Processable Sub-40 Nm 3D COF Nanoparticles at Atmospheric Conditions. Advanced Materials 2024, 36(14), 2306345. LINK
[3] Landers, F. C.; Gantenbein, V.; Hertle, L.; Veciana, A.; Llacer-Wintle, J.; Chen, X. Z.; Ye, H.; Franco, C.; Puigmartí-Luis, J.; Kim, M.; Nelson, B. J.; Pané, S., On-Command Disassembly of Microrobotic Superstructures for Transport and Delivery of Magnetic Micromachines. Advanced Materials 2024, 2310084. LINK
[4] Dutta, S.; Noh, S.; Gual, R. S.; Chen, X. Z.; Pané, S.; Nelson, B. J.; Choi H., Recent Developments in Metallic Degradable Micromotors for Biomedical and Environmental Remediation Applications. Nano-Micro Letters 2024, 16 (1), 41. LINK
[5] Huang, H.; Yang, S. H.; Ying, Y. L.; Chen, X. Z.*; Puigmartí-Luis, J.; Zhang, L.; Pané, S., 3D Motion Manipulation for Micro- and Nanomachines: Progress and Future Directions. Advanced Materials 2024, 36 (1), 2305925. LINK
[6] Mattera, M.; Sorrenti, A.; Perpiñá, L. D. G.; Oestreicher, V.; Sevim, S.; Arteaga, O.; Chen, X. Z.; Pané, S.; Abellán, G.; Puigmartí-Luis, J., “On-The-Fly” Synthesis of Self-Supported LDH Hollow Structures Through Controlled Microfluidic Reaction-Diffusion Conditions. Small 2023, 2307621. LINK
[7] Rahimi, E.; Kim, D.; Offoiach, R.; Sanchis-Gual, R.; Chen, X. Z.; Taheri, P.; Gonzalez-Garcia, Y.; Mol, J. M. C.; Fedrizzi, L.; Pané, S.; Lekka, M., Biodegradation of Oxide Nanoparticles in Apoferritin Protein Media: A Systematic Electrochemical Approach. Advanced Materials Interfaces 2023, 10(33), 2300558. LINK
[8] Ning, S.; Sanchis-Gual, R.; Franco, C.; Wendel-Garcia, P. D.; Ye, H.; Veciana, A.; Tang, Q.; Sevim, S.; Hertle, L.; Llacer-Wintle, J.; Qin, X. H.; Zhu, C. H.; Cai, J.; Chen, X. Z.; Nelson, B. J.; Puigmartí-Luis, J.; Pané, S., Magnetic PiezoBOTs: a microrobotic approach for targeted amyloid protein dissociation. Nanoscale 2023, 15, 14800-14808. LINK
[9] Rahimi, E.; Sanchis‐Gual, R.; Chen, X. Z.; Imani, A.; Gonzalez‐Garcia, Y.; Asselin, E.; Mol, A.; Fedrizzi, L.; Pané, S.; Lekka, M., Challenges and Strategies for Optimizing Corrosion and Biodegradation Stability of Biomedical Micro- and Nanoswimmers: A Review. Advanced Function Materials 2023, 2210345. LINK
[10] Ye, H.; Wang, K.; Zhao, J.; Lu, Q.; Wang, M.; Sun, B.; Shen, Y.; Liu, H.; Chen, X. Z.*; Pané, S.; He, Z.; Sun, J., In situ sprayed nanovaccine suppressing exosomal PD-L1 by Golgi apparatus destruction for post-surgical melanoma immunotherapy. ACS Nano 2023, 17 (11), 10637–10650. LINK
[11] Vukomanović, M.; Gazvoda, L.; Kurtjak, M.; Maček‐Kržmanc, M.; Spreitzer, M.; Tang, Q.; Wu, J.; Ye, H.; Chen, X. Z.; Mattera, M.; Puigmartí‐Luis, J.; Pane, S. V., Filler‐Enhanced Piezoelectricity of Poly‐L‐Lactide and Its Use as a Functional Ultrasound‐Activated Biomaterial. Small 2023, 33(44), 2301981. LINK
[12] Llacer-Wintle, J.; Renz, J.; Hertle, L.; Veciana, A.; Arx, D. v.; Wu, J.; Vukomanovic, M.; Puigmartí-Luis, J.; Nelson, B. J.; Chen, X. Z.*; Pané, S.*, The magnetopyroelectric effect: Heat-mediated magnetoelectricity in magnetic nanoparticle-ferroelectric polymer composites. Materials Horizons 2023, 10, 2627-2637. LINK
[13] Kim, D.; Kim, M.; Reidt, S.; Han, H.; Baghizadeh, A.; Zeng, P.; Choi, H.; Puigmartí-Luis, J.; Trassin, M.; Nelson, B. J.; Chen, X. Z.*; Pané, S.*, Shape-memory effect in twisted ferroic nanocomposites. Nature Communications 2023, 14, 750. LINK
[14] Sanchis‐Gual, R.; Ye, H.; Ueno, T.; Landers, F. C.; Hertle, L.; Deng, S.; Veciana, A.; Xia, Y.; Franco, C.; Choi, H.; Puigmartí‐Luis, J.; Nelson, B. J.; Chen, X. Z.*; Pané, S.*, 3D Printed Template‐Assisted Casting of Biocompatible Polyvinyl Alcohol‐Based Soft Microswimmers with Tunable Stability. Advanced Functional Materials 2023, 2212952. LINK
[15] Kim, M.; Kim, D.; Aktas, B.; Choi, H.; Puigmartí‐Luis, J.; Nelson, B. J.; Pané, S.*; Chen, X. Z.*, Strain‐Sensitive Flexible Magnetoelectric Ceramic Nanocomposites. Advanced Materials Technologies 2023, 8(6), 2202097. LINK
[16] Tang, Q.; Wu, J.; Chen, X. Z.; Sanchis-Gual, R.; Veciana, A.; Franco, C.; Kim, D.; Surin, I.; Pérez-Ramírez, J.; Mattera, M.; Terzopoulou, A.; Qin, N.; Vukomanovic, M.; Nelson, B. J.; Puigmartí-Luis, J.; Pané, S., Tuning oxygen vacancies in Bi4Ti3O12 nanosheets to boost piezo-photocatalytic activity. Nano Energy 2023, 108, 108202. LINK
[17] Song, H.; Kim, D.-i.; Abbasi, S. A.; Latifi Gharamaleki, N.; Kim, E.; Jin, C.; Kim, S.; Hwang, J.; Kim, J.-y.; Chen, X. Z.; Nelson, B.; Pané, S.; Choi, H., Multi-target Cell Therapy Using a Magnetoelectric Microscale Biorobot for Targeted Delivery and Selective Differentiation of SH-SY5Y Cells via Magnetically Driven Cell Stamping. Materials Horizons 2022, 9 (12), 3031-3038. LINK
[18] Wu, J.; Folio, D.; Zhu, J.; Jang, B.; Chen, X. Z.; Feng, J.; Gambardella, P.; Sort, J.; Puigmartí-Luis, J.; Ergeneman, O.; Ferreira, A.; Pané, S., Motion Analysis and Real‐Time Trajectory Prediction of Magnetically Steerable Catalytic Janus Micromotors. Advanced Intelligent Systems 2022, 4 (11), 2200192. LINK
[19] de la Asuncion-Nadal, V.; Franco, C.; Veciana, A.; Ning, S.; Terzopoulou, A.; Sevim, S.; Chen, X. Z.; Gong; Cai, J.; Wendel-Garcia, P. D.; Jurado-Sanchez, B.; Escarpa, A.; Puigmarti-Luis, J.; Pane, S., MoSBOTs: Magnetically Driven Biotemplated MoS2 -Based Microrobots for Biomedical Applications. Small 2022, 18 (33), 2203821. LINK
[20] Tang, Q.; Wu, J.; Kim, D.; Franco, C.; Terzopoulou, A.; Veciana, A.; Puigmartí‐Luis, J.; Chen, X. Z.; Nelson, B. J.; Pané, S., Enhanced Piezocatalytic Performance of BaTiO3 Nanosheets with Highly Exposed {001} Facets. Advacned Functional Materials 2022, 2202180. LINK
[21] Kim, D.; Efe, I.; Torlakcik, H.; Terzopoulou, A.; Picazo, A. V.; Siringil, E.; Mushtaq, F.; Franco, C.; von Arx, D.; Sevim, S.; Puigmartí-Luis, J.; Nelson, B.; Spaldin, N. A.; Gattinoni, C.*; Chen, X.-Z.*; Pané, S.*, Magnetoelectric effect in hydrogen harvesting: magnetic field as a trigger of catalytic reactions. Advanced Materials 2022, 34(19), 2110612. LINK
[22] Lu, Y.; Wu, C.; Yang, Y.; Chen, X. Z.; Ge, F.; Wang, J.; Deng, J., Inhibition of tumor recurrence and metastasis via a surgical tumor-derived personalized hydrogel vaccine. Biomaterials Science 2022, 10 (5), 1352-1363. LINK
[23] Mushtaq, F.; Chen, X. Z.; Veciana, A.; Hoop, M.; Nelson, B. J.; Pané, S., Magnetoelectric reduction of chromium(VI) to chromium(III). Applied Materials Today, 2022, 26, 101339. LINK
[24] Terzopoulou, A.; Palacios‐Corella, M.; Franco, C.; Sevim, S.; Dysli, T.; Mushtaq, F.; Romero‐Angel, M.; Martí‐Gastaldo, C.; Gong, D.; Cai, J.; Chen, X. Z.; Pumera, M.; deMello, A. J.; Nelson, B. J.; Pané, S.; Puigmartí‐Luis, J., Biotemplating of Metal–Organic Framework Nanocrystals for Applications in Small‐Scale Robotics. Advanced Functional Materials, 2021, 32 (13), 2107421. LINK
[25] Mattmann, M.; De Marco, C.; Briatico, F.; Tagliabue, S.; Colusso, A.; Chen, X. Z.; Lussi, J.; Chautems, S; Pané, S.; Nelson, B.; Thermoset Shape Memory Polymer Variable Stiffness 4D Robotic Catheters, Advanced Science 2021, 9, 2103277. LINK
[26] Pané, S.; Wendel-Garcia, P.; Belce, Y.; Chen, X.-Z.; Puigmartí-Luis, J., Powering and Fabrication of Small-Scale Robotics Systems. Current Robotics Reports 2021, 427-440.. LINK
[27] Llacer Wintle, J.; Rivas-Dapena, A.; Chen, X. Z.*; Pellicer, E.; Nelson, B.; Puigmartí-Luis, J.; Pané, S.; Biodegradable Small-Scale Swimmers for Biomedical Applications. Advanced Materials 2021, 2102049. LINK
[28] Rahimi, E.; Offoiach, R.; Deng, S.; Chen, X. Z.; Pané, S.; Fedrizzi, L.; Lekka, M., Corrosion mechanisms of magnetic microrobotic platforms in protein media. Applied Materials Today 2021, 24, 101135. LINK
[29] Kim, D.; Rossell, M. D.; Campanini, M.; Erni, R.; Puigmartí-Luis, J.; Chen, X. Z.*; Pané, S.; Magnetoelectric coupling in micropatterned BaTiO3/CoFe2O4 epitaxial thin film structures: augmentation and site-dependency. Applied Physics Letters 2021,119, 012901. LINK
[30] Wu, J.; Jang, B.; Harduf, Y.; Lehner, T.; Avci, B.; Chen, X. Z.; Puigmartí-Luis, J.; Ergeneman, O.; Nelson, B.J.; Or, Y.; Pané, S., Helical Klinotactic Locomotion of Two-Link Nanoswimmers with Dual-Function Drug-Loaded Soft Polysaccharide Hinges. Advanced Science 2021, 8 (8), 2004458. LINK
[31] Gervasoni, S.; Terzopoulou, A.; Franco, C.; Veciana, A.; Pedrini, N.; Burri, J.; de Marco, C.; Siringil, E. C.; Chen, X. Z.*; Nelson, B. J.; Puigmartí-Luis, J.; S. Pané., CANDYBOTS: A New Generation of 3D-Printed Sugar-based Transient Small-Scale Robots. Advanced Materials, 2020, 32 (52), e2005652. LINK
[32] Terzopoulou, A.; Nicolas J.; Chen, X. Z.; Nelson, B. J.; Pané, S.; Puigmartí-Luis, J., FOCUS REVIEW – Metal-Organic Frameworks in Motion. Chemical Reviews 2020, 120 (20), 11175-11193. LINK
[33] Terzopoulou, A.; Wang, X.; Chen, X. Z.*; Palacios-Corella, M.; Pujante, C.; Herrero-Martín, J.; Qin, X.-H.; Sort, J.; deMello, A. J.; Nelson, B. J.; Puigmartí-Luis, J.; Pané, S., Biodegradable MOFBOTs. Advanced Healthcare Materials, 2020, 9 (20), e2001031. LINK
[34] Mushtaq, F.; Chen, X. Z.; Torlakcik, H.; Nelson, B. J.; Pané, S., Magnetoelectric Photocatalytic Nanoparticles Scavenging Energy from Three Sources for Enhanced Catalytic Degradation. Nano Research, 2020, 13 (8), 2183-2191. LINK
[35] Sevim, S.; Franco, C.; Chen, X. Z.; Sorrenti, A.; Rodríguez-San-Miguel, D.; Pané, S.; deMello, A. J.; Puigmartí-Luis, J., SERS Barcode Libraries: A Microfluidic Approach. Advanced Science 2020, 1903172. LINK
[36] Fernández-Barcia, M.; Jang, B.; Alcântara, C. C. J.; Wolff, U.; Gebert, A.; Uhlemann, M.; Chen, X. Z.; Puigmartí-Luis, J.; Sort, J.; Pellicer, E.; Pané, S., Exploiting electrolyte confinement effects for the electrosynthesis of two-engine micromachines. Applied Materials Today 2020, 19, 100629. LINK
[37] Dong, M.†; Wang, X. †; Chen, X. Z. †*; Mushtaq, F.; Deng, S.; Zhu, C.; Torlakcik, H.; Terzopoulou, A.; Qin, X.-H.; Xiao, X.; Puigmarti-Luis, J.; Choi, H.; Pêgo A. P.; Shen, Q.-D.*; Nelson, B. J.; Pané, S.*, 3D-printed Biodegradable Soft Magnetoelectric Microswimmers for Delivery and Differentiation of Neuron-like Cells. Advanced Functional Materials, 2020, 1910323. LINK
[38] Zhou, Z.; Zhang, Q.; Yang, R.; Wu, H.; Zhang, M.; Qian, C.; Chen, X. Z.; Sun, M., ATP-Charged Nanoclusters Enable Intracellular Protein Delivery and Activity Modulation for Cancer Theranostics. iScience (cell press) 2020, 100872. LINK
[39] Nicolenco, A.; Gómez, A.; Chen, X. Z.; Menéndez, E.; Fornell, J.; Pané, S.; Pellicer, E.; Sort, J., Strain gradient mediated magnetoelectricity in Fe-Ga/P(VDF-TrFE) multiferroic bilayers integrated on silicon. Applied Materials Today 2020, 19, 100579. LINK
[40] Cui, J.; Huang, T.-Y.; Luo, Z.; Testa, P.; Gu, H.; Chen, X. Z.; Nelson, B. J.; Heyderman, L. J., Nanomagnetic Encoding of Shape-morphing Micromachines. Nature, 2019, 575 (7781), 164-168. LINK
[41] Mushtaq, F.*; Chen, X. Z.*; Staufert, S.; Torlakcik, H.; Wang, X.; Hoop, M.; Gerber, A.; Li, X.; Cai, J.; Nelson, B. J.; Pané, S., On-the-fly catalytic degradation of organic pollutants using magneto-photoresponsive bacteria-templated microcleaners. Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 2019, 7 (43), 24847-24856. LINK
[42] Terzopoulou, A.; Hoop, M.; Chen, X. Z.*; Hirt, A. M.; Charilaou, M.; Shen, Y.; Mushtaq, F.; Pérez del Pino, A.; Logofatu, C.; Simonelli, L.; deMello, A. J.; Doonan, C. J.; Sort. J., Nelson, B. J.; Pané, S.*; Puigmartí-Luis, J.*, Mineralization-inspired synthesis of magnetic zeolitic imidazole frameworks. Angewandte Chemie International Edition, 2019, 58, 13550-13555. LINK
[43] Chen, X. Z.; Liu, J.-H.; Dong, M.; Müller, L.; Chatzipirpiridis, G.; Hu, C.; Terzopoulou, A.; Torlakcik, H.; Wang, X.; Mushtaq, F.; Puigmartí-Luis, J.; Shen, Q.-D.; Nelson, B. J.; Pané, S., Magnetically Driven Piezoelectric Soft Microswimmers for Neuron-like Cell Delivery and Neuronal Differentiation. Materials Horizons, 2019, 6, 1512-1516. LINK
[44] Mushtaq, F.; Torlakcik, H.; Vallmajo-Martin, Q.; Siringil, E.; Zhang, J.; Röhrig, C.; Shen, Y.; Yu, Y.; Chen, X. Z.*; Müller, R.; Nelson, B. J.; Pané, S., Magnetoelectric 3D Scaffolds for Enhanced Bone Cell Proliferation. Applied Materials Today, 2019, 16, 290-300. LINK
[45] Mushtaq, F.*; Chen, X. Z.*; Torlakcik, H.; Steuer, C.; Hoop, M.; Siringil, E. C.; Marti, X.; Limburg, G.; Stipp, P.; Nelson, B. J.; Pané, S.*, Magnetoelectrically driven catalytic degradation of organics. Advanced Materials, 2019, 31, 1901378. LINK
[46] Mushtaq, F.*; Torlakcik, H.; Hoop, M.; Jang, B.; Carlson, F.; Grunow, T.; Läubli, N.; Ferreira, A.; Chen, X. Z.*; Nelson, B. J.; Pané, S., Motile Piezoelectric Nanoeels for Targeted Drug Delivery. Advanced Functional Materials, 2019, 29, 1808135. LINK
[47] de Marco, C.; Alcântara, C. C. J.; Kim, S.; Briatico, F.; Kadioglu, A.; de Bernardis, G.; Chen, X. Z.; Marano, C.; Nelson, B. J.; Pané, S., Indirect 3D and 4D Printing of Soft Robotic Microstructures. Advanced Materials Technologies, 2019, 1900332. LINK
[48] Bernasconi, R.; Carrara, E.; Hoop, M.; Mushtaq, F.; Chen, X. Z.; Nelson, B. J.; Pané, S.; Credi, C.; Levi, M.; Magagnin, L., Magnetically Navigable 3D Printed Multifunctional Microdevices for Environmental Applications. Additive Manufacturing, 2019, 28, 127-135. LINK
[49] Wang, X.; Chen, X. Z.; Alcantara, C.; Sevim, S.; Hoop, M.; Terzopoulou, A.; de Marco, C.; Hu, C.; deMello, A. J.; Falcaro, P.; Furukawa, S.; Nelson, B. J.; Puigmartí-Luis, J.; Pané, S., MOFBOTS: Metal–Organic Framework-based Biomedical Microrobots. Advanced Materials, 2019, 1901592. LINK
[50] Sevim, S.; Franco, C.; Liu, H.; Roussel, H.; Rapenne, L.; Rubio-Zuazo, J.; Chen, X. Z.; Pané, S.; Muñoz-Rojas, D.; deMello, A. J.; Puigmartí-Luis, J., In-Flow MOF Lithography. Advanced Materials Technologies 2019, 1800666. LINK
[51] Pané, S.; Puigmartí-Luis, J.; Bergeles, C.; Chen, X. Z.; Pellicer, E.; Sort, J.; Počepcová, V; Ferreira, A.; Nelson, B. J., Imaging Technologies for Biomedical Micro- and Nano-swimmers. Advanced Materials Technologies, 2019, 1800575. LINK
[52] Mushtaq, F.*; Chen, X. Z.*; Hoop, M.; Torlakcik, H.; Pellicer, E.; Sort, J.; Gattinoni, C.; Nelson, B. J.; Pané, S., Piezoelectrically Enhanced Photocatalysis with BiFeO3 Nanostructures for Efficient Water Remediation. iScience (cell press) 2018, 4, 236-246. LINK
[53] Chen, X. Z.; Jang, B.; Ahmed, D.; Hu, C.; De Marco, C.; Hoop, M.; Mushtaq, F.; Nelson, B. J.; Pane, S., Small-Scale Machines Driven by External Power Sources. Advanced Materials. 2018, 30 (15), 1705061. LINK
[54] Wang, X.; Qin, X.-H.; Hu, C.; Terzopoulou, A.; Chen, X. Z.; Huang, T.-Y.; Maniura-Weber, K.; Pané, S.; Nelson, B. J., 3D Printed Enzymatically Biodegradable Soft Helical Microswimmers. Advanced Functional Materials, 2018, 28, 1804107. LINK
[55] Wang, X.; Hu, C.; Schurz, L.; De Marco, C.; Chen, X. Z.; Pane, S.; Nelson, B. J., Surface Chemistry-Mediated Control of Individual Magnetic Helical Microswimmers in a Swarm. ACS Nano 2018, 12, 6210–6217. LINK
[56] Bernasconi, R.; Cuneo, F.; Carrara, E.; Chatzipirpiridis, G.; Hoop, M.; Chen, X. Z.; Nelson, B. J.; Pané, S.; Credi, C.; Levi, M.; Magagnin, L., Hard-magnetic cell microscaffolds from electroless coated 3D printed architectures. Materials Horizons, 2018, 5, 699-707. LINK
[57] Hoop, M.; Ribeiro, A. S.; Rösch, D.; Weinand, P.; Mendes, N.; Mushtaq, F.; Chen, X. Z.; Shen, Y.; Pujante, C. F.; Puigmartí-Luis, J.; Paredes, J.; Nelson, B. J.; Pêgo, A. P.; Pané, S., Mobile Magnetic Nanocatalysts for Bioorthogonal Targeted Cancer Therapy. Advanced Functional Materials. 2018, 28, 1705920. LINK
[58] Hoop, M.; Walde, C. F.; Riccò, R.; Mushtaq, F.; Terzopoulou, A.; Chen, X. Z.; deMello, A. J.; Doonan, C. J.; Falcaro, P.; Nelson, B. J.; Puigmartí-Luis, J.; Pané, S., Biocompatibility characteristics of the metal organic framework ZIF-8 for therapeutical applications. Applied Materials Today 2018, 11, 13-21. LINK
[59] Chen, X. Z.; Hoop, M.; Mushtaq, F.; Siringil, E.; Hu C. Z.; Nelson, B. J.; Pané, S., Recent developments in magnetically driven micro- and nanorobots. Applied Materials Today, 2017, 9, 37-48. (Invited Review) LINK
[60] Hoop, M.; Chen, X. Z.*; Ferrari, A.*; Mushtaq, F.; Ghazaryan, G.; Tervoort, T. A.; Poulikakos, D.; Nelson, B. J.; Pané, S.*, Ultrasound-mediated piezoelectric differentiation of neuron-like PC12 cells on PVDF membranes. Scientific Reports, 2017, 7, 4028. LINK
[61] Chen, X. Z.; Hoop, M.; Shamsudhin, N.; Huang, T.; Özkale, B.; Li, Q.; Siringil, E.; Mushtaq, F.; Tizio, L. D.; Nelson, B. J.; Pané, S., Hybrid magnetoelectric nanowires for nanorobotic applications: fabrication, magnetoelectric coupling and magnetically-assisted targeted drug delivery. Advanced Materials 2017, 29, 1605458. (This work has been reported in Advanced Science News, etc..) LINK
[62] Hu, C.; Aeschlimann, F.; Chatzipirpiridis, G.; Pokki, J.; Chen, X. Z.; Puigmarti-Luis, J.; Nelson, B. J.; Pané, S., Spatiotemporally controlled electrodeposition of magnetically driven micromachines based on the inverse opal architecture. Electrochemistry Communications, 2017, 81, 97-101. LINK
[63] Chen, X. Z.; Shamsudhin, N.; Hoop, M.; Pieters, R.; Siringil, E.; Sakar, M. S.; Nelson, B. J.; Pané, S., Magnetoelectric micromachines with wirelessly controlled navigation and functionality. Materials Horizons, 2016, 3 (2), 113-118. (This work has been showcased in renowned channels such as The Times, Mirror Online, ETH News, Phys.org, etc..) LINK
[64] Mushtaq, F.; Asani, A.; Hoop, M.; Chen, X. Z.*; Ahmed D., Nelson, B. J.; Pané, S.*, Highly efficient coaxial tio2-ptpd tubular nanomachines for photocatalytic water purification with multiple locomotion strategies. Advanced Functional Materials, 2016, 26 (38), 6995-7002. LINK
[65] Hoop, M.; Mushtaq, F.; Hurter, C.; Chen, X. Z.*; Nelson, B. J.; Pané, S.*, A smart multifunctional drug delivery nanoplatform for targeting cancer cells. Nanoscale, 2016, 8 (25), 12723-12728. (This article is part of themed collection: 2016 Nanoscale HOT Article Collection.) LINK
[66] Hoop, M.; Shen, Y.; Chen, X. Z.*; Mushtaq, F.; Sakar, M. S.; Petruska, A.; Loessner, M. J.; Nelson, B. J.; Pané, S.*, Magnetically driven silver-coated helical nanorobots for efficient bacterial contact killing. Advanced Functional Materials, 2016, 26 (7), 1063-1069. LINK
[67] Jang, B.; Wang, W.; Wiget, S.; Petruska, A. J.; Chen, X. Z.; Hu, C.; Hong, A.; Folio, D.; Ferreira, A.; Pané, S.; Nelson, B. J., Catalytic locomotion of core−shell nanowire motors. ACS Nano, 2016, 10 (11), 9983-9991. LINK
[68] Jang, B.; Chen, X. Z.*; Siegfried, R.; Montero Montero, J. M.; Özkale, B.; Nielsch, K.; Nelson, B. J.; Pané, S., Silicon-supported aluminum oxide membranes with ultrahigh aspect ratio nanopores. RSC Advances 2015, 5 (114), 94283-94289. LINK
[69] Mushtaq, F.; Guerrero, M.; Sakar, M. S.; Hoop, M.; Lindo, A.; Sort, J.; Chen, X. Z.; Nelson, B. J.; Pellicer, E.; Pané, S., Magnetically driven Bi2O3/BiOCl-based hybrid microrobots for photocatalytic water remediation. Journal of Materials Chemistry A 2015, 3 (47), 23670-23676. LINK
[70] Ozkale, B.; Shamsudhin, N.; Chatzipirpiridis, G.; Hoop, M.; Gramm, F.; Chen, X. Z.; Marti, X.; Sort, J.; Pellicer E.; Pane S., Multisegmented FeCo/Cu nanowires: electrosynthesis, characterization, and magnetic control of biomolecule desorption. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 2015, 7(13): 7389-7396. LINK
[71] Chen, X.; Tang, X.; Chen, X. Z.; Chen, Y. L.; Guo X.; Ge, H. X.; Shen, Q. D., Nonvolatile data storage using mechanical force-induced polarization switching in ferroelectric polymer. Applied Physics Letters 2015, 106 (4), 042903. LINK
[72] Chen, X. Z.; Chen, X.; Guo, X.; Cui, Y. S.; Shen, Q. D.; Ge, H. X., Ordered arrays of defect-modified ferroelectric polymer for non-volatile memory with minimized energy consumption. Nanoscale 2014, 6 (22), 13945-13951. LINK
[73] Jang, B.; Pellicer, E.; Guerrero, M.; Chen, X. Z.; Choi, H.; Nelson, B. J.; Sort, J.; Pané, S., Fabrication of segmented Au/Co/Au nanowires: insights in the quality of co/au junctions. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 2014, 6 (16), 14583-14589. LINK
[74] Chen, X. Z.; Li, X. Y.; Qian, X. S.; Wu, S.; Lin, M. R.; Shen, Q. D.; Zhang, Q. M., A nanocomposite approach to tailor electrocaloric effect in ferroelectric polymer. Polymer 2013, 54 (20), 5299-5302. LINK
[75] Chen, X. Z.; Cheng, Z. X.; Liu L.; Yang X. D.; Shen, Q. D.; Hu W. B.; Li, H. T., Evolution of nano-polar phases, interfaces and increased dielectric energy storage capacity in photoinitiated cross-linked Poly(vinylidene fluoride)-based copolymers. Colloid and Polymer Science 2013, 291 (8), 1989-1997. LINK
[76] Chen, X. Z.; Li, Q.; Chen, X.; Guo, X.; Ge, H. X.; Liu, Y.; Shen, Q. D., Nano-imprinted ferroelectric polymer nanodot arrays for high density data storage. Advanced Functional Materials 2013, 23 (24), 3124-3129. LINK
[77] Chen, X. Z.; Li, X. Y.; Qian, X. S.; Wu, S.; Lu, S. G.; Gu, H. M.; Lin, M. R.; Shen, Q. D.; Zhang, Q. M., A polymer blend approach to tailor the ferroelectric responses in P(VDF-TrFE) based copolymers Polymer. Polymer 2013, 54, 2373-2381. LINK
[78] Li, X. Y.; Lu, S. G.; Chen, X. Z.; Gu, H. M.; Qian, X. S.; Zhang, Q. M., Pyroelectric and electrocaloric materials. Journal of Materials Chemistry C 2013, 1 (1), 23-37. LINK
[79] Wu, S.; Shao, M.; Burlingame, Q.; Chen, X. Z.; Lin, M. R.; Xiao, K.; Zhang, Q. M., A high-K ferroelectric relaxor terpolymer as a gate dielectric for organic thin film transistors. Applied Physics Letters 2013, 102 (1), 013301. LINK
[80] Chen, X.; Liu, L.; Liu, S. Z.; Cui, Y. S.; Chen, X. Z.; Ge, H. X.; Shen, Q. D., P(VDF-TrFE-CFE) terpolymer thin-film for high performance nonvolatile memory. Applied Physics Letters 2013, 102 (6), 063103. LINK
[81] Chen, X. Z.; Qian, X. S.; Li, X. Y.; Lu, S. G.; Gu, H. M.; Lin, M. R.; Shen, Q. D.; Zhang, Q. M., Enhanced electrocaloric effect in poly(vinylidene fluoride-trifluoroethylene)-based terpolymer/copolymer blends. Applied Physics Letters 2012, 100 (22), 222902. LINK
[82] Erste, A.; Chen, X. Z.; Cheng, Z. X.; Shen, Q. D.; Bobnar, V., Structural and dielectric properties of poly(vinylidene fluoride)-based terpolymer/copolymer blends developed on aluminum foil. Journal of Applied Physics 2012, 112 (5), 053505. LINK
[83] Erste, A.; Chen, X. Z.; Jia, C. L.; Shen, Q. D.; Bobnar, V., Dielectric investigations of relaxor reduced poly(vinylidene fluoride-trifluoroethylene) copolymer in DC bias electric field. Ferroelectrics 2012, 427, 157-162. LINK
[84] Li, X. Y.; Qian, X. S.; Gu, H. M.; Chen, X. Z.; Lu, S. G.; Lin, M. R.; Bateman, F.; Zhang, Q. M., Giant electrocaloric effect in ferroelectric poly(vinylidenefluoride-trifluoroethylene) copolymers near a first-order ferroelectric transition. Applied Physics Letters 2012, 101 (13), 132903. LINK
[85] Chen, X. Z.; Li, Z. W.; Cheng, Z. X.; Zhang, J. Z.; Shen, Q. D.; Ge, H. X.; Li, H. T., Greatly enhanced energy density and patterned films induced by photo cross-linking of poly(vinylidene fluoride-chlorotrifluoroethylene). Macromolecular Rapid Communications 2011, 32 (1), 94-99. LINK
[86] Bobnar, V.; Erste, A.; Chen, X. Z.; Jia, C. L.; Shen, Q. D., Influence of dc bias electric field on Vogel-Fulcher dynamics in relaxor ferroelectrics. Physical Review B 2011, 83 (13), 132105. LINK
[87] Bobnar, V.; Erste, A.; Chen, X. Z.; Shen, Q. D., Glassy dielectric processes in reduced poly(vinylidene fluoride-trifluoroethylene) copolymer system. Ferroelectrics 2011, 419, 59-65. LINK
[88] Li, H. T.; Xia, Y. D.; Xu, H. N.; Liu, L. F.; Li, X. F.; Tang, Z. J.; Chen, X. Z.; Li, A. D.; Yin, J.; Liu, Z. G., Redox-controlled memristive switching in the junctions employing Ti reactive electrodes. AIP Advances 2011, 1 (3), 032141. LINK
[89] Erste, A.; Filipic, C.; Levstik, A.; Bobnar, V.; Chen, X. Z.; Jia, C. L.; Shen, Q. D., Contributions of distinctive dynamic processes to dielectric response of a relaxorlike reduced poly(vinylidene fluoride-trifluoroethylene) copolymer. Physical Review B 2010, 81 (21), 214103. LINK
[1] Chen, X. Z., Magnetic controlled micro-robots based on magneto-electric coupling materials, The First Youth Academic Symposium on Ferroelectric and Sensing Materials, Xi'an, China, April 20-21, 2024 (Invited Talk)
[2] Chen, X. Z., Magnetic controlled micro-robots based on magneto-electric coupling materials, 8th National Congress of Magnetic Materials and Devices, Hangzhou, China, April 12-14, 2024 (Invited Talk, Session Co-Chair)
[3] Chen, X. Z., Flexible thin film ferroic heterostructures with a large recoverable deformation, The 15th China and Japan Symposium on Ferroelectric Materials and Their Applications, Tai'an, China, August 12-15, 2023 (Invited Talk)
[4] Chen, X. Z., Lecture: Microrobots: from functionalization toward clinical application, 2nd Asian Advanced Materials Summit & Young Materials Scholars Training Program, Yiwu, China, August 3-6, 2023 (Invited Talk)
[5] Chen, X. Z., Marriage of piezoelectric materials and magnetically driven microrobots: biomedical applications, The 12th International Conference on Manipulation, Manufacturing and Measurement on the Nanoscale IEEE) (3M Nano), Chengdu, China, July 31-August 04, 2023 (Invited Talk)
[6] Chen, X. Z., Piezoelectric and magnetoelectric catalysis: emerging fields yet to be explored, Cluster Meeting 2023, Prague, Czech Republic, June 18-23, 2023 (Invited Talk)
[7] Chen, X. Z., Electrically Sensitive Soft Ceramics for Potential Small-Scale Actuating applications, I18th IEEE International Conference on Nano/Micro Engineered and Molecular Systems (IEEE NEMS 2023), Jeju, Korea, May 14, 2023 (Invited Talk)
[8] Chen, X. Z.; Kim, D.; Kim, M.; Nelson B. J.; Pané, S, Flexible thin film ferroic microstructures with a large recoverable deformation, 15th International Meeting on Ferroelectricity, Tel Aviv, 2023 (Oral)
[9] Llacer, J.; Renz, J.; Hertle, L.; Veciana, A.; von Arx, D.; Wu, J.; Vukomanovic, M.; Chen, X. Z.; Puigmartí-Luis, J.; Nelson, B. J.; Pané, S, Heat-mediated magnetoelectric effect in a magnetic nanoparticle - pyroelectric polymer composite, 15th International Meeting on Ferroelectricity, Tel Aviv, 2023 (Oral)
[10] Chen, X. Z.; Hoop, M.; Mushtaq, F., Wang, X. P.; Dong, M.; Nelson, B. J.; Pané, S, Piezoelectric materials-based magnetically driven microrobots for targeted cell therapy, 15th International Meeting on Ferroelectricity, Tel Aviv, 2023 (Oral)
[11] Chen, X. Z., Magnetoelectric microrobots for targeted cell therapy, Intelligent Medicine Forum, Nanjing, China, March 18, 2023 (Invited Talk)
[12] Chen, X. Z., Hybrid magnetoelectric microrobots for targeted therapeutics, Nanjing Forestory University, May 07, 2022 (Invited Talk)
[13] Kim, D; Kim, M; Chen, X. Z.; Nelson, B. J.; Pané, S., Electrically controllable kirigami structures in free-standing ferroelectric thin films. 2022 MRS Spring Meeting, Honolulu, United States, 2022 (Oral)
[14] Chen, X. Z., Anticancer therapies using magnetoelectric materials. BeMAGIC Winter School: Magnetoelectricy in biomedicine: healthcare for the 21st century, Zurich, Switzerland, 2021. (Invited Talk)
[15] Chen, X. Z., Mushtaq, F., Torlakçik H., Terzopoulou A., Kim D., Nelson B., Pané S., Piezoelectric and Magnetoelectric Materials for Biomedical Applications. 10th International Forum on Advanced Material Science and Technology and The first Materials Conference in Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Great Bay Area, Shenzhen, China, 2019. (Invited Talk)
[16] Chen, X. Z., Mushtaq, F., Torlakçik H., Nelson B., Pané S., Piezoelectric and Magnetoelectric Microrobots for Targeted Neuron-like Cell Delivery and Neuronal Differentiation. 7th International Symposium on Integrated Functionalities Conference 2019. Dublin, Ireland, 2019 (Oral).
[17] Chen, X. Z., Integration of ferroelectric materials in microdevices for biomedical application. IEEE International Conferences on Manipulation, Manufacturing, and Measurement at the Nanoscale (IEEE-3M Nano 2019), Zhenjiang, China, 2019 (Invited Talk, Special Session Organizer).
[18] Chen, X. Z., Mushtaq, F., Torlakçik H., Nelson B., Pané S.*, Magnetically Driven Ferroelectric Micromachines for Delivery and Remote Electrical Stimulation of Neuronal Cells. 41st Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine & Biology Society (EMBC 2019), Berlin, Germany, 2019. (Invited Talk)
[19] Kim, D; Chen, X. Z.; Nelson, B. J.; Pané, S., Enhanced Magnetoelectric Coupling from Reduced Substrate-Clamping effect. IEEE International Symposium on Applications of Ferroelectrics (IEEE-ISAF 2019), Lausanne, Switzerland, 2019. (Poster)
[20] Chen, X. Z.; Mushtaq, F.; Torlakcik, H.; Terzopoulou, A.; Kim, D; Nelson, B. J.; Pané, S., Hybrid magnetoelectric microrobots for targeted therapeutics. IEEE International Symposium on Applications of Ferroelectrics (IEEE-ISAF 2019), Lausanne, Switzerland, 2019. (Oral, Session Co-Chair)
[21] Chen, X. Z., Microdevices based on piezoelectric materials for wireless cell delivery and differentiation. 17th National Congress on Dielectric Physics, Materials, and Applications, Guangzhou, China, 2018 (Invited Talk, Session Chair).
[22] Chen, X. Z., Piezoelectric swimmers for cell delivery and wireless stimulation. IEEE International Conferences on Cyborg and Bionic Systems (IEEE-CBS 2018), Shenzhen, China, 2018 (Invited Talk).
[23] Chen, X. Z., Integration of ferroelectric materials in microdevices for cell stimulation. IEEE International Conferences on Manipulation, Manufacturing, and Measurement at the Nanoscale (IEEE-3M Nano 2018), Hangzhou, China, 2018 (Invited Talk, Special Session Organizer).
[24] Grundbacher, R.; Ju. R; Eltes F.; Chen, X. Z.; HfZrO2 Deposited by ALD using TEMAH and ZrCMMM Precursors. 18th International Conference on Atomic Layer Deposition, Incheon, South Korea, 2018 (Poster)
[25] Chen, X. Z.; Magnetically driven microdevices: From masterial development to applications in environmental small-scale robotics . International Conference on Manipulation, Automation and Robotics at Small Scales (IEEE-MARSS 2018), Nagoya, Japan, 2018. (Invited Talk)
[26] Chen, X. Z.; Hoop, M.; Mushtaq, F.; Torlakcik, H.; Liu J. H.; Shen, Q.D.; Nelson, B. J.; Pané, S., Microdevices based on piezoelectric polymers for wireless cell stimulation. IEEE International Symposium on Applications of Ferroelectrics (IEEE-ISAF 2018), Hiroshima, Japan, 2018. (Oral)
[27] Wang, X.; Qin, X. H.; Hu, C.; Chen, X. Z.; Pané, S.; Maniura-Weber, K.; Nelson, B. J., Synthesis of biodegradable microrobots for biomedical applications, Hamlyn Symposium on Medical Robotics, London, United Kingdom, 2018 (Poster)
[28] Chen, X. Z.; Hoop M.; Mushtaq, F.; Nelson, B. J.; Pané S., Magnetoelectric Microrobots for Biomedical Applications. 2017 MRS Fall Meeting, Boston, United States, 2017 (Oral)
[29] Chen, X. Z., Integration of Ferroelectric Materials In Micro- And Nanorobots For Chemical And Biomedical Application. IEEE International Conferences on Manipulation, Manufacturing, and Measurement at the Nanoscale (IEEE-3M Nano 2017), Shanghai, China, 2017 (Invited Talk, Special Session Organizer).
[30] Chen, X. Z.; Hoop, M.; Mushtaq, F.; Nelson, B. J.; Pané, S., Piezoelectric Scaffolds for Wireless Cell Stimulation. European Materials Research Society Meeting (E-MRS 2017), Warsaw, Poland 2017. (Oral)
[31] Chen, X. Z.; Hoop, M.; Mushtaq, F.; Nelson, B. J.; Pané, S., Magnetoelectric Micro- and Nanorobots. International Union of Materials Research Societies-International Conference on Electronic Materials (IUMRS-ICEM 2016), Singapore, 2016. (Oral)
[32] Chen, X. Z.; Hoop, M.; Chatzipirpiridis, G.; Mushtaq, F.; Ferrari, A.; Poulikakos, D.; Nelson, B. J.; Pané, S., Piezoelectric polymers for nerve tissue engineering applications. Nature Conferences on Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine, Guangzhou, China, 2016 (Poster).
[33] Mushtaq, F.; Asani A.; Chen, X. Z.; Hoop M.; Ahmed D.; Nelson, B. J.; Pané S., Coaxial Tubular TiO2-PtPd Nanomachines for Efficient Water Purification under Sunlight. 2016 MRS Spring Meeting, Phoenix, 2016 (Oral)
[34] Hoop M.; Mushtaq, F.; Hurter C.; Chen, X. Z.; Nelson, B. J.; Pané S., A novel Multifunctional Nanodevice for Targeted Cancer Therapy. 2016 MRS Spring Meeting, Phoenix, 2016 (Oral)
[35] Hoop, M.; Chen, X. Z.; Yang, S.; Sakar, M. S.; Nelson, B. J.; Pané, S., Silver coated antibacterial magnetically manipulated helical nanoswimmers. eastForum: Progress in Functional and sustainable Surface technology, Lund, Sweden, 2015 (Oral).
[36] Mushtaq, F.; Guerrero, M.; Sakar, S.; Lindo, A. M.; Zeeshan, M. A.; Sort, J.; Chen, X. Z.; Nelson, B. J.; Pellicer, E.; Pané S., 3D template‐ assisted electrodeposition of hybrid magnetic microrobots for photocatalytic targeted water cleaning. eastForum: Progress in Functional and sustainable Surface technology, Lund, Sweden, 2015 (Oral).
[37] Özkale, B.; Shamsudhin, N.; Chatzipirpiridis, G.; Hoop, M.; Chen, X. Z.; Gramm, F.; Sort, J.; Nelson, B. J.; Pellicer, E.; Pané, S.; On-Demand Magnetically Triggered Drug Release with Segmented Nanowires. 2015 MRS Spring Meeting, San Francisco, 2015 (Oral)
[38] Pané, S.; Chatzipirpiridis, G.; Peters Christian; Shamsudhin, N.; Ergeneman O; Chen, X. Z.; Hierold C.; Nelson, B. J., Magnetic microrobots with programmed magnetic properties. 2015 MRS Spring Meeting, San Francisco, 2015 (Oral)
[39] Chen, X. Z.; Shamsudhin, N.; Hoop, M.; Pieters, R.; Siringil, E.; Sakar, M. S.; Nelson, B. J.; Pané, S., Magnetoelectric Microdevices. 11th International Workshop on Electrodeposited Nanostructures (EDNANO-11), Balatonfüred, Hungary, 2015, IV-1. (Oral)
[40] Jang, B.; Siegfried, R.; Chen X. Z.; Özkale, B.; Nelson, B. J.; Pané, S., Supported thick porous anodic alumina membrane on silicon. 11th International Workshop on Electrodeposited Nanostructures (EDNANO-11), Balatonfüred, Hungary, 2015. (Oral)
[41] Chen, X.; Tang, X.; Han, X.; Chen, X. Z.; Shen, Q. D., Ferroelectric Polymers for Organic Electronics Devices. 29th Annual Meeting of Chinese Chemical Society, Chengdu, China, 2012, 05-P-099 (Poster)
[42] Chen, X. Z.; Qian, X. S.; Li, X.; Lu, D. S. G.; Gu, H.; Lin, M.; Shen, Q.D.; Zhang Q. M., Enhanced Electrocaloric Effect in Poly (vinylidene fluoride-trifluoroethylene)-based Composites. 2012 MRS Fall Meeting, Boston, United States, 2012, B06 (Poster).
[43] Chen, X.; Chen, X. Z.; Shen, Q. D.; Guo, X.; Ge, H. X., High-Density Ferroelectric Polymer Film Arrays by Nanoimprint Technology. 28th Annual Meeting of Chinese Chemical Society, Chengdu, China, 2012, 05-P-078 (Poster)
[44] Liu, L.; Cheng, Z. X.; Chen, X. Z.; Shen, Q. D., Isothermal Crystallizationand Melting of VDF Based Ferroelectric Polymers for High-Energy-Density Capacitors. 28th Annual Meeting of Chinese Chemical Society, Chengdu, China, 2012, 05-P-099 (Poster)
[45] Cheng, Z. X.; Chen, X.; Chen, X. Z.; Shen, Q. D., Structure Evolution and Properties of Stretched and Nano-imprinted Ferroelectric Polymers. 28th Annual Meeting of Chinese Chemical Society, Chengdu, China, 2012, 07-O-002 (Oral)
[46] Chen, X. Z.; Chen, X.; Shen, Q. D.; Guo, X.; Xia, D. F.; Ge, H. X., Manipulating structures and properties of ferroelectric polymers through micro- and nano-fabrication. 2011 Annual Meeting of Polymer Division of Chinese Chemical Society, Dalian, China, 2011, C-O-13 (Oral)
[47] Cheng, Z. X.; Chen, X. Z.; Shen, Q. D., Structure Evolution and Properties of Stretched Relaxor Ferroelectric Polymers. 2011 Annual Meeting of Polymer Division of Chinese Chemical Society, Dalian, China, 2011, B-P-167 (Poster)
[48] Chen, X. Z.; Cheng, Z. X.; Shen, Q. D., Ferroelectric Polymers: Toward Organic Electronic Microdevices. 1st RSC-Unilever International symposium on Functional Materials Science, Shanghai, China, 2010 (Best Poster Award)
[49] Chen, X. Z.; Cheng, Z. X.; Shen, Q. D., Largely Enhanced Energy Density in Electroactive Polymers for Super-capacitor via Photo-crosslinking Method. 27th Annual Meeting of Chinese Chemical Society, Xiamen, China, 2010, 05-O-012 (Oral)
[50] Chen, X. Z.; Cheng, Z. X.; Shen, Q. D., Micro- and Nano-Fabrication and its influence of Electroactive Fluoropolymers. 7th National Conference on Functional Materials and applications, Changsha, China, 2010, RA6 (Oral)
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瑞士国家科学基金会,Project Funding(69万瑞法,约合520万人民币),2023,共同主持(已退出)
瑞士国家科学基金会,Sino-Swiss 合作项目(35万瑞法,约合240万人民币), 2022,共同主持(已退出)
瑞士国家科学基金会,SPARK项目(10万瑞法,约合70万人民币), 2020,主持(已结题)
瑞士联邦理工学院,职业生涯种子基金(5万瑞法,约合35万人民币), 2016,主持(已结题)