- End-to-End 3D Dense Captioning with Vote2Cap-DETR -2023 IEEE/CVF CONFERENCE ON COMPUTER VISION AND PATTERN RECOGNITION (CVPR) -2023-01-01
- β-DARTS++: Bi-level Regularization for Proxy-robust Differentiable Architecture Search -arXiv -2023-01-01
- A Large-Scale Outdoor Multi-modal Dataset and Benchmark for Novel View Synthesis and Implicit Sce... -2023-01-01
- COMP-GAN: Compositional generative adversarial network in synthesizing and recognizing facial exp... -MM 2019 - PROCEEDINGS OF THE 27TH ACM INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON MULTIMEDIA -2019-01-01
- SS-HCNN: Semi-Supervised Hierarchical Convolutional Neural Network for Image Classification -IEEE Transactions on Image Processing -2019-01-01 -28