Personal Profile:
Physical Chemistry,Inorganic Chemistry,Materials Chemistry,Photochemistry, Professor-Level Researcher, Ph. D. Supervisor
Ke Hu obtained B.S. from Department of Chemistry, Fudan University in 2010. He received Chemistry Ph.D. under the supervision of Prof. Gerald J. Meyer from Johns Hopkins University in 2014. He then moved to University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill for postdoctoral research where the Energy Frontier Research Center: Center for Solar Fuels was headquatered. He returned to Fudan University as the principle investigator with national young investigator awards in 2017. Dr. Ke Hu has been long engaged in the field of solar energy research with focus on the electron transfer kinetics and dynamics both in fluid solution and at the molecular sensitized semiconductor interfaces. The outstanding results will guide better design and performance of the next-generation photoelectrocatalytic water-spliting devices for solar energy conversion and storage.
By 2024, Dr. Ke Hu has authored more than 50 SCI indexed papers. More than 30 papers are published as the first or the corresponding author, including renowned journals such as Nat. Chem., J. Am. Chem. Soc., JACS Au., ACS Catal., etc. Currently, Dr. Ke Hu is in charge of two projects from the National Natural Science Foundation of China, and one project from the Natural Science Foundation of Shanghai.
Education and Professional Experience:
2006.9-2010.6 Department of Chemistry, Fudan University. B.S. in Chemistry
2010.8-2014.8 Department of Chemistry, Johns Hopkins University. Ph.D. in Chemistry
2014.9-2017.6 University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. PDF
2017.7-now Department of Chemistry, Fudan University. Professor-Level Researcher, Ph.D. supervisor
Undergraduate Teaching:
Physical Chemistry IIIA & Upper-Level Lectures
General Chemistry Laboratory