Silver, fiduciary money, and economic performance in China: 1890-1935, Review of International Economics 2022, 30(4), pp.939-70 (with Bo Chen and Yiqing Xie).
白银,信用货币与中国的经济表现:1890-1935,《国际经济评论》,2022年,第30(4)期,937-70页 (与Bo Chen and Yiqing Xie合著)
There are debates in the existing literature over whether silver outflows from China due to the American Silver Purchase Act (ASPA) of 1934 resulted in an economic crisis in China. However, all arguments in the debate rely on the assertion that the ASPA caused severe deflation – a claim with weak support in the data. In this paper, we investigate the bigger picture by using a newly consolidated historical Chinese dataset covering 1890 to 1935 to investigate the long-run relationship of silver outflows, international trade and fiduciary money. We find a mitigation effect of terms of trade after a decrease in the silver price triggered silver outflows from 1890 to 1934. More importantly, we find that the issue of fiduciary money was responsive to silver outflows such that China’s aggregate money supply was not severely affected by the outflows. As a result, we clarify the puzzle of why China encountered neither serious deflation nor an economic crisis when the ASPA occurred.
现有文献中存在关于1934年美国白银购买法案 (ASPA)所引致的白银流出是否导致中国出现经济危机的一些争论。然而,讨论中所有的论点基于以下推断:ASPA 造成了严重的通货紧缩——尽管这个论断在数据上只有很勉强的支撑。在本文中,我们从当时的全球局势出发,通过使用新的、整合的并且涵盖1890-1935年的中国历史数据来研究白银流出、国际贸易与信用纸币的长期关系。我们发现,在1890-1934年间,每当银价下降引发白银流出后,贸易条件(terms of trade)的变动会对此起到缓解作用。更重要的是,我们发现,信用纸币的发行对白银流出是会做出反应的,因此中国的货币总供给并没有受到白银流出的严重影响。因此,我们解释了为什么ASPA实施后,中国既没有遭遇严重的通货紧缩,也没有遭遇严重的经济危机的困惑。
Money and the Macro-economy in China from 1800 to 1937, Chapter 7, Cambridge Economic History of China, Vol 2, Edited by Debin Ma & Richard von Glahn, 2022, Cambridge University Press (with Hongzhong Yan).
中国货币与宏观经济:1800-1937。《剑桥中国经济史(第二卷)》,第七章,2022年,剑桥大学出版社(与Hongzhong Yan合著)
This chapter introduces major aspects and transformations of the Chinese monetary system and its impact on China’s macro economy during 1800-1937. It first presents the main nature of Chinese major currencies of copper, silver and paper money and details the evolution and changing importance of the three media of exchange during this period. To illustrate the monetary transformation, it next shows three case studies of competition and cooperation between the government and private sector in the money market when enduring a series of internal and external shocks. It finally discusses the impact of the monetary transformation on China’s macro economy during this period.
本章主要介绍了 1800至1937 年中国货币体系的概况和变革,以及对中国宏观经济产生的影响。本章首先阐释中国主要货币铜、银和纸币的性质,并详细介绍了这一时期三种交换媒介的演变及其重要性的变化。为进一步说明货币转型过程,本文形象展示在遇到一系列内外冲击时,政府与私营部门在货币市场上开展的竞争与合作的三个案例。最后,本章讨论了这一时期货币转型对中国宏观经济所产生的影响。
Move in the right place at the right time: The economic consequence of Manchuria 1910-11 plague on migrants,Explorations in Economic History, 2017, 63, pp. 91-106 (with Nan Li).
在适当的时机移民适当的地点:1910-1911 年满洲瘟疫对移民的经济影响。《经济史探索》,2017年,63期,91-106 页(与 Nan Li合著)
Using household survey data for Manchuria (Northeast China) from the 1930s, we measure the economic return to the “luck” of moving to the right place at the right time. Manchuria was hit by a devastating pneumonic plague epidemic in 1910/11. Employing a differences-in-differences method, we find that the migrants who moved to plague-hit villages (rather than non-plague-hit villages) right after the plague ended prospered most: they owned 90% more land than those who failed to do so. Our results hold after controlling for other factors that influence the wealth of migrants and survive various robustness checks. Moreover, no evidence is found that those who made a good move “outsmarted” those who did not. Our findings confirm that the opportunities in a receiving locality encountered by lucky migrants have long-term welfare implications for them.
最初到达目的地时的当地状况如何影响移民后续的经济福利?满洲(中国东北)在 20 世纪上半叶吸引了数百万华北移民。1910-1911期间,该地区爆发了毁灭性的肺炎性鼠疫。借助20世纪30年代中期农村住户调查的数据,笔者探讨了各村庄瘟疫后状况如何影响移民群体的长期财富积累。研究发现,在瘟疫结束后不久就搬到瘟疫灾区的移民家庭与在瘟疫爆发之前或爆发很久之后迁往同一村庄以及迁往非瘟疫区的移民家庭相比,他们拥有的土地至少多出112%。通过控制影响移民长期财富积累的因素,该研究结果是稳健的。也没有证据显示在瘟疫不久后就移民到瘟疫区的移民是其自主性的选择。因此,该研究结果并不受内生性问题的困扰。我们的研究证明移民地的初始经济状况的确对移民的后续经济福利有长久的影响。
A mirror of history: China’s bond market 1921-1942, Economic History Review,2014, 67(2), pp. 409-434 (with Chun-Yu Ho).
历史之镜:1921-1942中国债券市场。《经济史评论》,2014年,67(2)期,409-434页(与Chun-Yu Ho合著)
This article provides a quantitative assessment of contemporary beliefs about historical events by econometrically identifying ‘break points’ in China’s domestic bond market from 1921 to 1942.We find that these ‘break points’ usually coincided with the events highlighted by the Shanghai Newspaper—an influential daily newspaper produced during the time of the Republic of China. These events are also generally considered to be crucial by historians—for example, the Japanese invasion of Manchuria and the outbreak of the Second Sino-Japanese War. However, some events to which historians attach great importance, such as the conflicts between Nationalists and Communists in the 1930s, were not reflected in the bond market and did not attract much media attention. Some events, such as the Sino-Japanese ceasefire in Tanggu in 1933, were thought to be crucial by contemporaries, but have been downplayed by later observers.
本文通过计量经济学确定了1921至1942年间中国公债市场的价格“断点”,并对“断点”与当时的历史事件进行匹配。笔者发现这些“断点”通常与《申报》所强调的重大事件相吻合。这些事件也通常被历史学家认为是至关重要的,例如日本入侵满洲和第二次抗日战争的爆发。然而有一些历史学家相当重视的事件并没有在债券市场中反映出来,也没有引起太多的媒体关注,比如30 年代国共冲突。还有一些被当时的人们认为是至关重要的大事,却被后来观察者所淡化,例如1933 年中日塘沽停战等。量化历史研究给我们提供看待历史的一个新角度。
Railway development and military conflicts in prewar China, Eurasia Geography and Economics, 2014, 54(5-6), pp.500-516.
China suffered from numerous military conflicts throughout the first half of the twentieth century. These conflicts are thought to have slowed the pace of economic development; however, the magnitude of their negative impact remains unclear. This paper studies the effect of militarism on the railway industry, one of the most important modern industries at the time. I study these alleged impacts by using a new panel data-set linking archival data for China’s national railways to information on military conflicts for the period from 1916 to 1932. My results show that conflicts that occurred within 5 km of a railway reduced the railway’s current profitability by about 10%. Moreover, this negative impact persisted for years but to a lesser extent. However, conflicts that occurred beyond 5 km from a railway had no significant impact on the railway’s profitability. I also find that wars did not influence the net investment of national railways directly, but likely reduced investment indirectly by diminishing their profits. My findings suggest that militarism had a substantial but geographically limited impact on the profitability of railways and that the uncertainties created by warfare were not significant enough to drive national railways into disinvestment.