- Stability and strength of atomically thin borophene from first principles calculations.-Materials Research Letters-2017-01-01-5
- Light transport in quasi-one-dimensional disordered waveguides composed of locally two-dimensional random square lattices.-Journal of Modern Optics-2017-01-01-64
- Thickness dependence of a giant nonlinear saturable absorption response in GeSb4Te7 thin films.-Journal of Physics Communications-2018-01-01-2
- Characterization of interfacial barrier charging as a resistive switching mechanism in Ag/Sb2Te3/Ag heterojunctions.-Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics-2018-01-01-20
- The role of Anderson's rule in determining electronic, optical and transport properties of transition metal dichalcogenide heterostructures.-Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics-2018-01-01-20
- Modeling and analysis of sub-aperture tool influence functions for polishing curved surfaces.-Precision Engineering-Journal of the International Societies For Precision Engineering and Nanotechnology-2018-01-01-51
- Correction of phase-shifting error in wavelength scanning digital holographic microscopy.-MEASUREMENT SCIENCE and TECHNOLOGY-2018-01-01-29
- Structural and Optical Properties of Ti-Doped InTe Thin Films.-Journal of Physical Chemistry C-2018-01-01-122
- First-Principles Study of Manipulating the Phonon Transport of Molybdenum Disulfide by Sodium Intercalating.-Journal of Physical Chemistry C-2018-01-01-122
- Room-Temperature Bound Exciton with Long Lifetime in Monolayer GaN.-ACS Photonics-2018-01-01-5