English 复旦大学  

Group News

  • [May 2, 2021]. Congratulation to Prof. Jiang Cao on his research paper “Dissipative Transport and Phonon Scattering Suppression via Valley Engineering in Single-Layer Antimonene and Arsenene Field-Effect Transistors” accepted by npj 2D Materials and Applications! Excellent work!

  • [February 26, 2021]. Congratulation to Ke Xu on his research paper “Coexistence of topological edge states and skin effects in the non-hermitian Su-Schrieffer-Heeger model with long-range nonreciprocal hopping in topoelectric realizations” accepted by Phys Rev B! Good work!

  • [January 20, 2021]. Congratulation to Yu Wu on his research paper “Thermoelectric performance of 2D materials: band-convergent strategy and strong intervalley scatterings” accepted by Materials Horizons! Excellent work!

  • [December 4, 2020]. Congratulation to Dr. Yuanfeng Xu on her research paper “Two-dimensional direct semiconductor boron monocalcogenide γ-BTe: room-temperature single-bound exciton and novel donor material in excitonic solar cells” accepted by ACS Applied Materials & Interface! Excellent work!

  • [October 2020] 祝贺吴钰马聪聪获年度博士研究生国家奖学金,陆紫煊获年度硕士国家奖学金。

  • [September 14, 2020] Nanowerk reported the work on PIPT in the spotlight section, https://www.nanowerk.com/spotlight/spotid=56126.php

  • [August 27, 2020]. Congratulation to Dr. Yuanfeng Xu on her research paper “Novel two-dimensional beta-GeSe and beta-SnSe semiconductors: anisotropic high carrier mobility and excellent photocatalytic water splitting” accepted by J Mater Chem A! Excellent work!

  • [June 29, 2020].MoTe2光致相变工作在npj 2D Materials & Applications 主页Focus。

  • [May 4, 2020].Congratulation to Yu Wu, Ying Chen and Congcong Ma on their research paper “Monolayer C7N6: Room-temperature excitons with large binding    energies and high thermal conductivities” accepted by Physical Review Materials. Excellent work!

  • [April 15, 2020].Congratulation to Yifan Liu & Yuanfeng Xu on their research paper “Monolayer Bi2Se3-xTex: novel two-dimensional semiconductors with excellent stability and high electron mobility” accepted by Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics. Good work!

  • [April 4, 2020]. Congratulation to Bo Peng on his research paper “Sub-picosecond photo-induced displacive phase transition in two-dimensional MoTe2” accepted by npj 2D Materials and Applications. Great work!

  • [March 28, 2020]. Congratulation to Bowen Hou on his research paper “Room Temperature Bound Excitons and Strain-Tunable Carrier Mobilities in Janus Monolayer Transition-Metal Dichalcogenides” accepted by The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters. Excellent work!

  • [March 22,2020]信息学院网站:光科系张浩、张荣君和微电子系刘文军合作在掺杂石墨炔改性方面取得进展

  • [December  14, 2019]. Congratulations to Yaxun Yan for his successful defense of Master Degree.

  • [December 09, 2019]. Congratulations to our alumni, Dr. Yuanfeng Xu, for winning her first national funding. Special Funding in Physics provided by NSFC.

  • [November 21, 2019]. Congratulation to Yu Wu, Congcong Ma and Ying Chen on their research paper “New group V-graphyne: 2D direct semiconductors with remarkable carrier mobilities, thermoelectric performance and thermal stability  ” accepted by Materials Today Physics. Excellent work!

  • [September 28, 2019]. Congratulation to Zixuan Lu on her research paper “Ultrahigh electron mobility induced by strain engineering in directly semiconducting monolayer Bi2TeSe2” accepted by Nanoscale. Good work!

  • [September 17, 2019]. Congratulation to Ying Chen on her research paper “New Sb2Te3-xSex monolayers with high electron mobilities and wide absorption range” accepted by ACS Applied Materials & Interface. Excellent work!

  • [Jul 2, 2019]. Congratulation to Yu Wu and Ke Xu on their research paper “Ultrahigh carrier mobilities and high thermoelectric performance at room temperature optimized by strain-engineering to two-dimensional aw-antimonene” accepted by Nano Energy. Excellent work!

  • [June 1, 2019]. 祝贺彭博同学顺利通过硕士论文答辩。

  • [May 28, 2019]. 欢迎新同学加盟课题组,2016级本科生侯博文张一鸣同学、2017级本科生覃柏霖同学!

  • [April 16, 2019]. 祝贺彭博获第十五届王大珩光学奖。 

  • [Feb 25, 2019]. Congratulation to Bo Peng for the successful selection as participant in the 69th Lindau Nobel Laureate Meeting taking place from 30 June to 05 July 2019 in Lindau, Germany.

  • [Feb 8, 2019]. Congratulation to Yuanfeng Xu on her research paper “First-principles calculations of angular and strain dependence on effective masses of two-dimensional phosphorene analogues (monolayer group IV monochalcogenides MX)”, accepted by Molecules! Good work!

  • [Feb 7, 2019]. Congratulation to Bo Peng on his research paper “High thermoelectric efficiency in monolayer PbI2 from 300 K to 900 K”, accepted by Inorganic Chemistry Frontiers ! Good work!

  • [Decmber 28, 2018]. Congratulation to Bo Peng on his research paper “In‐Plane Anisotropic Thermal Conductivity of Few‐Layered Transition Metal Dichalcogenide Td‐WTe2″, accepted by Advanced Materials! GREAT work!

  • [December 26,2018]知社学人:Dirac半金属预测—新材料发现
    来自复旦大学的张浩和中国科学院物理所的翁红明(本刊编委、学术编辑)教授等科研人员,基于化学自由度的第一原理计算,建立了一种寻找新的令人振奋的Dirac半金属材料的方法,拓展了之前的理论预测。他们从已知Dirac半金属材料Na3Bi开始,在计算上改变化学成分,同时保持晶体和电子结构尽可能接近原始化合物,挑选出了同一家族材料中的三种含Na三元化合物:Na2MgSn, Na2MgPb和Na2CdSn作为候选材料。他们进一步确定了有助于预测材料是否会出现能带反转,即判断是否具有拓扑特性的关键化学规则,从而发现其中的Na2MgPb和Na2CdSn具有Dirac半金属的能带拓扑。在它们的(100)和(010)表面上具有拓扑非平庸表面态,即连接体Dirac点投影的费米弧。重要的是,候选化合物是动力学稳定的且已被实验合成过。他们研究所提出的思想方法可启发人们对其他拓扑材料的计算预测。

  • [November 12, 2018]. Congratulation to Ke Xu on his research paper “Role of Anderson Rule in Determining Electronic, Optical and Transport Properties of Transition-metal Dichalcogenides Heterostructure” accepted by Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics! Good work!

  • [November 2, 2018]. Congratulation to Bo Peng on his research paper “Predicting Dirac semimetals based on Sodium Ternary Compounds” accepted by npj Computational Materials! Good work!

  • [September 9, 2018]. Congratulation to Bo Peng on his research paper “Room temperature bound exciton with long lifetime in monolayer GaN” accepted by ACS Photonics! Good work!

  • [August 10, 2018]. Congratulation to Bo Peng on his research paper “Tuning thermal transport in monolayer C3N by adding and removing carbon atoms” accepted by Phys Rev Applied! Good work!

  • [July 20, 2018]. 欢迎新同学加盟课题组,2017级本科生朱凌枫陈巍文同学!

  • [July 17, 2018].Congratulation to Bo Peng on his research paper ‘The conflicting role of buckled structure in phonon transport of 2D group-IV and group-V materials, Nanoscale 9:7397-7407(2017)’  selected as the ESI highly-cited paper!

  • [July 3, 2018].祝贺许园风通过博士论文答辩!

  • [May 23,2018].祝贺严亚勋赖耘“热电半导体材料能源采集及电源管理系统”项目获2018年泛海杯暨第四届“互联网+”创新创业大赛校内选拔赛三等奖!

  • [May 18, 2018].祝贺彭博获复旦大学第九届“学术之星”称号!

  • [April 9, 2018].祝贺许园风获2018年度复旦大学优秀毕业研究生!

  • [December 18, 2017]. Congratulation to Hezhu Shao on his research paper “First-Principles Study of Manipulating the Phonon Transport of Molybdenum Disulfide by Na-Intercalating.” accepted by J Phys Chem C! Good work!

  • [December 1, 2017]. Congratulation to Yuanfeng Xu on her research paper “Electronic, transport and optical properties of monolayer α and β−GeSe: A first-principles study” accepted by Phys Rev B! Good work!

  • [November 23, 2017].祝贺彭博获2017年度复旦大学优秀学生标兵(研究生)!

  • [November 19, 2017]. Congratulation to Bo Peng on his research paper “Chemical intuition for high thermoelectric performance in monolayer black phosphorus, α-arsenene and aW-antimonene” accepted by J Mater Chem A! Good work!

  • [November 09, 2017]. Congratulation to Bo Peng on his research paper “1D SbSeI, SbSI and SbSBr with high stability and novel properties for microelectronic, optoelectronic, and thermoelectric applications” accepted by Advanced Theory and Simulations! Good work!

  • [October 25, 2017]祝贺廖袁杰和梅浩东的望道学者与莙政学者项目获批!

  • [October 14, 2017]祝贺彭博获2016-2017年度百人会英才奖。

  • [September 30, 2017]祝贺彭博获2017年国奖。

  • [September 28, 2017]欢迎新同学加盟课题组,2017级硕士生严亚勋同学!

  • [September 11, 2017]. Congratulation to Yuanfeng Xu on her research paper “Anisotropic ultrahigh hole mobility in two-dimensional penta-SiC2 by strain-engineering: electronic structure and chemical bonding analysis” accepted by RSC Advances! Good work!

  • [September 10, 2017]欢迎新同学加盟课题组,2015级本科生廖袁杰、梅浩东同学!

  • [July 11, 2017]祝贺彭博获2017 Youth Innovation Competition on Global Governance (YICGG)比赛BPP (Best Performance Player)MIT (Most Innovation Team)两项大奖见《Shanghai Daily》报道

  • [June 17, 2017]祝贺许园风获IUCr(International Union of Crystallography)Young Scientist Awards!

  • [June 11, 2017]祝贺宁泽钰获得2017年度优秀毕业论文!

  • [June 5, 2017]祝贺张德全获信息学院“科技创新杰出单项奖”。

  • [Mar 31, 2017]Congratulation to Bo Peng on his Nanoscale paper chosen as the back-cover story!

  • [Mar 25, 2017]Congratulation to Zeyu Ning and Hongbao Yu for their Machine-learning proposals passing first round of Geek for Good games. News

  • [Mar 10, 2017]Congratulation to Bo Peng on his paper[ RSC Adv. 6:5767-5773(2016)] selected as ESI highly cited paper!

  • [Mar 9, 2017]Congratulation to Yuanfeng Xu on her ADP paper chosen as the back-cover story!

  • [Mar 3, 2017]Congratulation to Bo Peng on his research paper “Buckled 2D materials: The conflicting role of buckled structure in phonon transport” accepted by Nanoscale! Good work!

  • [Mar 1, 2017]校报头版报道彭博创新创业大会获奖新闻。PDF

  • [Feb 19, 2017]. Congratulation to Bo Peng on his research paper “Stability and Strength of Atomically Thin Borophene from First Principles Calculations” accepted by Materials Research Letters! Good work!

  • [Feb 3, 2017]Congratulation to Yuchen Xu on his research paper “Behaviour of light transmission channels in random media with inhomogeneous disorder” accepted by Ann. der Phys! Good work!

  • [Dec 10, 2016]. Congratulation to Yuchen Xu on his research paper “Light transport in quasi-one-dimensional disordered waveguides composed of locally two-dimensional random square lattices” accepted by J Mod Opt! Good work!

  • [Dec 09, 2016]. Congratulation to Yuanfeng Xu on her research paper “First-principle calculations of optical properties of monolayer arsenene and antimonene allotropes” accepted by Ann. der Phys! Good work!

  • [Dec 08, 2016]. Congratulation to Bo Peng on his research paper “Beyond Perturbation: Role of Vacancy-Induced Localized Phonon States in Thermal Transport of Monolayer MoS2″ accepted by J Phys Chem C! Good work!

  • [Nov 22, 2016]. Congratulation to Bo Peng on his research paper “Unexpected phonon-transport properties of stanene among    two-dimensional group-IV materials from ab initio” accepted by Phys Rev B! Good work!

  • [Nov 18, 2016]祝贺2016年11月彭博获第九届全国大学生创新创业年会优秀论文奖并以学术类唯一代表做闭幕式大会报告!Great! 见报道

  • [Oct 7, 2016]. Congratulation to Bo Peng on his research paper “High thermoelectric performance of Weyl semimetal TaAs” accepted by Nano Energy. Excellent work!

  • [Jul 27, 2016]. Congratulation to Bo Peng on his research paper “First-principles prediction of ultralow lattice thermal conductivity of dumbbell silicene: A comparison with low-buckled silicene” accepted by ACS Applied Materials & Interface. Excellent work!

  • [May 25, 2016] Congratulations to Mr. Yuchen Xu for his successful defense of PhD degree:Manipulation of Light Transport Properties in Random Media!

  • 祝贺彭博同学荣膺2016年复旦大学本科毕业之星!2016.5.13

  • Congratulations to Zeyu Ning and Dequan Zhang for applications of Wangdao Projects approved! 2016.5.12

  • Congratulation to Bo Peng for winning 复旦大学光华自立奖学术科研类(理科)三等奖. 2016.5.3

  • [Apr 21, 2016]Congratulation to Bo Peng on his ADP paper chosen as the back-cover story!

  • 欢迎新同学加盟课题组,2014级本科生徐轲同学!2016.04.16

  • 彭博参选2016年度毕业生之星与光华自立奖,评奖材料在系主页上公开。2016.04.16

  • [Mar 29, 2016]. Congratulation to Bo Peng on his research paper “First-principles calculations of electronic, optical, and thermodynamic properties of borophene.” accepted by J Mater Chem C. Excellent work!

  • [Feb 4, 2016]. Congratulation to Bo Peng on his research paper “Towards intrinsic phonon transport in single-layer MoS2″ accepted by Ann. Phys. Good work!

  • [Dec 23rd, 2015]. Congratulation to Bo Peng on his research paper “Low Lattice Thermal Conductivity in Stanene” accepted by Scientific Reports. Excellent work!

  • [Dec 23rd, 2015]. Congratulation to Bo Peng on his research paper “Thermal conductivity of monolayer MoS2, MoSe2, and WS2: Interplay of mass effect, interatomic bonding and anharmonicity” accepted by RSC Advances. Good work!