- DeepScan: Exploiting Deep Learning for Malicious Account Detection in Location-Based Social Networks.-IEEE Communications Magazine-2018-01-01-56
- We Know Your Preferences an New Cities: Mining and Modeling the Behavior of Travelers.-IEEE Communications Magazine-2018-01-01-56
- Understanding the User Behavior of Foursquare: A Data-Driven Study on a Global Scale.-IEEE Transactions on Computational Social Systems-2020-01-01-7
- PacketCloud: A Cloudlet-Based Open Platform for In-Network Services.-IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems-2016-01-01-27
- Understanding the Working Time of Developers in IT Companies in China and the United States.-IEEE Software-2021-01-01-38
- Building and analyzing a global co-authorship network using google scholar data.-26Th International World Wide Web Conference 2017, Www 2017 Companion-2019-01-01
- Deep Learning-Based Malicious Account Detection in the Momo Social Network.-Proceedings - International Conference on Computer Communications and Networks, Icccn-2018-01-01-2018-July
- Beyond the Click: A First Look at the Role of a Microblogging Platform in the Web Ecosystem.-IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management-2019-01-01-16
- Artemis: A practical low-latency naming and routing system.-Proceedings of the 48Th International Conference on Parallel Processing (Icpp 2019)-2019-01-01
- Co-Location Social Networks: Linking the Physical World and Cyberspace.-IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing-2019-01-01-18