• 复旦大学

林伟 教授 博士生导师

林伟,复旦大学特聘教授,博导,上海数学中心谷超豪研究所双聘教授、浦江实验室领军科学家。致力于生物数学、复杂系统理论、人工智能数学理论研究及交叉应用。曾获选为数学学科国家杰出青年基金、优秀青年基金、国家重点研发计划重点项目首席、教育部新世纪人才计划、上海市启明星(跟踪)和曙光学者。现/曾任 IEEE高级会员、中国数学会生物数学专委会副主任、CSIAM数学生命科学专委会副主任、上海市非线性科学研究会副理事长、秘书长等。获ICCM最佳论文奖、V. Afraimovich 奖(国际非线性科学与复杂性大会授予非线性物理科学领域的杰出青年学者)、教育部霍英东基金会青年教师二等奖、Elsevier集团“通用工程”领域中国高被引学者、上海市自然...


  • 2024 V. Afraimovich Award (For outstanding young scholars in Nonlinear Physical Science), Nonlinear Science and Complexity Conference Series Awards.

  • 2023 Innovation Program of Shanghai Municipal Education Commission (Grant No. 2023ZKZD04, PI, 3 years), Shanghai, China

  • 2023 The Leo KoGuan Award for the Most Popular Teacher, Fudan University, China 

  • 2023 Best Paper Award 2022, RESEARCH, A Science Partner Journal, AAAS, CAST, & SPJ

  • 2022 Baosteel Education Excellent Teacher Award, Baosteel Education Foundation, China

  • 2021 Shanghai Natural Science Award, The First Prize (Winner no.2), Shanghai, China

  • 2021 Towers Watson Faculty Fellowship, School of Mathematical Sciences, Fudan University, China

  • 2021 STCSM (Grant No. 2021SHZDZX0103, co-PI, 4 years), Shanghai, China

  • 2020 STCSM (Grant No. 20JC1413400, PI, 2 years), Shanghai, China

  • 2020 STCSM (Grant No. 18DZ1201000, PI-transferred as, 2 years), Shanghai, China

  • 2020 Highly Cited Chinese Researcher in General Engineering, Elsevier

  • 2019 The Consortium of Chinese Mathematicians (ICCM) Best Paper Award

  • 2019 Outstanding Young Scholar of NSFC (Grant No. 11925103, PI, 5 years), China

  • 2019 May Day Labor Medal, Shanghai

  • 2019 Highly Cited Chinese Researcher in General Engineering, Elsevier

  • 2018 National Key R&D Program of China (Grant No. 2018YFC0116600, PI, 3 years), China

  • 2018 Highly Cited Chinese Researcher in General Engineering, Elsevier

  • 2017 NSFC (Grant No. 61773125, PI, 4 years), China

  • 2017 Highly Cited Chinese Researcher in General EngineeringElsevier

  • 2017 K. C. Wong Education Foundation Year 2017 Programme, Hong Kong, China

  • 2016 Excellent Teacher, voted by the Graduated Students of the year 2016, Fudan University, China

  • 2016 Highly Cited Chinese Researcher in General Engineering, Elsevier

  • 2015 Tian-Yuan Grant of NSFC for 2015 Summer School of Modern Mathematical Biology (Grant No. 11526011, PI, 1 year), China

  • 2015 the National High-tech Research and Development Program (863 Program no. 2015AA020512, Member, 3 years), China

  • 2015 Highly Cited Chinese Researcher in General Engineering, Elsevier

  • 2014 Tian-Yuan Grant of NSFC for 2014 Summer School of Modern Mathematical Biology (Grant No. 11426027, PI, 1 year), China

  • 2014 Zhuo-Shi Program of Fudan University (PI, 3 years), China

  • 2013 Excellent Young Scholar of NSFC (Grant No. 11322111, PI, 3 years), China

  • 2013 Tian-Yuan Grant of NSFC (Grant No. 11326031, 1 year), China

  • 2012 Joint Program on Mathematical Modeling for Management of Shanghai Medical Insurance Funds, (with Shanghai Municipal Medical Insurance Bureau), China

  • 2012 NSFC (Grant No. 61273014, PI, 4 years), China

  • 2011 Rising-Star (Tracked) Program (Grant No.11QH1400200, PI, 2 years), Science and Technology Commission of Shanghai Municipality, China

  • 2011 New Century Program of Excellent Talents (NCET-11-0109, PI, 2 years), Ministry of Education, China

  • 2011 Tian-Yuan Grant of NSFC (Grant No. 11126002, 1 year), China

  • 2011 Excellent Teacher, voted by the Graduated Students of the year 2011, Fudan University, China

  • 2010 Shuguang Scholar Program (Grant No. 10SG02, PI, 2 years),  Shanghai Educational Development Foundation, China

  • 2010 Cao-Guang-Biao Education Foundation Award, Shanghai Educational Development Foundation, China

  • 2010 Second Prize of the Fok-Ying-Tung Education Foundation Award for Young Scientists in Universities, Ministry of Education, China

  • 2010 Hong Kong People Sponsored Fellowship for Teaching and Research, Fudan University, China

  • 2009 NSFC (Grant No. 10971035, PI, 3 years), China

  • 2009 Excellent Teacher, voted by the Graduated Students of the year 2009, Fudan University, China

  • 2008 Member of the Echelon of Shanghai Excellent Young University Teachers, Education Commission of Shanghai Municipality, China

  • 2008 NSFC (Grant No. 60874121, PI, 3 years), China

  • 2007 Rising-Star Program (Grant No. 07QA14002, PI), Science and Technology Commission of Shanghai Municipality, China

  • 2007 NBRP-973 (Grant Nos. 2007CB814904 and 2007CB507406, Members, 5 years), China

  • 2006 National Basic Research Program (NBRP-973) (Grant No. 2006CB303102, Member, 5 years), China

  • 2006 Excellent Doctoral Thesis of Shanghai (Thesis: Some Theoretical Problems in Complex Dynamical Systems and Their Applications, supervised by Professor Jiong Ruan),  Education Commission of Shanghai Municipality, China

  • 2006 Excellent Star of New Century, Fudan University, China

  • 2006 Liu Hao-Qing Fellowship for Teaching and Research, Fudan University, China

  • 2005 NSFC (Grant No. 10501008, PI, 3 years), China

  • 2004 Star of New Century Fellowship, Fudan University, China

  • 2004 National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC) (Grant No. 90409001, Member, 3 years), China


Before the year of 2003, as a student of Fudan University—

  • 2002 Top-Ten Excellent Counsellor for Undergraduate Students, Fudan University, China

  • 2002 Shanghai Excellent Student, Education Commission of Shanghai Municipality, China

  • 1998 ∼ 2002 Member of the 4th Echelon of Talents Project, Fudan University, China

  • 1995 ∼ 2002 Scholarship of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Scholarship of Bank of Communication, First and Second Prizes of People’s Scholarship, Guanghua Scholarship … Fudan University, China

  • 1995 ∼ 2002 Excellent Student of Fudan University, Excellent Student Cadre of Fudan University … Fudan University, China

  • 1998 First Prize of Yuanhang Cup for Scientific Thesis Contest, Fudan University, China

  • 1997 Shanghai Excellent Student, Education Commission of Shanghai Municipality, China

  • 1997 Honorable Mention of Mathematical Contest in Modeling 1997 US (which is administered by the Consortium for Mathematics and Its Applications, and whose major funding was provided by the National Security Agency, US) with Jun Xiao and Wei Yang

  • 1996 First Prize of Mathematical Contest in Modeling 1996 Shanghai and Second Prize of Mathematical Contest in Modeling 1996 China (which is administered by State Education Commission and CSIAM) with Jun Xiao and Wei Yang
