English 复旦大学  





2020年10月,第七届国际 华中-华东地区生物信息学研讨会,大会报告,“儿童多动症和睡眠问题的多尺度分析”。


2020 年7月,北京大学时杰教授团队学术交流“精神疾病发育形成机制的群体神经科学研究”。

Lingli Zhang, Qiang Luo*, Fei Li, Trevor Robbins, Reduced frontopolar volume links childhood trauma to adulthood obesity, Poster presentation. The 26th Annual Meeting of the Organization for Human Brain Mapping (OHBM 2020), June 23-July 3, 2020, Online.

Yi Zhang, Qiang Luo*, Jianfeng Feng, Barbara Sahakian, Edward Bullmore, Brain Gendeere Spectrum, Oral presentation. The 26th Annual Meeting of the Organization for Human Brain Mapping (OHBM 2020), June 23-July 3, 2020, Online.

2019年11月先后与剑桥大学心理系主任Mark Johnson教授、社会心理学首席教授Sarah-Jane Blackmore博士 、精神病系Peter Jones教授、Paul Fletcher教授研究组,以及伦敦国王学院Gunter Schumann教授研究组进行学术交流;

2019年5月在伦敦国王学院Social Genetic and Developmental Psychiatry Centre作报告“A Computational Approach to Adolescent Brain Development in the Context of Schizophrenia”(https://ioppandn.newsweaver.com/IOPPN/ejluvgvygo114elye8dugo?email=true&a=2&p=54950472&t=28619619);




2019年3月19-20日在牛津大学参加英国医学科学院组织的‘The developing brain in health and disease’多学科交叉学术会议(https://acmedsci.ac.uk/policy/policy-projects/the-developing-brain-in-health-and-disease);

2019年3月在剑桥大学心理系作报告“A Computational Approach to Adolescent Brain Development in the Context of Schizophrenia”(http://talks.cam.ac.uk/talk/index/121924);

2019年2月14日 在克莱尔研学堂访问学者讲座上作报告“A Population Neuroscience Approach to Understand Adolescent Brain Development and its Implications for Health”(报告信息可见该学院网站:https://www.clarehall.cam.ac.uk/events/thursday-lunchtime-talk-17

Dynamic Brain Network Among Key Brain Regions during a Bargaining,复杂神经环路与神经功能网络建模专题,第二届中国系统科学大会,2018年5月,北京

时变条件下的因果推断,2017清华大学青年统计学者论坛, 2017年11月,北京

Computational and geospatial approaches to brain development in adolescents, 2017 IMAGEN and GIGA meetings, Oct 2017, Rome.

Direct and undirected network in neuroimaging data analysis. Brain Mapping Unit, Department of Psychiatry, University of Cambridge, Oct 2017, Cambridge


Imaging genetics in adolescents. The International Symposium on “The impact of oxytocin on prosocial behavior: a multi-methodological approach”, Aug 2016, Chengdu.

罗强,M Bhatt, R Montague, Jianfeng Feng. Goal-dependent modulation of effective connectivity during a two-party bargaining game. Poster presentation. The 18th Annual Meeting of the Organization for Human Brain Mapping (OHBM 2012), June 10-14, 2012, Beijing, China.

罗强, R. Hamer, G. Reinert, C.M. Deane. Detecting specificity residues in protein interactions. Poster presentation. 17th Annual International Conference on Intelligent Systems for Molecular Biology (ISMB) & 8th European Conference on Computational Biology (ECCB), Stockholm, Sweden, June 27-July 2, 2009.

罗强,易东云. Interaction Detection via Probabilistic Fuzzy Logic for Coupled Dynamical Systems. In: the proceeding of the 5th International Conference on Fuzzy Systems and Knowledge Discovery (FSKD’08),pp.54-58, IEEE publisher, 18-20 October, 2008, Jinan, China.

P Liu,Q Luo,W Yang,D Yi. The Learning Algorithm for a Novel Fuzzy Neural Network,D. -S. Huang, K. Li, and G. W. Irwin (Eds.): ICIC2006,LNCS4113,2006: 247–258.

罗强. Predicting inter-domain contact sites using local network information. CABDyN (Complex Agent Based Dynamical Networks) Summer Workshops, Keble College, University of Oxford, Summer, 2010.