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  • 复旦大学

林伟 教授 博士生导师

林伟,复旦大学特聘教授,博导,上海数学中心谷超豪研究所双聘教授、上海人工智能实验室领军科学家。致力于生物数学、复杂系统理论、人工智能数学理论研究及交叉应用。曾获选为数学学科国家杰出青年基金、优秀青年基金、国家重点研发计划重点项目首席、教育部新世纪人才计划、上海市启明星(跟踪)和曙光学者。现/曾任 IEEE高级会员、中国数学会生物数学专委会副主任、CSIAM数学生命科学专委会副主任、上海市非线性科学研究会副理事长、秘书长等。获ICCM最佳论文奖、V. Afraimovich 奖(国际非线性科学与复杂性大会授予非线性物理科学领域的杰出青年学者)、教育部霍英东基金会青年教师二等奖、Elsevier集团“通用工程”领域中国高被引学者、上...


Selected papers/letters published and/or accepted, or submitted to peer-reviewed journals.

  1. Weichen Fu, Xiaoxue Zhao, Wei Lin, and Zhuchun Li* [2025] The role of higher-order self-dynamics in neural dynamical networks: Preserving memory capacity and enhancing retrieval basin, SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics, under minor revision.

  2. Xiaoyu Zhang, Pengcheng Yang, Jiawei Feng, Kang Wen, Gang Yan, Qiang Luo, Wei Lin, and Xin Lv* [2025] Network structure governs Drosophila brain functionality, Fundamental Research (accepted January 24, 2025), in press.

  3. Shijie Zhou*, Luan Yang, Xuzhe Qian, and Wei Lin [2025] A geometric approach to stability analysis of asymmetric or random delayed network dynamics, IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control (accepted January 7, 2025), published online.

  4. Shirui Bian, Ruisong Zhou, Wei Lin*, and Chunhe Li* [2025] Quantifying energy landscape of high-dimensional oscillatory systems by diffusion decompositionCell Reports Physical Sciences (accepted Jan. 7, 2025; published online January 29, 2025), published online.

  5. Huanfei Ma and Wei Lin* [2025] Iteratively adaptive identification of parameters solely using short-term data of transient dynamics, SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics (accepted Oct. 23, 2024, published February 20, 2025), vol. 85, no. 1, pp. 393-411.

  6. Xin Jin, Yang Tang*, Yang Shi, Xiaotai Wu, and Wei Lin [2025] Event-triggered attitude consensus of multiple rigid body systems with prescribed performance, IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics (accepted October 14, 2024, published January 10, 2025), vol. 55, no. 1, pp. 307-320.

  7. Luan Yang, Jingdong Zhang, Shijie Zhou*, and Wei Lin* [2025] Advancements in mathematical approaches for deciphering deep brain stimulation: A systematic review, CSIAM Transactions on Life Sciences (accepted July 31, 2024), published online.

  8. Yi Cao, Zefeng Zhang, Bo-Wei Qin, Weihui Sang, Honghong Li,  Tinghao Wang, Feixia Tan, Yang Gan, Xumeng Zhang*, Tao Liu, Du Xiang*, Wei Lin, Qi Liu [2024] Physical reservoir computing using van der Waals ferroelectrics for acoustic keywords spotting, ACS Nano (accepted July 31; published August 14), vol. 18. no. 34, pp. 23265-23276

  9. Jingdong Zhang, Luan Yang, Qunxi Zhu*, Celso Grebogi, and Wei Lin* [2024] Machine-learning-coined noise induces energy-saving synchrony, Physical Review E, Letter (accepted June 27; published July 25) vol. 110, no. 1, Art. no. L012203.

  10. Shijie Zhou*, Xiaoxiao Peng, Wei Lin, and Xuerong Mao [2024] Adaptive control and synchronization of complex dynamical systems with various types of delays and stochastic disturbancesSIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics (accepted May 9; published July 18, 2024), vol. 84, no. 4, pp. 1515-1531.

  11. Yongzheng Sun, Guanghui Wen, Haifeng Dai, Yu Feng, Sandro Azaele, Wei Lin*, and Fubao Zhou* [2024] Quantifying the resilience of coal energy supply in China towards carbon neutralityRESEARCH (accepted May 11; published July 16, 2024), vol. 7, Art. no. 0398

  12. Yukun Zou, Xiaoxiao Peng, Wei Yang*, Jingdong Zhang, and Wei Lin [2024] Dynamics of simplicial SEIRS epidemic model: Global asymptotic stability and neural Lyapunov functions, Journal of Mathematical Biology (accepted May 25; published June 16, 2024), vol. 89, Art. no. 12.

  13. Hongtai Jing, Zhengtao Gao, Sheng Xu, Tao Shen, Zhangzhi Peng, Shwai He, Tao You, Shuang Ye*, Wei Lin*, and Siqi Sun* [2024] Accurate prediction of antibody function and structure using bio-inspired antibody language modelBriefings in Bioinformatics (accepted May 6; published May 26, 2024), vol. 25, no. 4, Art. no. bbae245.

  14. Xin Li, Qunxi Zhu*, Chengli Zhao*, Xiaojun Duan, Bolin Zhao, Xue Zhang, Huanfei Ma, Jie Sun, and Wei Lin* [2024] Higher-order Granger reservoir computing: Simultaneously achieving scalable complex structures inference and accurate dynamics prediction, Nature Communications (accepted Feb. 28; published March 20, 2024), vol. 15, Art. no. 2506. (Editorially selected as a Featured Article both in NC's focus contents: AI & machine learning & Applied physics and mathematics)

  15. Xiaoxiao Peng, Shijie Zhou, Wei Lin*, and Xuerong Mao [2024] Invariance principles for G-Brownian-motion-driven stochastic differential equations and their applications to G-stochastic controlSIAM Journal on Control and Optimization (accepted January  12; published May 29, 2024), vol. 62, no. 3, pp. 1569-1589.

  16. Jingdong Zhang, Qunxi Zhu*, and Wei Lin* [2024]  Learning Hamiltonian neural Koopman operator and simultaneously sustaining and discovering conservation laws, Physical Review Research, Letter (accepted January 25; published February 20, 2024), vol. 6, no. 1, Art. no. L012031.

  17. Min Yan, Can Huang*, Peter Bienstman, Peter Tino, Wei Lin, and Jie Sun* [2024] Emerging opportunities and challenges for the future of reservoir computing, Nature Communications (accepted December 5, 2023; published March 6, 2024), vol. 15, Art. no. 2056(Editorially selected as a Featured Article both in NC's focus contents: AI & machine learning & Applied physics and mathematics)

  18. Shijie Zhou, Wei Lin*, Xuerong Mao, and Jianhong Wu [2024] Generalized invariance principles for stochastic dynamical systems and their applicationsIEEE Transactions on Automatic ControlRegular Paper (published in Early Access May 8, 2023; published December 29, 2023), vol. 69, no. 1, pp. 85-99.

  19. Bo-Wei Qin* and Wei Lin [2023] Tipping point for pulsatile oscillations in dynamical networks, Physical Review Research, December 6, vol. 5, no. 4, Art. no. 043209.

  20. Zhaoyue Zhong, Wei Lin*, and Bo-Wei Qin* [2023] Modulating biological rhythms: A non-computational strategy harnessing nonlinearity and decoupling frequency and amplitudePhysical Review Letters, September 29, vol. 131, no. 13, Art. no. 138401.

  21. Changqian Rao, Wei Lin, and Zhuoyi Song* [2023] Analytical refractory period distribution for a class of time-variant biochemical systems with second-order reactionsJournal of Chemical Physics, September 25, vol. 159, no. 12, Art. no. 124105.

  22. Kaidian Wang, Luan Yang, Shijie Zhou*, and Wei Lin [2023] Desynchronizing oscillators coupled in multi-cluster networks through adaptively controlling partial networksCHAOS, Fast Track, August 17, vol. 33, no. 9, Art. no. 091101

  23. Boyun Ji, Wei Lin, and Qunxi Zhu* [2023] Dimension reduction of collective attention networks, International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos, August 14, vol. 33, no. 11, Art. no. 2350135.

  24. Xin Li, Qunxi Zhu*, Chengli Zhao*, Xuzhe Qian, Xue Zhang, Xiaojun Duan, and Wei Lin [2023] Tipping-point detection using reservoir computing, RESEARCH, May 29, vol. 6, Art. no. 0174.

  25. Xing-Yue Duan, Xiong Ying, Si-Yang Leng, Juergen Kurths, Wei Lin*, and Huan-Fei Ma* [2023] Embedding theory of reservoir computing and reducing reservoir network using time delays, Physical Review Research, Letter, May 25, vol. 5, no. 2, Art. no. L022041.

  26. Liufei Yang, Wei Lin, and Siyang Leng* [2023] Conditionally cross-map-based technique: From pairwise dynamical causality to causal network reconstruction, CHAOS, May, vol. 33, no. 6, Art. no. 063101.

  27. Peng Ji*, Jiachen Ye*, Yu Mu, Wei Lin, Yang Tian, Chittaranjan Hens, Matjaz Perc, Yang Tang, Jie Sun, Jurgen Kurths, Signal propagation in complex networks [2023] Physics Reports, Review Paper, Febuary, vol. 1017, 1-96.

  28. Qunxi Zhu*, Xin Li, and Wei Lin* [2023] Leveraging neural differential equations and adaptive delayed feedback to detect unstable periodic orbits based on irregularly sampled time seriesCHAOS, Editor's Pick, vol. 33, no. 3, Art. no. 031101  

  29. Zhang Chen*,  Wei Lin*,  Dandan Yang,  and  Xiaodong Zuo [2023] Random attractors and invariant measures for 3D stochastic globally modified Navier-Stokes equations with time-dependent delay and coefficientDiscrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems-S, October, vol. 16, no. 10, 2721-2748.

  30. Xiaoge Bao, Qitong Hu, Peng Ji*, Wei Lin, Juergen Kurths, and Jan Nagler* [2022] Impact of basic network motifs on the collective response to perturbations, Nature Communications, vol. 13, Sept. 8, Art. no. 5301.

  31. Yongzheng Sun, Wang Li, Liang Li, Guanghui Wen, Sandro Azaele, and Wei Lin* [2022] Delay-induced directional switches and mean switching time in swarming systems, Physical Review Researchvol. 4, July, Art. no. 033054.

  32. Xiaoxiao Peng* and Wei Lin* [2022] Complex dynamics of noise-perturbed excitatory-inhibitory neural networks with intra-correlative and inter-independent ConnectionsFrontiers in Physiology, Fractal Physiology, vol. 13, June, Art. no. 915511.

  33. Xiong Ying, Si-Yang Leng, Huan-Fei Ma, Qing Nie, Ying-Cheng Lai, and Wei Lin* [2022] Continuity scaling: A rigorous framework for detecting and quantifying causality accurately, RESEARCH, vol. 2022, May, Art. no. 9870149 [Best Paper Award 2022].

  34. Yu Wang, Fengzhu Sun, Wei Lin, and Shuqin Zhang* [2022] AC-PCoA: Adjustment for confounding factors using principal cordinate analysis, PLoS Computational Biology, vol. 18, no. 7, June, Art. no. e1010184 .

  35. Shijie Zhou*, Wei Lin, Jianhong Wu [2022] Generalized invariance principles for discrete-time stochastic dynamical system, AUTOMATICA, vol. 143, September, Art. no. 110436full file

  36. Jiawen Hou, Huanfei Ma, Dake He, Jie Sun, Qing Nie*, and Wei Lin* [2022] Harvesting random embedding for high-frequency change-point detection in temporal complex systems, National Science Review, vol. 9, no. 4, April, Art. no. nwab228.

  37. Shijie Zhou, Ying-Cheng Lai, and Wei Lin* [2022] Stochastically adaptive control and synchronization: From globally one-sided Lipschitzian to only locally Lipschitzian systems, SIAM Journal on Applied Dynamical Systems, vol. 21, no. 2, pp. 932-959.

  38. Yukun Zou, Wei Yang*, Junjie Lai, Jiawen Hou, and Wei Lin [2022] Vaccination and quarantine effect on Covid-19 transmission dynamics incorportating Chinese-Spring-Festival travel rush: Modelling and simulations, Bulletin of Mathematical Biologyvol. 84, Art. no. 30.

  39. Haitao Song, Fang Liu, Feng Li, Xiaochun Cao, Hao Wang, , Zhongwei Jia, Huaiping Zhu, Michael Y. Li, Wei Lin, Hong Yang, Jianghong Hu, and Zhen Jin* [2022] Modeling the second outbreak of COVID-19 with isolation and contact tracingDiscrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems - Series B, vol. 27, no. 10, October, pp. 5757-5777.

  40. Xiaoge Bao, Peng Ji*, Wei Lin, Matjaž Perc, and Juergen Kurths* [2021] The impact of COVID-19 on the worldwide air transportation networkThe impact of COVID-19 on the worldwide air transportation networkRoyal Society Open Science, vol. 8, November, Art. no. 210682.

  41. Bo-Wei Qin*, Lei Zhao, and Wei Lin* [2021] A frequency-amplitude coordinator and its optimal energy consumption for biological oscillators, Nature Communications, vol. 12, Oct. 8, Art. no. 5894 .

  42. Duxin Chen, Yongzheng Sun, Wenwu Yu, Haitao Zhang, and Wei Lin* [2021] Coordinating directional switches in pigeon flocks: The role of nonlinear interactionsRoyal Society Open Science, vol. 8, September, Art. no. 210649.

  43. Yuanren Jiang and Wei Lin* [2021] The role of random structures in tissue formation: From a viewpoint of morphogenesis in stochastic systemsInternational Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos, vol. 31, No. 11, Art. no. 2150171.

  44. Yuankai Ha, Yao Guo*, and Wei Lin [2021] Non-Bayesian social learning model with periodically switching structuresCHAOSvol. 31, April, Art. no. 043137.

  45. Yiqun Dong, Jun Tao, Youmin Zhang, Wei Lin, and Jianliang Ai [2021] Deep learning in aircraft design, dynamics, and control: Review and prospectsIEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems, vol. 57, no. 4, August, pp. 2346-2368.

  46. Shijie Zhou* and Wei Lin [2021] Eliminating synchronization of coupled neurons adaptively by using feedback coupling with heterogeneous delaysCHAOSvol. 31, no. 2, February, Art. no. 023114.

  47. Kai Shi, Lingli Zhang, Juehua Yu, Zilin Chen, Shenying Lai, Xingzhong Zhao, Wei-Guang Li, Qiang Luo, Wei Lin, Jianfeng Feng, Peer Bork, Xing-Ming Zhao*, and Fei Li* [2021] A 12-genus bacterial signature identifies a group of severe autism children with differential sensory behavior and brain structuresClinical and Translational Medicinevol. 11, no. 2, February, Art. no. e314.

  48. Kunquan Lan and Wei Lin [2021] Steady-state solutions of one dimensional competition models in an unstirred chemostat  via the fixed point index theoryProceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh Section A: Mathematicsvol. 151 , no. 1, February, pp. 240 – 264.

  49. Jiawen Hou, Jie Hong, Boyun Ji, Bowen Dong, Yun Chen, Michael P. Ward, Wei Tu, Zhen Jin, Jian Hu, Qing Su, Wenge Wang, Zheng Zhao, Shuang Xiao, Jiaqi Huang, Wei Lin*, and Zhijie Zhang* [2021] Changed transmission epidemiology of COVID-19 at early stage: A nationwide population-based piecewise mathematical modelling studyTravel Medicine and Infectious Diseasesvol. 39, Art. no. 101918.   [Supplemental Materials: Changing transmission dynamics of COVID-19 in China: A nationwide population-based piecewise mathematical modeling studymedRxiv 2020:2020.03.27.20045757].

  50. Jiachen Ye, Thomas Peron, Wei Lin, Jürgen Kurths, Peng Ji* [2021] Performance measures after perturbations in the presence of inertiaCommunications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulationvol. 97, June, Art. no. 105727.

  51. Qiyang Ge, Zixin Hu, Shudi Li, Wei Lin, Li Jin, and Momiao Xiong* [2021] A novel intervention recurrent  autoencoder for real time forecasting  and non-pharmaceutical  intervention selection to curb  the spread of Covid-19 in the worldStatistics and Its Interfacevol. 14, no. 1, pp. 37-47.  full file.

  52. Qiyang Ge, Xuelin Huang, Shenying Fang, Yuanyuan Liu, Wei Lin, and Momiao Xiong* [2020], Conditional generative adversarial networks for individualized treatment effect estimation and treatment selectionFrontiers in GeneticsStatistical Genetics and Methodologyvol. 11, Art. no. 585804.

  53. Peng Ji*, Wei Lin, and Jürgen Kurths [2020] Asymptotic scaling describing signal propagation in complex networksNature PhysicsMatters Arisingvol. 16, no. 11,  1082-1083.

  54. Jiachen Ye, Peng Ji*, David Waxman, Wei Lin, and Yamir Moreno* [2020] Impact of intra and inter-cluster coupling balance on the performance of nonlinear networked systems, Chaos, Solitons & Fractalsvol. 139, Art. no. 110065.

  55. Siyang Leng, Huanfei Ma, Jürgen Kurths, Ying-Cheng Lai, Wei Lin*, Kazuyuki Aihara*, Luonan Chen* [2020] Partial cross mapping eliminates indirect causal influencesNature Communicationsvol. 11, Art. no. 2632.

  56. Leheng Fang, Jiawen Hou, Junjie Lai, Zhen Jin, Ye Yao, Na He, Zhongxue Gan, and Wei Lin* [2020] Mathematical modeling of COVID-19 spreading dynamics based on a real megapolis map: An elementary study of computational simulations and intervention strategies (in Chinese), Acta Mathematicae Applicatae Sinica (应用数学学报), vol. 43, no. 2, 382-400.

  57. Peng Ji*, Lipeng Zhu, Chao Lu, Wei Lin, and Juergen Kurths [2020] How price-based frequency regulation impacts stability in power grids: A complex network perspectivesComplexityvol. 2020, Art. no. 6297134.

  58. Kunquan Lan and Wei Lin [2020] Positive solutions of elliptic boundary value problems and applications to population dynamicsJournal of Dynamics and Differential Equationsvol. 32, 873-894.

  59. Kai Shi, Wei Lin, Xingming Zhao [2020] Identifying molecular biomarkers for diseases with machine learning based on integrative omicsIEEE/ACM Transactions on Computational Biology and Bioinformatics, Regular Paperonline.

  60. Qiang Li, Paul Schultz, Wei Lin, Jürgen Kurths, and Peng Ji* [2020]  Global and local performance metric with inertia effectsNonlinear Dynamicsvol. 102, 653-665.

  61. Yunbin Zhang, Ning Liu, Wei Lin, and Chunhe Li* [2019] Quantifying the interplay between genetic and epigenetic regulations in stem cell developmentNew Journal of Physicsvol. 21, Art. no. 103042.

  62. Qunxi Zhu, Huanfei Ma, and Wei Lin* [2019] Detecting unstable periodic orbits based only on time series: When adaptive delayed feedback control meets reservoir computingCHAOSvol. 29, no. 9, Art. no. 093125Focus Issue “When Machine Learning Meets Complex Systems: Networks, Chaos and Nonlinear Dynamics.”  full file.

  63. Shijie Zhou, Yao Guo, Maoxing Liu, Ying-Cheng Lai, and Wei Lin* [2019] Random temporal connections promote network synchronizationPhysical Review Evol. 100, Art. no. 032302full file.

  64. Lijia Chen, Peng Ji*, David Waxman, Wei Lin, and Jürgen Kurths [2019] Effects of dynamical and structural modifications on synchronizationCHAOSvol. 29, no. 8, Art. no. 083131.

  65. Qunxi Zhu and Wei Lin* [2019] Stabilizing Boolean networks by optimal event-triggered feedback controlSystems & Control Lettersvol. 126, 40-47.

  66. Chiyu Pan, Yuanren Jiang, Qunxi Zhu, and Wei Lin* [2019] Emergent dynamics of coordinated cells with time delays in a tissueCHAOSFast Trackvol. 29, Art. no. 031101.

  67. Kunquan Lan and Wei Lin [2019] Systems of elliptic boundary value problems and applications to competition modelsApplied Mathematics Lettersvol. 90, 86-92.

  68. Kunquan Lan and Wei Lin [2019] Lyapunov type inequalities for Hammerstein integral equations and applications to population dynamicsDiscrete & Continuous Dynamical Systems-Bvol. 24, no. 4, 1943-1960.

  69. Fuli Dai, Shijie Zhou, Thomas Peron, Wei Lin, and Peng Ji* [2018] Interplay among inertia, time delay and frustration on synchronization dynamicsPhysical Review Evol. 98, art. no. 052218.

  70. Huanfei Ma, Siyang Leng, Kazuyuki Aihara*, Wei Lin*, and Luonan Chen* [2018] Randomly distributed embedding making short-term high-dimensional data predictableProceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of Americavol. 115, no. 43, E9994-E10002 (open access).

  71. Le-Heng Fang, Wei Lin*, and Qiang Luo [2018]  Brain-inspired constructive learning algorithms with evolutionally additive nonlinear neuronsInternational Journal of Bifurcation and Chaosvol. 28, no. 5, Article no. 1850068full file.

  72. Junjie Jiang, Zigang Huang, Thomas P. Seager, Wei Lin, Celso Grebogi, Alan Hastings*, and Ying-Cheng Lai* [2018] Predicting tipping points in mutualistic networks through dimension reductionProceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of Americavol. 115, no. 4, E639-E647full file.

  73. Yao Guo, Wei Lin*, and Guanrong Chen [2018] Stability of switched systems on randomly switching durations with random interaction matricesIEEE Transaction on Automatic ControlRegular Papervol. 63, no. 1, 21-36full file.

  74. Yongzheng Sun, Siyang Leng, Ying-Cheng Lai, Celso Grebogi, and Wei Lin* [2017] Closed-loop control of complex networks: A trade-off between time and energyPhysical Review Lettersvol. 119, Article no. 198301.full file.

  75. Huanfei Ma, Siyang Leng, Chenyang Tao, Xiong Ying, Jürgen Kurths, Ying-Cheng Lai, and Wei Lin[2017] Detection of time delays and directional interactions based on time series from complex dynamical systemsPhysical Review Evol. 96 (1), Article no. 012221full file.

  76. Shijie Zhou, Peng Ji, Qing Zhou, Jianfeng Feng, Jürgen Kurths, and Wei Lin* [2017] Adaptive elimination of synchronization in coupled oscillatorNew Journal of Physicsvol. 19, Article no. 083004.  full file.

  77. Wei Lin, Xin Chen, and Shijie Zhou [2017] Achieving control and synchronization merely through a stochastically adaptive feedback couplingCHAOSvol. 27, Article no. 073110full file.

  78. Pan Li, Wei Lin, and Konstantinos Efstathiou [2017] Isochronous dynamics in pulse coupled oscillator networks with delayCHAOSvol. 27 (5), Article no. 053103.

  79. Yao Guo, Wei Lin*, Yuming Chen, and Jianhong Wu [2017], Instability in time-delayed switched systems induced by fast and random switchingJournal of Differential Equationsvol. 263 (2), 880-909.

  80. Kunquan Lan and Wei Lin [2017] Population models with quasi-constant-yield harvest ratesMathematical Biosciences and Engineeringvol. 14 (2), 467-490.

  81. Yao Guo, Wei Lin*, and Daniel W. C. Ho  [2016] Discrete-time systems with random switches: From systems stability to networks synchronizationCHAOSvol. 26 (3), Article no. 033113.

  82. Wei Cheng, Edmund T. Rolls, Jiang Qiu, Wei Liu, Yanqing Tang, Chu-Chung Huang, XinFa Wang, Jie Zhang, Wei Lin, Lirong Zheng, JunCai Pu, Shih-Jen Tsai, Albert C. Yang, Ching-Po Lin, Fei Wang, Peng Xie, Jianfeng Feng* [2016] Medial reward and lateral non-reward orbitofrontal cortex circuits change in opposite directions in depressionBrainvol. 139 (12) 3296-3309.

  83. Pei Yu and Wei Lin [2016] Complex dynamics in biological systems arising from multiple limit cycle bifurcationJournal of Biological Dynamicsvol. 10 (1), pp. 263-285.

  84. Siyang Leng, Wei Lin*, and Jürgen Kurths [2016] Basin stability for delayed dynamicsScientific Reportsvol. 6, Article no. 21449.

  85. Kunquan Lan and Wei Lin [2016] Uniqueness of nonzero positive solutions of Laplacian elliptic equations arising in combustion theoryDiscrete and Continuous Dynamical System-Bvol. 21, no. 3, pp. 849-861.

  86. Huanfei Ma, Daniel W. C. Ho, Ying-Cheng Lai, and Wei Lin* [2015] Detection meeting control: Unstable steady states in high-dimensional nonlinear dynamical systemsPhysical Review Evol. 92 (4), Article no. 042902.

  87. Yongzheng Sun* and Wei Lin* [2015] A Positive role of multiplicative noise on the emergence of flocking in a stochastic Cucker-Smale systemCHAOS, vol. 25, Article no. 083118.

  88. Bing Xu and Wei Lin* [2015] Parameters identification by a piecewise adaptive rule with a fractional powerInternational Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos, vol. 25 (12), Article no. 1550166.

  89. Chengwen Chen, Ye Yao, Liang Zhang, Minjie Xu, Jianping Jiang, Tonghai Dou, Wei Lin, Guoping Zhao, Minren Huang, and Yan Zhou* [2015], A comprehensive analysis of the transcriptomes of Marssonina brunnea and infected poplar leaves to capture vital events in host-pathogen interactionsPLoS ONE, vol. 10 (7), Article no. e0134246.

  90. Jun Guo, Wei Wang, Zhi-cheng Sun, Xin-sheng Wu, Mei Hao, Jian-long Ge, Pan-tong Yao, Jian-bing Zhu, Wei Lin, and Lei Xue* [2015] A three-pool model dissecting readily releasable pool replenishment at the calyx of held, Scientific Reportsvol. 5, Article no. 9517.

  91. Yongzheng Sun*, Wei Lin*, and  Radek Erban* [2014] Time delay can facilitate coherence in self-driven interacting particle systemsPhysical Review Evol. 90, Article no. 062708.

  92. Tian Ge, Xiaoying Tian, Jürgen Kurths, Jianfeng Feng, and Wei Lin* [2014] Achieving modulated oscillations by feedback controlPhysical Review Evol. 90, Article no. 022909.

  93. Xiaoxi Ji, Yu Wu, Wenbo Sheng, and Wei Lin* [2014] Identification of interactions in fractional-order systems with high dimensionsCHAOS, vol. 24, Article no. 023119.

  94. Huanfei Ma and Wei Lin* [2013] Realization of parameters identification in nonautonomous and only locally Lipschitzian dynamical systems with multiple types of time delays,  SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization, vol. 51, p. 3692-3721.

  95. Huanfei Ma, Wei Lin*, and Ying-Cheng Lai [2013] Detecting unstable periodic orbits in high-dimensional chaotic systems from time series: Reconstruction meeting with adaptationPhysical Review ERapid Communicationvol. 87, Article no. 050901 (R).

  96. Wei Lin*, Yang Pu, Yao Guo, and Jürgen Kurths [2013] Oscillation suppression and synchronization: Frequencies determine the role of control with time delays,  Europhysics Letters (EPL)vol. 102, Article no. 20003Supplementary information.

  97. Zhang Chen and Wei Lin [2013] Square-mean weighted pseudo almost automorphic solutions for non-autonomous stochastic evolution equations,  Journal de Mathématiques Pures et Appliquéesvol. 100, p. 476-504.

  98. Kunquan Lan and Wei Lin [2013] Positive solutions of systems of Caputo fractional differential equationsCommunications in Applied Analysisvol. 17, p. 61-86.

  99. Tian Ge, Yindong Cui, Wei Lin*, Jürgen Kurths, and Chong Liu [2012] Characterizing time series: When Granger causality triggers complex networksNew Journal of Physicsvol. 14, Article no. 083028.

  100. Yao Guo, Wei Lin*, and Miguel A.F. Sanjuan [2012] The efficiency of a random and fast switch in complex dynamical systemsNew Journal of Physicsvol. 14, Article no. 083022.

  101. Yu Wu, Wenlian Lu, Wei Lin, Gareth Leng, and Jianfeng Feng* [2012] Bifurcations of emergent bursting in a neuronal networkPLoS ONEvol. 7, Article no. e38402.

  102. Tian Ge, Wei Lin*, and Jianfeng Feng [2012] Invariance principles allowing of non-Lyapunov functions for estimating attractor of discrete dynamical systemsIEEE Transaction on Automatic Controlvol. 57, pp. 500.

  103. Yu Wu and Wei Lin* [2011] Adaptively locating unknown steady states: Formalism and basin of attractionPhysics Letters Avol. 375, pp. 3279.

  104. Jing Kang, Bing Xu, Ye Yao, Wei Lin, Conor Hennessy, Peter Fraser, and Jianfeng Feng* [2011] A dynamical model reveals gene colocalizations in nucleusPLoS Computational Biologyvol. 7, Article no. e1002094.

  105. Andreas W.M. Dress and Wei Lin [2011] Dynamics of a discrete-time model of an “ideal-storage” system describing hetero-catalytic processes on metal surfaces, International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaosvol. 21, pp. 1331.

  106. Zhang Chen and Wei Lin [2011] Square-mean pseudo almost automorphic process and its application to stochastic evolution equationsJournal of Functional Analysisvol. 261, pp. 69.

  107. Kunquan Lan and Wei Lin [2011] Multiple positive solutions of systems of Hammerstein integral equations with applications to fractional differential equationsJournal of the London Mathematical Societyvol. 83, pp. 449.

  108. Kunquan Lan and Wei Lin [2011] A variational inequality index for condensing maps in Hilbert spaces and applications to semilinear elliptic inequalitiesNonlinear Analysis: T. M. A., vol. 74, pp. 5415.

  109. Wei Lin, Huanfei Ma, Jianfeng Feng, and Guanrong Chen [2010] Locating unstable periodic orbits: When adaptation integrates into delayed feedback control, Physical Review Evol. 82, Art. No. 046214.

  110. Huanfei Ma, Bing Xu, Wei Lin*, and Jianfeng Feng [2010] Adaptive identification of time delays in nonlinear dynamical modelsPhysical Review E, vol. 82, Art. No. 066210.

  111. Wei Lin* and Huanfei Ma [2010] Synchronization between adaptively coupled systems with discrete and distributed time-delays, IEEE Transactions on Automatic ControlRegular Papervol. 55, pp. 819.

  112. Wei Lin [2010] Comment on “Adaptive steady-state stabilization for nonlinear dynamical systems”Physical Review Evol. 81, Art. No. 038201.

  113. Wenyong Zhong and Wei Lin* [2010] Time-scale-dependent criteria for the existence of positive solutions to p-Laplacian multipoint boundary value problemAdvance in Difference Equationsvol. 2010, Article ID 746106, 20 pages.

  114. Wei Lin* and Guanrong Chen [2009] Large memory capacity in chaotic artificial neural networks: A view of the anti-integrable limit, IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks, Regular Papervol. 20, pp.1340.

  115. Huanfei Ma and Wei Lin* [2009] Nonlinear adaptive synchronization rule for identification of a large amount of parameters in dynamical modelsPhysics Letters Avol. 374, pp. 161.

  116. Wenyong Zhong and Wei Lin* [2009] Existence of positive solutions in generalized boundary value problem for p-Laplacian dynamic equations on time scalesAdvances in Difference Equationsvol. 2009, Art. ID 848191.

  117. Zi-Yin Shen, Jianhua Huang, Wei Linet al. [2009] Transition of studying on Shen deficiency syndrome and aging from holistic concept to systematic biology viewpointChinese Journal of Integrated Traditional and Western Medicine, vol. 29, pp. 548 (In Chinese).

  118. Wei Lin [2008] Realization of synchronization in time-delayed systems with stochastic perturbation, Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoreticalvol. 41, Art. No. 235101.

  119. Qing Ding and Wei Lin [2008] The transmission property of the discrete Heisenberg ferromagnetic spin chainJournal of Mathematical Physicsvol. 49, Art. No. 093501.

  120. Wei Lin [2008] Chaos control and synchronization in only locally Lipschitz systemsPhysics Letters Avol. 372, pp. 3195.

  121. Zi-Yin Shen, Xin-Min Zhang, Wei Linet al. [2008] Establishment of a quantitative mathematical model of Shen-deficiency syndrome based on whole-genome transcriptional profilesChinese Journal of Integrated Traditional and Western Medicine, vol. 28, pp. 131 (In Chinese).

  122. Wei Lin and Huanfei Ma [2007] Failure of parameter identification based on adaptive synchronization techniquesPhysical Review Evol. 75, Art. No. 066212.

  123. Wei Lin, Jianhong Wu, and Guanrong Chen [2007] Generalized snap-back repeller and semi-conjugacy to shift operators of piecewise continuous transformations, Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems-Series Avol. 19, pp.103.

  124. Wei Lin [2007] Global existence theory and chaos control of fractional differential equationsJournal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, vol. 332, pp. 709.

  125. Zhang Chen, Wei Lin*, and Jie Zhou [2007] Complete and generalized synchronization in a class of noise perturbed chaotic systemsCHAOSvol. 17, Art. No. 023106.

  126. Wenyong Zhong, Wei Lin*, and Jiong Ruan [2007] The generalized invariance principle for dynamic equations on time scalesApplied Mathematics and Computationvol. 184, pp. 557.

  127. Wei Lin and Guanrong Chen [2006] Using white noise to enhance synchronization of coupled chaotic systems, CHAOSvol. 16, Art. No. 013134.

  128. Wei Lin and Guanrong Chen [2006] Heteroclinical repellers imply chaosInternational Journal of Bifurcation and Chaosvol. 16, pp. 1471.

  129. Chen Wu, Jiong Ruan, and Wei Lin [2006] Existence and stability of periodic solution in the delayed Cohen-Grossberg neural network with high-order termsApplied Mathematics and Computation, vol. 177, pp. 194.

  130. Wei Lin [2005] Description of complex dynamics in a class of impulsive differential equationsChaos, Solitons & Fractalsvol. 25, no. 5, pp. 1007-1017.

  131. Wei Lin and Yangbo He [2005] Complete synchronization of the noise-perturbed Chua’s circuitsCHAOSvol. 15, Art. No. 023705.


      Editorial published in peer-reviewed journal where acting as a role of Guest Editor.

  1. Yang Tang*, Wei Lin, Chenguang Yang, Nicola Gatti, and Gary G. Yen [2024] Guest editorial special issue on Cognitive Learning of Multiagent SystemsIEEE Transactions on Cognitive and Developmental Systems, Editorial, vol. 16, no. 1, Feb. 02, pp. 4-7.

  2. Yang Tang, Jürgen Kurths*, Wei Lin, Edward Ott, Ljupco Kocarev [2020] Introduction to Focus Issue: When machine learning meets complex systems: Networks, chaos, and nonlinear dynamicsCHAOSEditorialvol. 30, no. 6,  Art. no. 063151.


Selected articles published and/or accepted, or submitted to peer-reviewed conferences/workshops.

  1. Qunxi Zhu* and Wei Lin [2024] Switched flow matching: Eliminating singularities via switching ODEs41st International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML 2024), accepted May 2.

  2. Jingdong Zhang, Luan Yang, Qunxi Zhu* and Wei Lin* [2024]  FESSNC: Fast exponentially stable and safe neural controller41st International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML 2024), accepted May 2.

  3. Xin Li, Jingdong Zhang, Qunxi Zhu*, Chengli Zhao*, Xue Zhang, Xiaojun Duan, and Wei Lin [2024] From Fourier to neural ODEs: Flow matching for modeling complex systems41st International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML 2024), accepted May 2.

  4. Dongyan Sui, Chun Guan, Zhongxue Gan, Wei Lin, and Siyang Leng [2023] Tuning convergence rate via non-Bayesian social learning: A trade-off between internal belief and external information,  62nd IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (IEEE CDC 2023), Regular Paper, July 12, accetped.

  5. Jingdong Zhang, Qunxi Zhu*, Wei Yang*, and Wei Lin* [2023] SYNC: Safety-aware neural control for stablizing stochastic delay-differential equations11th International Conference on Learning Representations (ICLR 2023), accepted as a Poster.

  6. Jingdong Zhang, Qunxi Zhu*, and Wei Lin* [2022] Hamiltonian neural Koopman operatorThe Symbiosis of Deep Learning and Differential Equations Workshop DLDE @ NeurIPS 2022, accepted. full file  

  7. Jingdong Zhang, Qunxi Zhu*, and Wei Lin* [2022] Neural stochastic control, 36th Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS 2022), accepted. full file

  8. Qunxi Zhu*, Yifei Shen, Dongsheng Li, and Wei Lin* [2022] Neural piecewise-constant delay differential equations36th AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI 2022), accepted. full file

  9. Qunxi Zhu*, Yao Guo*, and Wei Lin* [2021] Neural delay differential equations9th International Conference on Learning Representations (ICLR 2021), accepted as a Poster, full file.

  10. Chenyang Tao, Wei Lin, and Jianfeng Feng [2015] Reconstruction of excitatory neuronal connectivity via metric score pooling and regularizationProceedings of Machine Learning Research (PMLR): Workshop and Conference ProceedingsNeural connectomics workshop at ECML 2014 (vol. 46: 57-66, edited by: D. Battaglia, I. Guyon, V. Lemaire, and J. Soriano).   Also published in book: Neural Connectomics ChallengeThe Springer Series on Challenges in Machine LearningSpringer, 2017.


  • Ruo-yu Luo, Mushuang Hu, Wei Lin, Jiaheng Ying, Yang Yu, Yan Wang, Ning Fang, Lingchong You, and Li Jin [2017], Glycolytic reprogramming in cancer cells: PKM2 dimer predominance induced by pulsatile PFK-1 activity.

  • Zhang Chen, Wei Lin, and Xiaodong Zuo [2015], Random attractor for three-dimensional and globally-modified Navier-Stokes equations with finite memory and stochastic perturbations.

  • Qiyang Ge, Zixin Hu, Kai Zhang, Shudi Li, Wei Lin, Li Jin, and Momiao Xiong, Recurrent neural reinforcement learning for counterfactual evaluation of public health interventions on the spread of Covid-19 in the world, preprint (2021).

  • Wei Lin* and Tian Ge, Engineering oscillators in discrete biological systems: Theory and methods for amplitude and frequency modulation, preprint.



* represents the corresponding author of a paper.